Ye Hao was not assigned to learn what to do, and the elders said that this matter should be discussed with Ye Boshu.

It is rare for the Ye family to appear in the spirit of the roots, must be careful to use the teaching, can not be free to apprentice.

"That... when can I start to learn the exercises?" Ye Hao asked puzzledly, isn't it necessary to learn the exercises to get the chance to go to the Great Saints? She wants to go to the Great Saints, so that she can find Mingxi.

"You go back first, and will decide for you immediately after consulting with your family. Today, your Tianlingen appears, and you may still be alarmed by the Great Shengzong. Therefore, you are not in a hurry." The attitude of the elders to Ye Hao Unparalleled and amiable.

Ye Hao thought of this possibility, and suddenly felt that it would be worthwhile to wait a little longer.

She does not like high-profile people, but she has no time to act in a low-key manner. Since she can alarm the people of the Great Saints, she must find a solution.

However, why does she have spiritual power, and what kind of spiritual root? Because...does she have space and a reason for the spring?

"Ye, don't you have no roots?" Ye Haogang learned from the clan and saw Ye Baoyi outside the door.

Behind her, there are two emperors and Ye Mulan and others.

“Have I said that?” Ye Hao asked faintly. She never said a word from the beginning to the end that she didn’t have a root, even though she always thought she didn’t.

"You said that there is no repair." Ye Mulan said coldly, she thought that Ye Hao was a poor worm abandoned in the mountain forest, thinking that she would immediately marry her in Tianzhu City, she would be happy with her, but today Seeing Ye Hao out of the limelight, she discovered that this wild donkey did not have the pity that she thought.

Ye Hao nodded. "I really don't."

"You lied!" Ye Mulan cried.

The second emperor patted her on the shoulder and stepped up to the front of Ye Hao. She looked at Ye Hao condescendingly. "No matter what moth you want, you must marry in Tianzhu City and marry Tianzhu City." The city owner, this is the value of your existence. If you dare to play tricks behind, I will let you survive in any place in Zhouguo."

"I don't know, my marriage was originally the second emperor's decision." Ye Hao chuckled, after so many things, she was not as excited as a fifteen-year-old girl, just thought that this two emperors were stupid. .

What is his identity for Ye Mulan? She has not heard that Ye Mulan has been promised to the second emperor.

"Then you try to see if the emperor can control your marriage!" The second emperor looked at Ye Hao contemptuously, and seemed to think that her resistance was self-reliant.

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded, she would wait and see.

Ye Mulan knows that today's Ye Hao's limelight in the ethnology will definitely attract the attention of his grandfather. She held the hand of the second emperor and whispered, "Two emperors, let's go."

"Auntie, you really can't be seen." Ye Baowan said happily. "I should be able to study with you in the future."

"I actually... I don't know that I have spiritual power." Ye Hao said helplessly.

Ye Baobo ignored the eyes of his sister and smiled and said to Ye Hao, "In any case, you must take the opportunity."

"Well, I know." Ye Hao smiled and nodded, watching Ye Bao bottle being forcibly pulled away by Ye Baoyi.

Ye Hao looked down at her own hands. Today's test is really... unexpected, she is also very surprised.

She looked up at the blue sky, not knowing how Ming Xi and Murong Chan are now.

"The city owner, is she looking at you?"

"Can she see it?" Modi asked coldly.

"You are in the human body... You should like this woman very much, the city owner." Bai XIII asked cautiously, I have not known how many years I have been with the city owner. I have never seen a woman paying attention to a woman.

Since the lord's avatar came back, the city owner has completely changed.

Modi’s narrow nephew was slightly stunned. “Would you like to keep the ghosts?”

"His is a joke." Bai 13 immediately bowed his head and said, "However, there is still a question under it, only when you helped the woman?"

"Why should I help her?" Modi sneered, but his eyes still couldn't do without Ye Hao in the following. He didn't want to continue to see her, but he didn't want to move, as if he didn't see enough.

Damn avatar! How much do you like this woman!

"Well, she is your wife on the mainland..." Bai Xiehe laughed, although there is no memory of the city owner in the human world, but it is a person, he knows that the city owner must remember the memory of the mainland, otherwise it is not I will arrive at Xizhou City so quickly.

"The memory of the avatar was locked by me." At the beginning, he was so boring that he would get a avatar to go to the mainland. He just thought about coming back in a few years. The people on the mainland have a short life span and are very fragile. Just pass the time, who knows that the avatar will actually send out the space jade, and as a result, he can't come back.

It turned out that the space was given to Ye Hao, but he did not expect that his super holy space actually became part of Ye Hao's body.

Bai XIII surprised to see Modi, it seems that the influence of this woman team is really great, otherwise the city owner will not lock the memory of the avatar.

It seems that ... locking the memory is useless, the emotion of the avatar is unstoppable, and the woman who is in love with the lover, even if the city owner feels the same now, will be affected sooner or later.

"That... do we still have to go to Ye Family?" Bai 13 whispered, "The Zhou Guoguo seems to want to marry us."

"Look first." Modi whispered that the figure disappeared in the air.

"The city owner, and so on." Bai XIII hurriedly called.

Ye Hao, who was about to go to the carriage, suddenly paused. She turned her head and looked around. Is it an illusion? She seems to feel the sound of ink-filled.

"Ye Ye." Someone is calling her behind her.

Ye Hao turned his head and turned out to be Ye Wei.

“Is there something?” Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"I have never asked you, your milkmaid?" Ye Wei asked Ye Hao.

Ye Hao waved his hand. "Dead, have you not searched in the forest? Didn't you see her grave?"

Where will he care about the grave of a man! Just suspect that Ye Hao is concealed.

"Over the years, have you been living in the mountains?" Ye Wei suspiciously asked, clearly that he was a person without a root, but now it has become a spiritual root?

"Yes." Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "What you asked was what I asked before."

Ye Wei glanced at her. "I will send you back."

"No." Ye Hao smiled and refused. "My brother is here."

Beside the gate over there, Ye Hao was hesitant to walk over.

Ye Hao smiled at him. "How come?"

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