Murong Zhan took Ye Hao’s hand and walked on the steep mountain road. The more he went up, the harder it was to go, and the hot and cold place in the middle of the mountain, the snakes were especially numerous. Insecticides should be carefully guarded against the body.

"Is it tired?" Murong Zhan whispered Ye Hao.

"Not tired." Ye Hao shook his head. "There are snakes everywhere, will Mingxi be in danger?"

The more she went to the mountains, the more she became worried. The Yunyun Mountain was more dangerous than she thought. Mingxi was still so small. Even if she was smart, she was only a child.

Mo Rongzhe is also very worried about Mingxi, but he can't show it, and he can't make Ye Hao more nervous.

"It's okay, Ming Xifu is big, he will be fine." Murong Zhan smiled and appeased her, "be careful to walk."

"Ming Xi, Ming Xi..." Ye Hao shouted.

Unfortunately, in addition to the echo, no one answered at all.

"The top is the top of the mountain." Xue Lin said back, "I haven't seen the wolf smoke yet, and General Ye has not found His Royal Highness yet."

Ye Hao bit his teeth, "Let's go to the top of the mountain to find."

"Ha ha ha, it really takes no effort, the real gas is actually here." The mountain suddenly heard a laugh.

"Who is talking?" Ye Hao frowned and asked, this voice sounds very crazy, who will be on this mountain, is it... is it a hate?

Murong Chan heard who the voice was. He guarded Ye Hao behind him and looked around with vigilance.

Hate, a hundred steps down the mountain, he quickly came to the face of Murong Cham, he was a smug smile, but when he saw the ink, the smile on his face became stiff and hateful.

"Modi!" The hate looked like a ghost, looking at Murong Zhan. He thought that he could easily get the true dragon spirit, but he did not expect that this person would look exactly the same as Mo Di, even the momentum is similar.

"Hello?" Murong Zhan looked coldly at this handsome man, this person is actually a hate.

"Who are you?" Qiufu asked with anger and anger, and the shame and sorrow of being ruined into the human world refilled his chest, and he wished that the man who had exactly the same appearance as Mo Di could be smashed.

Murong Chong slightly looked at the hatred, the last time I played in the inn, the regret was not so surprised to him, how did this reaction so big?

After the shock of the hatred, I found out that this is exactly the same as the Emperor Modi.

"You are Murong Cham!" The hateful pointing at the ink-filled emperor, the emperor of the Jinguo actually looks exactly the same as the Modi!

"Murong 恪?" Mo Rongzhan did not ask Ming Xi, since Ming Xi is not in the side of hatred, maybe it is with Murong.

"I want to see, what is your relationship with the Emperor!" The hateful had no intention to start, but seeing that Murong Zhan was actually the same as his great enemies, he could hardly control the hatred of his heart. Even if he can't kill people on the mainland, it is always possible to make Murong Zhan seriously injured.

"Protect the maiden!" Murong Chong told others.

Evil regrets in the human world for decades, the practice is completely abolished, and even the body is turned into nothing. Only one **** is falling on the floating mountain. If it is not a floating aura, there is a little aura to cultivate. He has long disappeared in the human continent. It is.

Thinking of the pain of these years, the emperor will make Murong Zhan a great enemy.

The two people usually fight against lightning. Although Murong Zhan did not practice it as a practice, his martial arts had already reached the realm of ecstasy. It is not a complete blow to fight with hatred. Moreover, the enemy does not dare to kill him. The emperor of the mainland, he will be inseparable from the human world.

"Bring your true dragon's spirit!" The embellished hands appeared in a black mist of the palms of his hands. He shot to the chest of Murong Chan with one hand and wanted to forcibly take away the true dragon of Mo Rongzhan.

Although Murong Zhan did not know what he was talking about, he knew that it was impossible to let the enemy escape.

He used all his internal strength to hit the hatred.

Evil regrets that it was not difficult to deal with a human being, but after the fight, he discovered that this ink capacity was far stronger than he had imagined.


He was shot by Murong Cham.


The hateful stunned Murong Zhan, the martial arts on the mainland of the world is useless to him. How could Murong Chong resist his practice?

"You..." The emperor holds the chest and feels a sense of faint pain. Does this Murong Cham have other identities?

"Who are you?" Murong Zhan asked coldly.

Chou hatred, "This sentence should be I ask you."

He called Murong Chan with a more aggressive palm, so that people couldn't see clearly.

Murong Zhan wants to avoid it, but the martial arts that the other party obviously uses are things he has never seen before. He seems to be settled, and the whole person can't move.

"You can't just be the emperor of the world!" Evil regrets the hand on the top of Murong Cham. "You must have a relationship with Modi!"

Jinfeng has been pressing from the palm of the heart to the ink-filled Zhan.

"A Zhan!" Ye Hao was shocked and wanted to break away from Xue Lin and ran to Murong Zhan.

"The maiden, can't pass." Xue Lin knows that it is too dangerous now, and must not let the Queen Empress.

Murong Zhan was crushed by the hateful face, and he gave a painful look. He screamed and the whole body rushed to the place where he held his hatred.

"Father Huang!" I don’t know when Mingxi, who came to see this scene, immediately released Murong’s hand and ran to Murong Zhan quickly.

"Ming Xi, don't come over!" Ye Hao shouted in exasperation, and she was worried in fear. She has already seen that Murong Zhan is not an opponent of hatred. She is planning to bring him to the space. Who knows that this time will appear. Ming Xi.

Mingxi did not hear Ye Hao’s words, he only wanted to save the ink.

"Don't come over, Mingxi!" Murong Zhan's eyes swept to his son's figure, and suddenly he was distracted, and he was almost crushed to death by a hate.

"Let my father! Let me go!" Mingxi cried, and the small body jumped up and hit the palm of his hand.

The sneer sneered, and it turned out that this little boy was really the son of Murong Cham.

He reached out to block Ming Xi's little palm, only to think that this little fart is really not self-reliant.

Murong Chong saw this scene, fearing that the hatred would hurt Ming Xi, he did not know where to come from a burning force, breaking through the strong palm...

The face of the hatred suddenly changed, and the hand was hurriedly retired, and it quickly retreated a few steps.

"You are actually the avatar of the Emperor!" The emperor looked at Murong Zhan and blurted out. He would not forget this feeling. At the beginning, he was beaten by the fire of the Emperor.

"Ming Xi, are you okay?" Murong Zhan didn't care about the regrets. He only worried that Mingxi would be injured.

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