Zhao Ning was originally ironic and wanted to stay away from Murong. Recently, he was stalked and stalked by various stagnations, and his heart was not so firm. Moreover, at this time, she felt that it was not for her. opportunity.

She still told Zhao Wei about the things of Murong and the two rings.

"...I was originally confused, waiting for the girl to come back to remind, love to find the cockroaches, carefully check the problem, and still do not know who is behind the calculations, I and Wang Ye are checking, big sister, It is to go, you have to check this out and say it." Zhao Ning said.

Although this is the case, in the end, it is not enough to be firm!

Zhao Wei is not able to enter the sand in her eyes. This is a change for her. She must have left the palace of the king, and she still checked the truth.

"Don't sleep a woman can also force, you, it is too good to bully." Zhao looked at his sister and felt that he grew up in the palace and never knew where his qi was, he would be inked. Rong Rong eats to death.

Zhao Ning smiled. "Big sister, I have a measure of this."

"I am not in a hurry anyway, just wait for you to check it out, no matter what, I will take you back." Zhao said.

"Yeah." Zhao Ning knew that if she said that she would not leave at this time, she might have tied her to the carriage immediately. "Yes, you entered the city yesterday, but you can find abnormalities?"

Zhao Wei nodded. "I want to ask you, is there something wrong with your Kyoto city? When I entered the city yesterday, many soldiers stood outside the city gate. Everyone who enters and exits the city must interrogate. Today, I heard people say that there are soldiers outside."

"Yesterday, the goddess took me into the palace, only said that it was not safe outside, but the specifics did not tell me, Wang Ye only told me that it seems that Jing Ning Hou was poisoned, and the emperor is not in the palace." Zhao Ning whispered The ground said to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Xin was shocked. "Poisoning? What is going on?"

"Yesterday, Wang Ye was going to patrol the palace. I didn't know too well with me. It seems to have something to do with the martial art on the rivers and lakes." Zhao Ning used to live only in Huajia Village. Later, although she became a princess, she soon married. Wang Wangfu, her world is this palace, at most, it is about Kyoto. She has never heard of the rivers and lakes.

Zhao Wei is clear about the recent rumors on the rivers and lakes.

There are too many Jianghumen factions, not only Jinguo, but the sects that seem to be in trouble are almost all in Jinguo.

"It seems to be related to the poison pills." Zhao Wei whispered.

"What is that?" Zhao Ning asked in confusion.

Zhao Wei shook his head gently. "I don't know. I just listened to Anning Hou once. He and the three brothers went out and should return soon."

When Zhao Hao mentioned Anning Hou, Zhao Ning also looked at her. Although she did not marry Anning Hou, she thought it would be uncomfortable to see him.

"Then you still enter the palace?" Zhao asked, frowning.

Zhao Ning smiled. "You are coming, how can I still enter the palace."

"This is almost the same." Zhao Xiao smiled.

"My sister hasn't been to Kyoto City yet, or else, I will go out with you outside." Zhao Ning smiled and proposed.

Zhao Wei said, "When you walk, you are not banned outside?"

"It is safe to have a banned soldier. Besides, it is dangerous for us to go out with two women. Others have to deal with those men first." Zhao Ning laughed.

"Then go out and look for them." Zhao said casually.

When Zhao Hao heard the name of An Ninghou, Zhao Ning stunned, but Zhao Wei did not seem to be aware of his name.

The two sisters changed into a lighter clothes. When they planned to go out, Cheng Hao came back with the three emperors.

"How come you go out early in the morning?" Zhao Wei saw Cheng Hao, unconsciously revealing the delicateness of the little daughter, she felt that she was abandoned by them.

"We got up early, you have to sleep until you get up in the sun, so you didn't call you." Cheng Hao looked at her with a smile, full of eyes, "Do you want me to go out with you?" ”

This is the tranquility? Zhao Ning looked at the tall and burly man, and the indifference and majesty he had just got off the bus. Her heart was secretly glad, but she chose to leave Qi.


Zhao Ning looked at Cheng Hao and looked at Zhao Wei. It seems that he is not quite right.

Zhao Wei took Zhao Ning's hand. "Don't accompany you. Today, I went out with Aning."

"Ning Princess." Cheng Hao seems to find Zhao Ning, a light ceremony.

"Anning Hou, you are welcome." Zhao Ning's face was stiff and stiff. "Then I will take my sister out."

Cheng Hao frowned. When he didn't laugh, the whole person seemed to have an oppressive momentum. "There are many people outside, I will still be with you."

Zhao Wei thinks that he must go out to inquire today. She also wants to know what happened, naturally she did not reject his peers.

Zhao Ning, who didn’t like Cheng Hao, was a bit embarrassed.

"What have you done with the three brothers today?" Zhao Wei did not find the sister's strangeness, and only wanted to know what Cheng Hao had heard.

Cheng Hao looked at Zhao Ning with a faint look, and whispered to Zhao Wei, "Don't take the poison of the poisonous pill, which was already sent to the palace for treatment. The Imperial Hospital has an assassin, the drug is poisonous, and almost died."

Zhao Ning looked at Cheng Hao differently. She didn't know so clearly in the palace yesterday. How long did he go out and actually inquired?

"How can you be poisoned?" Zhao asked in shock.

"Inkrong Zhan let Tang Yan go to investigate the case of Yanjiazhuang." Cheng Hao did not pay attention to Zhao Ning's surprise, because she was there, he still had a lot of words and did not tell Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yuxiu’s eyebrows are tight. “Who is so crazy, even a Houye dare to poison.”

It’s no longer crazy to be able to kill a few gates overnight.

Cheng Hao didn't want to think too much about his heart. "The emperor also sent people to check it out. I believe that it will soon come out."

"Yeah." Zhao Wei nodded gently, but in the end still felt that this thing was too ridiculous, I can't imagine anyone who can make such a supernatural power.

On the bustling streets, Zhao Wei gradually let go of his doubts and talked about other things with Zhao Ning.

"How do you always look at me?" Zhao Wei was stared at by her sister for a long time. She even looked at her when she went shopping. She couldn't help but ask.

"Sister..." Zhao Ning looked at Cheng Hao outside the door. "Is it true that An Hou is you?"

Zhao Yi paused. "How do you ask this?"

"How do I feel that he is not like a prostitute to you?" Zhao Ning is not stupid and not stupid. Cheng Hao looked at Zhao Wei's eyes, just like... when Murong looked at her.

Is that still looking at the eyes of the niece?

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