Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1567: Disappeared out of thin air

Ye Hao was taken away by the enemy!

Murong Zhan glanced at the figure disappearing on the mountain peak, hating his martial arts is not good enough, can not kill the enemy.

"The emperor." Shen Yi and Xue Lin came over. They never met someone who was so powerful as the enemy. Even the emperor could not hold him. Now the Queen Empress is taken away again by him.

"How is your injury?" Murong Cham did not have anger, he precipitated all the anger, and calmly looked at Shen and Xue Lin.

Now that he is not angry, he can save Ye Xie. Even if he is allowed to find Ye Hao, he may not be saved from the hands of the enemy.

"The emperor, our injuries are not serious," Shen said.

"Going up the mountain." Murong Zhan gently beheaded, and the enemy took away Ye Xie for the sake of space. He still couldn't get the true dragon spirit, and he will definitely come back to him.

Ye Hao was taken out of the abyss by her hatred, and she angrily screamed at the hatred, "Let me go."

"Give me the sacred space!" said the coldheart, and grasped the palm of the leaf, and wanted to force the space from Ye Hao.

"Pain!" Ye Hao screamed, feeling like a hard pain to pull the arm down, a place where the enemy was holding a strong pain.

The forehead's forehead is sweating. His current realm is too signed. It is a bit difficult to take away the holy space, but he just wants to give it a try.

"Let me open my mother." Mingxi did not know what happened, and saw the enemy holding Ye Hao's hand, Ye Hao looked painful, and he immediately flew over.

"Ming Xi, don't come over." Ye Hao cried, fearing that the hatred would hurt Ming Xi.

In the back Ye Haonan rushed to stop Mingxi, "Don't be impulsive, Mingxi."

The empathy ignored other people. What he wants most is to get the space of Ye Hao, but... damn, his cultivation is too shallow, and there is no way to separate the saint space from the body of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao’s hand hurts almost unconscious.

Is there no one in this world who can be subdued with hatred? Even Murong Zhan is not his opponent. If he can't subdue the hate, he still doesn't know what he will do next, in case something is more powerful than poison pills.

Since no one can kill him, can you put the hatred into the space? Maybe you can send him directly to Xuantian mainland at that time?

The thoughts in Ye’s mind flashed past, and she immediately moved her mind and wanted to bring the hatred into the space.

"I won't let you get my things." Ye Hao said with a pain, she never tried to send others into the space, she used to go in.

"This space is on you, it is a waste, it is better to give it to me!" Hate greedily shouted, he felt that when he touched the holy space, suddenly there was a force pulling her.

The hatred stunned, and then I watched Ye Hao laugh. "Do you want me to enter the holy space? You are not afraid that I will kill the beast inside, let it be my beast?"

The fire phoenix in her space is gone, even if he goes in, he can't see it.

Ye Hao felt that her arm was more painful than before, as if she had torn from her shoulder.

"Mother, mother!" Mingxi shouted loudly. "Let me go, hey, I am going to save my mother, I can open the hate."

Ye Yinan saw his sister's painful appearance, and he was not worried. He heard Ming Xi say so, remembering that Ming Xi’s internal strength was deeper than him. He let go of Ming Xi and went with him to Ye Hao.

"Ming Xi, don't..." Ye Hao saw Ming Xi coming over and wanted to stop it loudly.

The suction in her space is getting bigger and bigger, and she sees a palm that has nothing but a reappearance.

"Let me open my mother." Ming Xiyi opened his heart.

Where is the hatefulness, a child will be put in the eye, holding Ye Hao in one hand and picking up the palm of Ming Xi in one hand.

Ming Xi was exhausted with all his strength, and he vomited a blood in his mouth.

"You..." Happiness looked at Mingxi with shock. The internal force of this child is not the martial arts of the human world, but the fire of the Emperor!

He had thought that Mingxi had only a natural fire attribute, and he did not expect to learn even the fire.

"Little baby, it seems that you and I really have a fate, then let me go." The hate smiled madly, clutching the shoulders of Mingxi, giving up the fight with Ye Hao, and Mingxi With the disappearance together.

"Ah!" Ye Hao was pushed back by a force, and Ye Yannan helped her.

Ye Yannan's eyes widened. "What about them? Is the hatred brought Mingxi away?"

"No..." Ye Hao remembered the last scene. The empathy was brought into the space by her. Did she bring Mingxi into it?

"Brother, the emperor is still under the cliff, you tell him, I am going to find Mingxi." Ye Hao said, she has not waited for Ye Xiaonan to react, she has entered the space.

Ye Xiaonan was once again stunned. He had just been surprised to see that the disappearance of the evil had disappeared. Now that he sees this scene again, he feels like... dreaming.

“夭夭?夭夭?” Ye Xiaonan shouted loudly, not knowing how Ye Hao disappeared into his sight.

How can people disappear out of thin air?

Ye Yinan shouted in the same place for a long time and didn't see anyone. It was only when he remembered that Murong Zhan was still at the foot of the mountain. He was looking for the way down the mountain, and he saw that Murong Zhan and Shen Yi climbed up.

"The emperor." Ye Yinan hurriedly went up.

"Isn't you going to bring Mingxi back? Why are you here?" Murong Chong asked coldly.

Ye Yinan said, "When I walked halfway, Mingxi ran back. I asked people to send Murong to go back. I came to chase Mingxi... I didn't expect to see the evil and embarrassment here..."

The face of Murong Cham changed, and the twilight became even more chilly. "What about them?"

"I'm missing..." Ye Xiaonan's face is also very unsightly. "There is a pain in the hand of the enemy." It seems to be very painful. When Mingxi was saved, he was dragged by hatred... disappeared, then Oh, I’m gone... I don’t know where they are going...”

Listening to Ye Yinan's incoherent words, Murong Chan understood what had just happened.

It must be that I want to bring the hatred into the space, and the emperor pulls Mingxi together. Ye Hao is looking for Mingxi.

If he comes up early, it will be fine!

"The emperor, what should we do?" Ye Xiaonan whispered, he never did so, and did not know where to go to save his sister and nephew.

"You go down to look at Murong Yu. After he wakes up, bring him." Murong Zhan said, he wants to wait here and Mingxi to come back.

Ye Yannan nodded gently, "Yes, the emperor."

"But, Hey and Ming Xi..." He still can't figure it out.

Murong Chan said with a cold voice, "They will be fine."

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