Ye Hao does not expect the hatred to answer her. Anyway, she will try to delay the time now. It is best to let him bring himself to the abyss. Otherwise, she is alone here, and she must only feed the beast.

Her heart is afraid of hatred, but she can't show it. When she wants to disappear into the space, he can pull her out. She is more terrible than he imagined.

The hate said with a grin, "It’s all because of the Emperor... If it weren't for him, how could I be here?"

"Modi?" Ye Hao thought of the hatred. He just said that Murong Zhan is the avatar of Mo Di Zhan. "What does it have to do with Murong Chong?"

"I want to know?" The empathy looked at her with a smile and smiled. "I will tell you when I hand over Lingquan."

Ye Hao raised an eyebrow. "I don't want to say it, I don't want to know."

"Where is the space?" The enemy caught Ye Hao's hand, and he only saw that she was going to enter the space. If he did not bring her out, she must have been hiding now.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Ye Hao continued to play stupid.

The sneer sneered. "You don't know, if I didn't catch you, you have already hid in the space."

"I also said, I have any treasures in my body, although you take it." Ye Hao said.

"Okay." The sneer sneered. "Then I will take off your clothes one by one."

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly. “Are you not very capable? Is there any treasure in my body that you can’t sense?”

The hatred is indeed inductive, so I took off her clothes in the most primitive way!

"Do you want to hand it over, or do I find it myself?" The coldheart asked coldly, and with a big hand, the big cockroach on Ye Hao took off.

It’s so cold! Without a big bang, Ye Hao immediately rushed to a chill.

"You haven't told me, who is that Modi?" Ye Hao cried. "You tell me about Xuantian mainland, I will tell you where the space is."

The enemy asked, "What do you want to know?"

"Modi, who is he?" said Ye Hao, since the enemy said that Murong Zhan is a avatar, who is Modi? Is it really exactly the same as Murong Zhan?

"The big devil!"

Ye Hao smiled. "I thought you were more like a big devil."

"I am the sect of the Holy Family. I am respected by thousands of people in the Xuantian continent. If it is not Modi, I will not have today. This Modi is indefinite and does not distinguish between black and white. It is only determined by his mood, although he used to I will drive the Tianyu Ghost King out of Xuantian Continental to make a contribution, but his daily work is no different from the Tianyu Ghost King! I just advised him a few words, he will abandon my practice and also call me to the human world. Deep hatred, I will report it sooner or later." The hateful hate said.

He has been in the human world for many years, and the Yuanshen began to practice consciously for several decades. When there was only one **** before, he had been in the Yunyun Mountain for hundreds of years.

This hatred, he will find the Emperor in the morning and evening.

It sounds like this Modi, who looks like Mo Rong Zhan, is not very simple.

"Sheng Zong?" sounds like a great look. Since the hatred can become a sovereign, it should not be simple. Actually, it can be easily defeated.

Evil regret stunned Ye Hao, "I don't know if you said it."

Ye Hao said, "You don't say how I know."

"Since you are the empress of Murong Cham, you should know him very well. Can he have a strange place on weekdays?" Hexiu asked, his best thing is still Murong Zhan, since it is a avatar, even if there is no practice It should be different from mortal.

"No." Ye Hao said simply.

Is it really not? Ye Xie is not sure in her heart. It seems that she only looks at the words of Murong Cham. He is not a bit strange. However, her rebirth is because of him, her space and Lingquan... It seems also because of his jade.

Now think about it, it seems that the space she has and the fire phoenix are all obtained from Murong Cham.

That jade is ink-filled.

"Impossible, there must be something different from ordinary people." The hate shook his head. "Is your space for him?"

"Azhan!" Ye Hao stood up and looked at the figure on the opposite cliff. She knew that it was Murong Cham, and he must come down to find her.

The eyesight of the hatred is better than that of Ye Hao. He can see at a glance that it is Murong Zhan.

"I was the first time I saw him so nervous." The emperor looked thoughtfully at the image of Murong Cham, and he turned to look at Ye Hao. "If he falls off the cliff, you say it will fall." ?"

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly and glared at the enemy. “What do you want to do?”

"Lingquan can be brought back to life, you will be able to save him." The empathy said with a smile, and the hand waved, and Murong Zhan slid down the cliff a few meters, and stood up in danger.

"Azhan, be careful!" Ye Hao saw the heart tightening, fearing that Murong Zhan really fell down, Lingquan was so powerful that it could not be brought back to life. If she could, she would have saved Red Ling.

How could she watch Murong Zhan fall into pieces?

When Murong Chan heard Ye Hao’s voice, he looked back and saw that there was still a little regret around her.

He breathed a sigh of relief, she is still good, this is enough.

"Hey, the martial arts is good." The ghost smiled and said, "The next time it might not be so lucky."

Ye Hao said with regret, "What do you want to do? You are not saying that Murong Zhan is the avatar of Mo Di? If you dare to hurt him, you will return to Xuantian mainland, and you will not end well. ”

The hate laughed happily. "The avatar can't go to the fantasy continent. How did the Emperor know how to die?"

As he said, he waved a gust of wind toward the direction of Murong Cham.

As the dark guard of the downhill of Murong Chong came down accidentally, the whole abyss was his cry.

Ye Hao looked pale and white, for fear that the next drop would be Murong Cham.

"Evil!" Ye Hao screamed in anger.

"I won't let Murong Chan die like this." Since it is the avatar of Mo Di, he must make good use of it. "However, if he is not seriously injured, how can you hand over Lingquan?"

Ye Hao cried, "How do I give you the Lingquan, I am at all..."

When her words were not finished, she saw that Murong Cham fell from the mountain wall.

"Azhan!" Ye Hao screamed and ran away in the direction of Murong Cham.

The hate smiled and smiled, and took her to the waist and took her to fly over. "I will help you find him."

Ye Hao glared at him with anger, she did not believe, did not kill the method of hatred!

"You look at me useless, or look at the past, don't let him fall to death." The hate said softly.

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