In the blink of an eye, when Murong Zhan sealed the pen, the Chinese New Year rested for eight days. The sixth day was reopened on the pen. The ink was hard to get idle. In the morning, he opened his eyes and didn’t get up. He looked down at the leaves that slept on his shoulders. The thin lips floated a little smile, and he asked her a few degrees last night. It was about to stop in the early hours of the morning, and he couldn’t complain that he wanted to succeed. She first provoked him.

I dare to suspect that he is old!

Murong Chan bit her on her round shoulders. Her back is all his hickeys, and her palms are smooth and creamy, as if it was the first time she wanted her.

How is it maintained? Murong Zhan was very curious in his heart. The big palm was moving on her body. It felt really beautiful. Except that the snow peak grew up, the other really did not change.

Fortunately this baby is his.

"You let me sleep well." Ye Hao was stunned by his body, sobbing and asking him to let go.

"No!" Ye Hao turned and wanted to stay away from him.

“Is it tired?” Murong Chong took her back and the big palm smashed a few times in her round.

Ye Hao bites her teeth, and if she is not tired, she does not have any strength. She really wants to bite him.

Murong Zhan sighed. "Fortunately, you are getting older, or you can get it now."

This man is stingy and vengeful! Ye regrets not at the beginning, he said yesterday that Kaichun wanted to bring Mingxi to hunt. She said casually that she was older than before. He was as crazy as he was at night, and proved that she was still young and strong!

She deeply understands his physical strength!

"I am uncomfortable!" Ye Hao said with a squeaky voice, only hope that his hand can stop, and once again she can't stand it.

Murong Zhan knew that she was tired. The drug she had taken yesterday had lost her effectiveness. He would not want her again.

"Nothing to do today, you will sleep for a while, then go find two children." Murong Zhan said with a smile.

Ye Wei sighed indifferently.

Mo Rongzhan kissed her in the back of her neck and got out of bed to wear clothes. When she didn't fall in love with her, she didn't feel anything about the palace lady waiting for him to change clothes. Later, the small vinegar bucket had to help him every time, saying no. Other women saw his body. He couldn't bear her to squint and get up early every day. They all changed clothes. They didn't let the palace lady close in the dry house. They were all waiting for him.

In order not to quarrel with her, Murong Chan went to the outside to wash, and told the palace girl not to wake up Ye Hao, and then used the morning meal to go to the palace of Ming Yu.

Like Ye Hao, Ming Yu has the habit of relying on the bed. Every morning, she is a three-time reminder of the three ladies. Now she still wants to get up in bed, and the Omiya woman has come to remind her several times.

"Forget it, let's not have a class today, let the princess sleep for a while." With a smile, he said to another big palace woman.

The fragrance is low and looks like a princess who sleeps like a pig. I am afraid that I will not wake up for a while, so I will sleep for a while.

"What about the princess?" Murong Zhan strode into the dormitory, thinking that his little princess would pounce on his arms, but only saw two palace ladies.

"Slaves have seen the emperor." Condensed and vaguely saw that Murong Zhan came in and hurriedly bowed down.

Murong Chan frowned and looked at the bed. Sure enough, the quilt above was adorned with a small hill. Isn't that his little princess?

The two palace ladies feared the majesty of the emperor, and saw that he frowned and thought it was unpleasant, and the voice was a little trembling. "The emperor, the princess...has not got up yet, and the slaves will wake up the princess."

"No, let the princess sleep." Murong Zhan waved his hand and let the two palace ladies go down.

He walked lightly to the bed next to him, looking down at his lovely little princess and found that her sleeping position was exactly the same as Ye Hao. He remembered for the first time that Ye Hao was sleeping in the book tower, and she slept. Flowed out.

Now Ming Yu is also sleeping in the mouth.

Murong Zhan smiled in his heart and couldn't help but pinch his daughter's cheek.

"Father of the Emperor..." Ming Yu opened her eyes in confusion and saw a tall figure sitting next to her bed. She was still sluggish.

"Wake up?" Murong Zhan asked with a smile, full of eyes are pets, "small lazy pig."

Ming Yu looked at the ink-filled Zhan, the small mouth flattened, wow, burst into tears.

I was shocked by Murong Zhan. "What happened? Is the father threatening you?"

"No, the father left." Ming Yu wowed and cried, holding the quilt and refused to get up.

Murong Chan was crying by her daughter.

In the outside, the dew and the condensate heard the voice of the little princess and hurried in. "Princess, what happened to the princess?"

"Ming Yu, the father of the emperor." Murong Chan reached out to hug Mingyu.

"Don't~" Ming Yu's eyes still contain tears. "Ming jade smells bad, don't hug the father."

"..." Mo Rongzhan felt his heart was stabbed a knife, he was dismissed by his daughter?

The fragrant incense went out in a strange way, holding Mingyu in her arms and seeing the traces on the sheets. She held back and laughed. "Princess, slaves immediately change clothes for you."

If you hear the smell of condensation, you will know what is going on, and turn to tell the little palace woman to fetch water in.

"What happened to Mingyu?" Murong asked with a sullen face. Last night, my daughter was still entangled in him and refused to return. Why didn't he even hold him today?

"The emperor, the princess, she..." The fragrant scent holding the jasmine that buried her face on her shoulder, whispered, "The princess is in bed."

Murong Zhan a sigh, turned his head and looked at the bed, and saw that it was a trace of bedwetting. His eyes were smiling. "Mingyu, is it because you don't want the father?"

Ming Yu whispered his mouth and turned back. "The father will laugh at Ming Yu."

"How can the father and the emperor laugh at our princess?" Murong Zhan walked over and took Mingyu over. "Does the father give you a change of clothes?"

"Okay." Ming Yu saw the father of the emperor really did not abandon her, broke and laughed, and immediately relied on the body of Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan did not take care of the little girl, and it was all a mess to change clothes for Ming Yu. Finally, the help of the palace lady finally got it right.

Ming Yu was tossed for a long time, but he was not angry at all. He also felt that the father had nothing to do.

"Father, mother?" Ming Yu was taken out by Murong Zhan, she looked around, how did she not see her mother?

"Your mother hasn't woken up yet, don't quarrel with her." Murong Zhan said, "Ming Yu accompanied his father to use breakfast."

Ming Yu cried happily. "Mother is also in bed."

Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows. "Your mother was too tired to take care of her father last night."

"What happened to the father?" Ming Yu asked innocently, and the little hand touched the forehead of Murong Cham. "Is the father uncomfortable?"

"Well... the father is fine." Murong Zhan said vaguely, "Come and finish the breakfast to find Mingxi."

When I heard that I was going to find my brother, Ming Yu ate it in a big mouth.

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