Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1488: Opportunity to start

Zhao Ning carefully thought about the words of Murong, but he thought that what he said was good. They checked the people around Murong. They didn’t check her side. It was also in the palace. Isn’t there anyone around her? Question?

She can't guarantee it.

Moreover, it was reminded by Murong Yu that she remembered that since the child of Dongdong was sent off and sent away, it seems that nothing happened, that is, the person has given up the relationship between her and Murong, or because Is there another reason?

Zhao Ning thinks she should check the people around her.

Back to the palace, Murong took the carriage of Zhao Ning.

When I first entered the gate, I encountered the delay of preparing to go out.

"Wang Ye, Wang Hao." Lu Yizhi did not humble and bow.

"Lin Gonggong, where are you going?" Zhao Ning saw him, his face showed a faint smile.

Murong 沂 lightly decapitated, he has seen these posts, and this morning he told the father-in-law to let him write a reply to each family.

Lu Yizhi stood sideways and stood aside. "Go back to the post. This is the first two days to go to the palace. Today, I have to go back. Wang Ye, Wang Hao, I am tired in the palace today."

"Fortunately." Zhao Ning said with a smile.

"Go." Murong said, taking Zhao Ning's hand and went in.

After a few steps, Zhao Ning stopped and turned to Lu Yuzhi. "Professor, when you come back, look at the shops on the street. Do not buy some children who like to play with things they like to eat. ”

Lu Yan’s eyes jumped a bit. “What do children like?”

"The princess said that I want to play, and it is always right to buy something she likes." Zhao Ning said.

"Yes." Lu Yizhi bowed his head and watched Zhao Ning and Murong Yu leave.

Murong whispered to Zhao Ning, "Ming jade shows that God wants to come?"

"Well, the maiden hasn't promised yet, maybe it won't come, it's always right to be prepared." Zhao Ning said with a smile.

"Prepare for the use of these, it is better to have a younger brother and sister as soon as possible..." Murong snorted and voiced in Zhao Ning's ear and was beaten by Zhao Ning.

Lu Yizhi listened to their conversations in his ears, and his plain face was unpredictable. He did not say anything and lifted his foot out of the palace.

"The master, the main public will come to the palace tomorrow." Luo Cheng whispered behind him.

"What about that?" Lu Yan asked faintly.

Luo Cheng is a little excited. "This is our chance to start."

Lu Yan looked at him coldly. "In the palace, I started to pray to the princess, exposing our whereabouts, waiting for Murong Zhan to annihilate in Kyoto?"

"Then we don't do anything?" Luo Chenggan laughed a few times. If he didn't do anything, it would be a waste of opportunity.

"Ink has been checking the people of Wangfu, and now we don't have to do anything." Lu Yan said faintly, thinking that if the princess came to the palace, then... would she come? It shouldn't be, she will calculate the palace tomorrow, and also go to Lujia, how come here.

Luo Cheng frowned. "How did Murong and Zhao Ning become better and better, and shouldn't they be separated?"

Lu Yan’s mouth sneered a sneer, and Murong refused to leave. There would be no more problems between him and Zhao Ning. Unfortunately, Murong Cham and Yu are now in Kyoto, otherwise they want to It is not difficult for a couple to break up.

"Master!" Luo Cheng suddenly screamed nervously. "It seems to be Duanmu!"

Lu Yanzhi’s eyes flashed a slap in the face. In addition to Zhao Wei, the only person he would not want to see again was Duan Muya. Although Duan Muya didn’t know what it was like, Lu Yizhi didn’t want to let former people know that he still Alive.

I don't want to let people know that he is alive in such a fiasco.

The person who came in front of it is indeed the end of the world, but he does not seem to recognize Lu Yizhi. Indeed, now Lu Yan is wearing the clothes of the Wangfu general manager, and it looks completely different from before, how can it be so easy to be Recognized?

They passed by.

"Go to see where he went." Lu Yanzhi went to the corner and whispered Luo Cheng.

"I will go." Luo Cheng nodded.

After Lu Haozhi sent all the posts to the government, Luo Cheng also returned.

"... Duanmu Ya is going to Lujia Mansion, and looking for Lu Tingzhi." Luo Cheng said, "Lu Tingzhi seems to be moving to the Lujia Mansion."

"Lu Shiming gave the mansion to Lu Ting." Lu Yi’s faint smile, then said coldly, "I want to find a way to let Du Muya leave Kyoto, and he can't let him be with Lu Ting, he will recognize me."

"He seems to be looking for something in the past few days, will it be... looking for you?" Luo Cheng asked worriedly.

Lu Hao’s twilight was so heavy that “it’s staring at him.”



Du Muya really wants to find Lu Yizhi, but he has no other thoughts, just want to recognize it and tell the voice of Lu Ting, let him be careful of this person, he can not find suspicious people until just...

He thinks that the five-minded person should be Lu Yizhi, but still can't be sure, and his identity still doesn't know. Lu Yan would rather bear such a strong pain and change his face. It should not only want to avoid all relatives, he Is it revenge?

"How come you come for a long time?" Lu Tingzhi waited for a long time outside the Lujia Grand House and finally saw Duanmu.

"Go buy this." Duanmu Ya took the medicine on his hand. "It’s not easy to buy some herbs in the New Year. I was almost bombarded by the boss."

Lu Ting's frown asked, "What do you buy for this?"

"Look, can I make the same pill." Duan Muya said with a smile, "You don't live in this big house, it just suits me."

"Let's go." Lu Tingzhi said that the scent of the pill is too strange to be developed in Sanshu's home. The Lujia Mansion still has no one to stay in, and it is most suitable for the end of the world.

Duan Muya saw one of Lu Ting’s eyes. "If your big brother is alive, do you think he will come to Kyoto... Will he revenge?"

Lu Tingzhi’s footsteps paused and looked back at Duanmu. “If he is still alive, he is a disaster for all of us.”

"So... terrible?" Duo Muya laughed, a little regretted that he had promised Lu Yi to change his face. "He is alone, what else can he do?"

"At the beginning we were exiled to the wasteland, I thought we could only wait there to die." Lu Tingzhi said faintly, "But he took us to Qiguo in less than a year. Not long after, the two became Qi Guogui, he... I don’t understand what I do."

Duan Muya smiled happily. "Fortunately, he is gone."

It seems that he still has to find out Lu Yuzhi so that Lu Tingzhi can guard him.

If a person like Lu Yizhi really wants to take revenge, maybe the six parents will not recognize it, and even Lu Ting will not let go.

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