"The city owner, your queen was bullied."

This scene of Ye Jia’s happening is all in the eyes of two people in the air. However, the faces of the two men are different. When Shi San is bullied when he sees Ye Hao, he is trying to help, and A person's face is indifferent.

Modi condensed his eyes and watched Ye Hao fall to the ground. How she struggled to struggle without the restraint in her hands.

It’s useless, even a slave who has only the first time can bully her.

How can his avatar look like such a useless woman!

"The city owner, do you want to go up and help?" Bai Thirty whispered, he is more and more unable to understand the master of the city. For centuries, the attitude of the city owner to women has always been only two kinds, one can sell his life for him. The subordinates, one kind of waste, never saw him paying more attention to which female owner, until the avatar came back.

Whether it is the avatar or the person, the character and emotion are exactly the same, and the lord's avatar can be loved. Ye Hao must be different, otherwise the city owner will not always pay attention to her.

"Many things!" Modi looked coldly at the white thirteen. "So a useless woman, what is the use of staying in the Xuantian continent."

"The city owner, how did she come over? Is it... come to you?" asked Bai XIII.

Modi’s twilight became more chilly. He opened a gap in space twenty years ago. He wanted to summon his body back. He thought that he did not find the secret of jade space. Now he knows that he is a avatar. Give Yu Pei to Ye Hao.

Not only is the super holy space and Ye Yu merge into one, even his beast has become her!

That **** fire phoenix, wait for it to hatch, be sure to teach it!

"She doesn't know that my avatar is back." Modi looked coldly and saw Ye Hao being bullied. His heart seemed to have something to come out, and his emotions became more and more violent.

"That... the city owner, what are we going to do with Ye Hao?" Bai XIII asked, he really didn't understand.

The city owner looks like a very disgusting Ye Hao, but she has been with her for two days. It seems that she cares about her. The city owner is not at ease.

Modi took back his eyes indifferently, and his figure disappeared from midair. He had to find a way to let her die. If this is not the case, she will not go back.

It is no longer possible for him to go back to Chen Rongzhan.

Even if she is in the Xuantian mainland for a long time, it is impossible for him to change his mind.

White thirteen screamed, "The city owner, and so on."



Ye Hao didn't learn the exercises, and even Dan Tian did not have any gas. She didn't know how to get rid of her arms.

She knew that Ye Shizhong would not let her go to learn the exercises. If her cultivation is comparable to that of Mulan, who else can marry Ye Mulan?

calm! calm!

Ye Hao said quietly in his heart, must find a way to break away.

In the time of the ethnology, she was engrossed in the emergence of spiritual power...

She puts all her attention on her arms, the place that binds her arms becomes a bit hot, and the familiar feeling in the ethnology is back.


The powerful impulses smashed the restraint on the arms and calves of Ye Hao.

My aunt was shaken back a few steps and was shocked to see Ye Hao, who had stood up. "You... how did you do it?"

Doesn't it mean that Ye Hao has not cultivated yet? She clearly does not have even the Dantian gas sea, how can she open her wind rope?

"I don't know." Ye Hao smiled. "However, my hand hurts."

"You..." Auntie was shocked to say no, she just seemed to feel a strong spiritual power. Was the spiritual power of Ye Hao already filled to the ability to block her?

Ye Xuan was thinking about how to teach this aunt, and saw the appearance of Ye Mulan in the courtyard.

"What happened? I just heard a big voice." Ye Mulan came in with a sigh of relief, his eyes stayed on his aunt and turned to look at Ye Hao. "Three sisters, are you learning?" The rules are too tired? You don't look very good."

"Yeah, so I don't want to learn today." Ye Hao said faintly.

Ye Mulan took Ye Hao’s hand. “I know that learning this is very tired. When we used to learn, we often hided and didn’t want to learn. However, you have to know that this is for your good.”

"I thought it was for you." Ye Hao smiled.

"Three sisters, what do you mean by saying this?" Ye Mulan loosened Ye Hao's hand, as long as she thought of the spiritual power and the spiritual roots that Ye Hao showed in the ethnic school, she had a hunch that she should not go. Come back to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao waved his hand. "It doesn't mean anything. If I don't learn well, I might not be able to marry you instead."

"Three sisters, what is wrong with Tianzhu City? I was with the two emperors, so I was reluctant to leave him, not for other reasons." Ye Mulan said.

"It turned out to be like this." Ye Hao looked like a smile and nodded. "But I can't bear to leave here. Can I not marry?"

Ye Mulan has lost patience. "If you marry into Tianzhu City, don't say that you can become the wife of the city. Your brother's status in Ye Family will be different. Don't do it for yourself. Don't you want to do something for your brother. What?"

It’s really mean! Actually took Ye Hao to threaten her.

"Listen to you, isn't my brother not the second master of Ye Family? It won't be where I used to come back from before?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, "You have raised him for so many years, still It’s not easy, he should be grateful to you.”

Even if Ye Hao is an orphan, he is also the Ye Jiatang Church who is just two young masters. It seems that his days are not so good. I will know the meaning of Ye Mulan.

Ye Mulan’s face changed slightly. “The three sisters are really sharp.”

"Well, let's say!" Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

"Do you really want to ignore Ye Hao's life and death?" Ye Mulan asked coldly.

Ye Hao coveted, his voice said coldly. "I have been outside for so many years. I don’t even have a relative around me. You want me to sacrifice myself for someone who has been in contact for less than a few days? It’s too naive, how do you want to Hey, whatever you want, though, I remind you, compared to the two young masters of Ye Family, are you sure that your status is above him?"

"Ye Ye!" Ye Mulan finally angered.

"Three girls, please go to the study." Suddenly there was a small voice outside.

Ye Hao raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Mulan who suddenly smiled.

Has the matter here been passed to Ye Shizhong? How does he want to deal with her?

Compared with Aunt Gu and Ye Mulan, Ye Hao thinks that Ye Shizhong is the most terrible.

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