Mr. Shan was not willing to return to Kyoto because her mother was seriously ill. She could only end her wandering life outside and return to Kyoto. Because of her mother, she did not want to leave again. She wanted to settle down for a quiet life. At the beginning, she was forced to leave Kyoto by the emperor, and now... probably no longer remember who she is.

The sneer of self-deprecating sneer at the corner of her mouth, she was nosy at all.

"Mr. Shan, you are back." I haven't returned to the yard where I live, and her ring has already come up.

"Go back earlier today." The acquaintance said that although she had prepared a room for her, she rarely stayed at Lujia for the night.

"Yes, Mr. Shan."

Ye Hao, who is in the palace, already knows that Lu Tingzhi is coming back. She is sitting here near the Murong Zhan, who is going back to Yongshou Palace early here. He told him about this. "... Lu Tingzhi is the brother of Lu Yizhi, I want to call him. A second brother, I don’t know how to actually go back to Jinguo. I have already resigned in the official position of Qi State. What do you mean by him?"

On the top of Lu Tingzhi is Lu Yizhi. Below is a younger sister, Lu Shuanger. It is difficult for Ye Hao to think about his return to the good side, especially when Lu Shiming wants to take care of him and arrange for their family to live in their own home. I can't feel the mood easily.

Who knows what purpose Lu Tingzhi has come back.

What if you want to avenge Lu Yizhi and Lu Shuanger?

“Fuck father wants them to live at home?” Murong Chong put down the memorial in his hand and looked up to see her a pretty face of concern.

"Yes, I feel that Lu Tingzhi is the only descendant of Lujia Dafang. I must take care of them. Moreover, she is as good as her mother. Although Liu was not good to our family at the beginning, it has not been taken care of for so many years. Ye Hao said with a frown.

Murong Zhan reached out and stroked the wrinkles between her eyebrows. "The father-in-law is not a person who has no idea. Since he made this decision, he must know what to do. What did Lu Tingzhi do in Qiguo?"

Ye Hao thought for a moment. "It seems to be the reading of the Hanlin Academy. When he left Jinguo, he participated in the imperial examination in Qi State... It seems to be a flower lang."

At the beginning, Murong Zhan sentenced Lu Yizhi to the wasteland. Liu Shi went to Lu Tingzhi regardless of everything. Later, he went to Qiguo, probably the ability of Lu Yizhi. "There is one thing that I have not told you."

What Ye Haozhi said yesterday made Ye Hao very shocked. She had been digesting for a long time to figure out the relationship. I planned to tell him last night. Who knows that he was busy last night and was not in the dry house.

"What's the matter?" Mo Rongzhan asked with a smile. He didn't come back last night. He came to see her early today. Since she was separated from her for a few years, he now wants to take her with her every day, afraid of one. Can't see her and disappeared again.

"When I was in Chengde Mountain Villa, people went to check the things of Lu's family. I didn't expect it to be shocked when I found out." Ye Hao whispered, telling Murong Zhan all the words of Lu Yizhi yesterday. ... Although the person who knew this thing died, and the evidence proves the life of Lu Yizhi, I think he should be the one who is born, not the son of Liu, but the descendant of Pan."

Mo Rongzhan’s face was gloomy. When he heard that Lu Jiazeng’s grandfather returned to his hometown, he had already guessed that he might have saved the Pan family. Who would like to have such a thing behind it? “You suspect that Lu Yizhi already knows his own. After the life, I got the salt field left by Pan’s original?"

"If it is only Yantian, it is nothing. Since the Yantian was accepted as the court's jurisdiction, the private salt business could not be done brightly and will not make money as before. I am worried that it is not just Yantian. For so many years, who knows Panjia In the end, how many people are alive, and what has been done in the dark. When I was in the cold, I suspected him. So I will raise a group of diehards to follow him. How do you think how strange it is." Ye said The worse the face.

"So, you suspect that he is still alive, don't know what to do in the dark." Murong Zhan is the best to know Ye Hao, see her face, and immediately know what she is worried about.

Ye Hao gently nodded. "I have this suspicion."

Murong Chan gently squatted in her arms. "I didn't know that Lu Yizhi had this relationship with Pan. Now that I know it, it is much easier to check. If he is still alive, there will always be. ”

"I only worry that Lu Tingzhi's appearance is related to him." Ye Hao sighed, she actually wanted Lu Shiming to ignore these people's lives, but she felt that Lu Shiming would not agree.

"If you are really worried, then find time to talk to your father-in-law." Murong Zhan knows what she is worried about. If she is Lu Shiming's biological daughter, she can naturally stop without worry, and she is Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was really annoyed, and he scratched his chest a few times. "You should kill him at the beginning!"

Murong Zhan smiled and grabbed her little hand. "It’s weird, let him survive and become a scourge."

"I will go out to the palace tomorrow." Ye Hao knew that he was not convinced by Murong Zhan. At that time, he was exiled to Lu Yu, and his martial arts and his legs were abolished. Whoever thought he could survive later, but also Healed the meridians of his body and said that he was lucky.

She did not believe that Lu Yizhi’s luck could have been so good.

Murong Chan held her in her arms, and the dark and dark scorpion flashed a touch of cold, Lu Yanzhi! Actually have a relationship with Pan!

If he finds his whereabouts again, he must kill him completely this time.

"Well, I don't hinder you from playing the game." Ye Hao looked up from his arms. She said something to her tangled things. She was not so annoyed. She knew that he was very busy recently, and she didn't want to be obstructed here. he.

Murong's thin lips released a smile, "Is there something to be found in the Yuan Dynasty?"

"Send some discounts, I looked at it, there is nothing big, it's some small things." Ye Hao said, she looked at him. "I am lazy every day here, I am afraid I don't want to go to the Yuan Dynasty." ""

"Then don't go." Murong Zhan said, "You can afford to support you."

Ye Hao chuckled and kissed him on his cheek. "After a few years, I gave Yuan to Yu."

"Ming Yu... I am lazy and playful than you." Murong Zhan reluctantly let his daughter go so tired that day.

"I gave Mingyu, will Mingyu transfer to Mingxi, that is the thing of Mingyu." Ye Hao blinked at him, she actually hoped that the world would be unified, but the Yuanguo could not be from her hands. It is handed over to Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan smiled and licked her head.

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