Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1498: The gate was stopped

Two unpretentious carriages were stopped outside the city gate.

Ge Kuan followed Ye Yannan for several years. He still had a little eyesight. He saw that the two carriages were unusual. They went to ask in person. The first carriage was a two-and-a-half-sized child. The net young man, who is in contact with Kong Wu’s powerful soldiers, recognizes that these two people are not ordinary people but eunuchs.

Who is this child? Ge Kuan looked at the half-large child and was planning to let people check the second carriage, but saw a tall man coming down from the car.

"What happened?" Cheng Wei’s narrow and long-eyed Danfeng eyes swept away Ge Guang’s eyes. Are there so many soldiers guarding the city outside Kyoto’s gates every day?

Cheng Hao was in the sand for many years, his own momentum with a murderous murderous, he only got off the carriage, everyone has been unconsciously stopped by him.

"Cheng... Cheng General?" Ge Kuan looked at him in shock. "How are you here?"

When Qi and Jin Guo teamed up against Wan Ziliang, Ge Kuan was the deputy of Ye Yinan. Naturally, he had seen the other coach, but is this the front?

Cheng Hao glanced at Ge Kuan with a faint look, recognizing that he was a vice-president next to Ye Yinan, and said faintly, "Ben Hou escorted Qi Princess and the three emperors to see Princess Ning, Vice-General Ge, I don't know what the problem is?"

"No, no problem." Ge Kuan was aware of the decisive decisiveness of the Cheng General on the battlefield. His admiration was second only to his own general and the emperor. "Come, send the general to go to the palace."

The Queen's maiden wants him to check out the people who came out of the city. Cheng Chengjun just arrived in Kyoto City. There should be no problem. However, after seeing the two carriages gradually drift away, Ge Kuan immediately let people The matter went to the palace to tell the Queen.

In the carriage, Zhao Wei looked confused. "What happened? How do you feel that the entire Kyoto City is a soldier?"

Cheng Hao Shen condensed his face. He used to come to Kyoto City before, knowing that this is not the case, it is definitely something.

"It should be something, wait until the palace to ask again." Cheng Hao whispered.

"That should be careful with the three brothers." Zhao said.

Cheng Hao looked at her faintly. "You are getting more and more attention to him."

Zhao Wei grew up in the palace. Except for the second princess Zhao Xiang, there were not many brothers and sisters to the other princesses and emperors. Instead, Zhao Ning and the three emperors later seemed to care about them like a sister.

"He is the third brother. What do I care about?" Zhao said faintly, getting along with the child, the child likes to stick to him. The disgust and alienation at the beginning has long been gone. She also likes that the poor three emperors can do well. of.

Cheng Hao looked at her. "How come you don't care for me?"

Zhao Wei’s cheeks burned red, and he gave him a sigh of relief. Why didn’t she care about him? If she doesn't care, will she sit in the same car with him all the way?

"Speak!" Cheng Hao said in Zhao Yu's ear.

Zhao said, "Whatever you say, the niece is of course concerned about it."

Cheng Hao is most afraid of her calling him, and he grabbed her waist. "Say again?"

This road came to Jinguo. They were opposite each other. He didn’t know how hard it was to endure. He didn’t go to the last step. They should do everything between them, but he cherished her and wanted to be a relative and only wanted her. If she provokes him again, he must not eat her first.

"You are still an elder, how to be jealous with the three brothers, shameless, I care about the younger brother, with ... is the same thing as loving you?" Zhao Wei hid in his arms, his little hand gently scratched his neck.

This made Cheng Hao feel sweet in a moment. "Kyoto City is afraid of not being calm these days. When you see Princess Ning, you ask her what is going on."

Cheng Hao knows that Zhao Wei has eyeliner in Kyoto City. Before he came, Zhao Wei had already told him the contact method. When he got into the night, he asked the person to ask.

Zhao Wei was sitting in the carriage and felt the abnormality outside. I don't know what happened.

Their carriage soon arrived at the palace.

After self-reporting, he was told that Wang Hao and Wang Ye were not in the government, and they entered the palace between half an hour.

Going into the palace?

Zhao Wei and Cheng Hao looked at each other and how did they enter the palace today?

Although Wang Ye and Wang Hao are not there, but as a descendant, where to dare to slow down the princess and the emperor of Qi State, immediately go to the general manager.

"You said that the big princess and the three emperors of Qi State are outside the door?" Lu Yuzhi was still arranging to close the door and thank the guests. He heard the door of the concierge and heard a word, and his eyes flashed a strange look.

Zhao Wei’s coming is quite fast.

He personally came to the front of the palace, "I have seen the big princess, the three emperors..." Lu Yizhi looked at Anning Hou, "An Ning Hou, slow down all the guests, please come in."

"Since Ning Princess is not there, we will not bother." Cheng Hao looked at the general manager. Who knows what is happening in Kyoto City today, he still avoids some good.

"Queen Empress suddenly sent people to invite Wang Ye and Wang Hao into the palace, and should return soon." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, he knows what happened in the palace, better understand the power of this process, rather than let him live in Outside, it is better to be in the palace, at least under your own eye.

Zhao Wei wants to see Zhao Ning earlier. If she lives outside, she will be in trouble when she meets. She looks at Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao looked at one of Lu Yan’s eyes. "Good."

"Please." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, and soon people arranged the room, the role of the Wangfu director was performed without flaws, Zhao Wei was arranged in the back room, Cheng Hao is a foreign man, naturally in front The hospital.

Originally, Lu Yizhi also planned to accompany him, but Cheng Hao sent him away.

Lu Yizhi returned to his room and looked at the direction of the palace in a cold eyes.

"Master." Luo Cheng came in and whispered in his ear, "The doctor is dead, and the people in the palace can't find anything."

"Don't you?" Lu Yan asked faintly, referring to Tang Yan, his eyes are still cold, as if the people in the palace are still not brothers who have fought side by side.

Luo Chenglian didn't dare to lick his eyelids. "I have already taken medicine, my heart has been broken. However, Lu Hao was by his side, it seems to have been saved..."

Lu Yizhi's light is slightly convergent, and he does not want to kill Tang Yan, but if he is alive, Lu Hao will know him in the morning and evening.

"Don't let him wake up." Lu said.

"Now the city is full of banned soldiers, will it... what is it?" Luo Cheng asked worriedly.

Lu Yan’s faint smile, “We don’t do anything, can they find something?”

makes sense!

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