When he invited Huangfu to the palace, Ye Hao knew that not only Huangfu came, but Zhao Tianqi and Shui Miaomiao also came along.

"How did the two of you come?" Ye Hao looked at them in surprise. When she left the Yuan Dynasty, they were discussing marriage. This time they should be married. Zhao Tianyi is not going to take the water seedlings to Zhaojiadao. ? How did I go to Kyoto with Huangfu?

"Scorpio, I have not been to Kyoto City, so Ah Tian took me to play for a few days, then went to Zhaojiadao." The face of Miao Miao Jiaojiao's pretty white face is red, she has married Zhao Tianyi, after marriage The life is as sweet as she wants, she wants to go to Kyoto, Zhao Tianyi comes with her without saying anything.

Ye Hao originally liked the water seedlings, she said with a smile, "then live in Kyoto, and then go to Zhaojiadao after the end of the year."

Huangfu stood by and looked at them silently.

"Master, let you come to Kyoto at this time, hard work for you." Ye Hao turned to the emperor.

"Nothing, I also like two children." Huangfu really does not want to go back to Kyoto. It is his own selfishness. However, he has already wanted to understand on this road. Since he decided not to return to China, he has some things. I have to face it, she has already given birth to a child with Murong Zhan, and they love each other. He should not have extra thoughts. He stayed here as a teacher of Ming Xi and Ming Yu, watching her children grow up healthily. Will suffice.

Seeing Huangpu did not seem to mind staying in Kyoto, and he was relieved in his heart. "Ming Xi has been thinking about why you haven't come yet. If you know that you are in Kyoto, he will be very happy."

Huangfu heard a slight smile.

"Master, I have already mentioned that you have prepared the house, not big, but the place is quiet and elegant, Master should like it." Ye Hao said, she knows that Huangfu has a residence in Kyoto, but Shilipu is too far from the palace, every day. It takes too much time to go back and forth.

"Thank you for your love." Huangfu did not refuse. Although he preferred Shilipo, he did not care where he lived in order to teach Mingxi and Mingyu.

Zhao Tianyi was afraid that the water seedlings would live in the palace and immediately said, "Then we don't have to live in the inn, just stay with Mr. Huang."

"I..." The water seedlings have not yet answered, and the voice of the child is heard outside.

Mingxi and Mingyu knew that Huangfu had come, and they came to Yongshou Palace after class.

In fact, Ming Yu had already forgotten what Huangfu looked like. He only listened to his brother from time to time, and his impression was vague. He saw his brother rushing to Yongshou Palace after class, and she followed it with enthusiasm.

Two children who are not similar but who are also the same in the hall, seem to make the whole hall shine a lot.

"Ming Xi, Ming Yu?" The water seedlings and nursery rounded their eyes, and they didn't meet for more than half a year. The two children who grew up watching her grew up so much, and they looked even more beautiful.

"Too Fu." All said that the child is forgetful, sometimes he forgets it when he has not seen it for a few months, but Mingxi’s memory completely inherits Ye Hao. He still recognizes Huangfu at a glance, and his beautiful face is smiling and walking. I gave a ceremony to Huangfu.

Ming Yu looked at the Huangfu, and looked at the water seedlings. It only had a vague impression. When she saw her brother salute, she followed the past.

The emperor’s eyes floated with a gentle smile, raising his hand and rubbing the head of Yan Mingyu. “The teacher will continue to teach you later.”

I heard that I was going to give them a class. The smile on the face of Ming Yu’s face was gone. She didn’t like class at all.

"Mingyu, do you still remember me?" Miao Miaomiao likes Mingyu. She used to like to hold Mingyu. Now she sees that the little girl has grown into a jade, and the pink face is so eager to take a sip. She feels that it is right to come to Kyoto this time.

Ming Yu looked at the seedlings with a pair of bright eyes, and there was an impression in his mind. "Miao Miao sister..."

The heart of the water seedlings is called crisp, and a pair of Mingyu is held in his arms. "Mingyu still remembers me? Miao Miaojie can miss you."

"Too Fu, when are you going to teach us to class?" Ming Xi looked up and looked forward to seeing Huangfu.

"I will enter the palace tomorrow, is it good?" Huangfu whispered and smiled, looking at the small face that Mingxi looked forward to.

Ming Xie showed a shallow smile, "Good."

"Miao Miao sister, I will take you to see my palace." Ming Yu and Shui Miao seedlings have been together for a while, and have found the original familiarity.

Zhao Tianyi knew that the Queen's Empress must have something to ask about Huangfu, and then went down with the water seedlings.

"Master, there is nothing in Wangducheng?" Although Ye Hao received the memorial, in addition to some trivial things, Wang Ducheng did not have any major events, but the memorial was returned to the memorial, she still wants to listen to Huangfu.

Huangfu said with a smile, "No, Li Jiazong's room has not been able to turn the waves. Those families are now only trying to suppress the cold door, and there is nothing to reproduce. You can rest assured."

"If they dare to make a living, the court will have no place for them to stand." Ye Hao snorted and heard that the city of Wangdu was stable. She was relieved. I don't have to hurry back. There is still Kyoto. Many things have not been done, and she has not yet thought of returning to the Yuan.

Ye Hao asked other things on the court.

As a Taifu, Huangfu did not enter the cabinet, but they all respected his opinions and asked him if he encountered any difficult problems.

As time passed, Huangfu whispered something, and Ming Xi listened silently. After the mother did not call him away, he wanted him to listen.

"Father's Emperor!" Mingxi's eyes swept to a familiar voice, and the smile shouted.

"Yeah." Murong Zhan strode in, and the narrow, deep scorpion looked at the emperor. "Is Mr. Huangfu going to Kyoto?"

Huangfu got up and salute, "The emperor."

Murong Zhan glanced at him. In fact, if there are other better choices, Murong Chan does not really want to return to the emperor. He may not see it, but he can see it. The emperor is not a teacher at all. The feeling of life, but Mingxi likes him to teach classes.

"Emperor, Tianzhu, Chen just returned to Kyoto, there are still many things to arrange, first retire." Huangfu should say to Ye Hao, and will enter the palace tomorrow to teach Mingxi, he will go back to arrange .

Ye Hao said, "I let people send you back."

Huangfu did not refuse. He did not return to Shilipo today and lived in the city.

On the other side, Mingyu had a good time with the water seedlings, and she was reluctant to leave the seedlings. Finally, the seedlings stayed with her, she was happy.

Zhao Tianqi’s daughter-in-law was detained by the princess. He couldn’t smile on his face. He followed the imperial concubine out of the palace with regret, and regretted that he had entered the palace with the water seedlings.

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