When the second emperor came to Ye Family, he knew that Ye Hao was about to go to Da Shengzong. He took Ye Mulan’s hand. "You can rest assured that when she goes to the Great Shengzong, she has a good look."

Although Ye Mulan wants to punish Ye Xie, she does not want the second emperor to be offended for her. "The second emperor, the three emperors for Ye Hao, supremely supreme, he is not you can offend, or don't go to provoke Ye Hao ""

"Laner, you forgot, my master is a lonely mountain, and the supremacy is equal, even if it is too high, it is not necessary to accept Ye Hao as a disciple. I am going to be an apprentice who is not supreme. Before, she ruined her Dantian gas sea, so that she could not practice for a lifetime."

Ye Mulan’s mouth curled up high, “Yeah.”

Only Ye Hao can't cultivate, and my grandfather won't value her.

"Lan Er, two princes." Ye Wei came out from the side, he had just heard the words of the two emperors, such a vicious way, really lost two emperors to think, ruined the sea of ​​Ye Hao, that than kill She is still cruel, although he does not have much sibling feelings for Ye Hao, but if Ye Hao can stand in the Great Sacred, it is also good for Ye Family.

"Big Brother, have you come out from your grandfather?" Seeing Ye Wei, Ye Mulan’s eyes lit up. "What did Grandfather say to you?"

Ye Wei shook his head gently. He did not say what his grandfather had told her in front of the second emperor. "When did the second emperor come?"

"Just arrived, Laner was scared yesterday, I came to see her." Second Emperor said.

"Yesterday, my sister slandered and ignorantly sinned the two emperors. I will plead for you for the third sister." Ye Wei arched a hand.

Ye Mulan saw Ye Wei doing this, his face was not easy to read, why should he let the big brother pay for the blame?

"Big brother, even if you are not guilty, you are not..." Ye Mulan cried.

"Laner!" Ye Wei looked at Ye Mulan with a warning and warned. "You are the sister of Ye Hao. She is doing something wrong, and you have responsibility."

what? Big Brother’s attitude is exactly the same as yesterday. Last night he also said that he would be the master of her.

The second emperor heard the meaning of Ye Wei's words. This is the Ye family's intention to protect the leaves.

"Yesterday was just a little bit of trouble, and Ye Dagong didn't have to worry about it." The second emperor said with a smile.

Ye Wei smiled and nodded. "The two emperors are really generous. You don't care about your three sisters."

"Big brother, why..." Ye Mulan was not willing to ask.

The second emperor gently pulled her, and said to Ye Wei with a smile. "How can I compare with the three girls? She just returned to Xizhou City and didn't understand anything. If I care about her, then I am not self-destructive."

Ye Wei laughed. "Two emperors, my grandfather has already gone out, knowing that the second emperor is coming, I want to invite you to sit in Sifangyuan."

"Okay." The second emperor decapitated, and looked at Ye Mulan in a low voice. "Lan, then I will go to see Ye Daren first."

"Two emperors, let's go." Ye Mulan nodded with a small face, waiting for Ye Wei to leave with the second emperor, and she turned around and went to find her mother to ask what was going on.



Ye Hao wanted to pack up and prepare to go to the Great Sacred Tomorrow. However, when she came back, she found that there was nothing to clean up. Her things were not much, and she was better taken out of space.

"Three girls, things are packed up." He packed up for a while, only a small bag, a few pieces of clothes.

"Well, okay." Ye Hao gently beheaded. "You go on."

In addition to a few pieces of clothes, there was a gold and silver treasure that was rewarded by Zhou Guoguo yesterday. She would not stay in the cheap Ye family, and Ye Hao moved all the rewards into the space.

The small fire phoenix was confined to the space by Ye Hao. It was boring to count the feathers and finally saw her coming in.

"Hey, I want to go out!" the little fire yelled, "I am suffocating."

"If you leave Ye Family tomorrow, you will be able to fly freely." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Let's go to the Great Holy Family."

Although the small fire phoenix felt that the small place of the Great Shengzong was not enough for it to play, but at least it was better than the Ye family. "What did you take in?"

"The gold coins that the king of the country rewarded, I heard the three scorpions said, the Xuantian mainland uses these gold coins." Ye Hao said, different from the silver used in the mainland.

"..." Xiaohuo Huang looked at Ye Hao contemptuously. "You can see this gold coin."

Ye Hao is a little itchy and wants to pull the crow hair. "This gold coin? It is as if we are rich."

The small fire phoenix took Ye Hao’s hand to the second floor. “You have not found the book except the book, the most is the gold coin?”

"Ah?" Ye Hao looked stunned at the golden gold coins piled up on the other side of the second floor. She really didn't find out. She went to the second floor twice, she was directed at the book, and she didn't pay attention to it here. There are still so many gold coins.

"You just moved in and compared to what is calculated here." Xiao Huohuang smiled.

"Shut up!" Ye Hao yelled angrily. "Why don't you say that, besides gold, is there anything else here?"

The little fire phoenix nodded. "Of course, there are, but your repairs can't go to the third floor, and the third floor is the spiritual treasure."

"..." Ye Hao's eyes were slightly pumped, and now she understands that the enemy knows why she is so excited and greedy when she has this space.

"There is something that I have always forgotten to ask you." Ye Hao looked at the little fire phoenix. "When I was in the world, I hate that my super holy space is called Modi. Do you know Modi? He is not your former master."

The small fire phoenix big eyes smashed. "No one knows the Emperor Mou in the Xuantian mainland. But, I didn't say who forgot my former master? I don't know, but if Modi is me. The former owner should have let me go back."

"It’s also true." Ye Hao nodded. "Xie Xie also said that Murong Cham is his avatar..."

Xiao Huohuang suddenly stunned and laughed a few times. "If you don't come back, it's useless."

"If something comes back, what will happen?" Ye Hao asked, if Murong Chan is the avatar of Mo Di, who has experienced everything in the human world, does Modi know?

"How can you not ask questions today?" Xiao Huohuang cried impatiently.

Ye Hao only remembered what he said at the time of the resentment, so he wanted to know the avatar. If the actor of Murong Cham was influenced by what Modi?

"Well, I don't ask." Ye Hao smiled, she asked later, "I just want to find Mingxi."

"I have to tell you one thing." Xiao Huohuang's tone was serious. "I don't seem to be able to sense it... Ming Xi is in Xuantian."

Ye Hao’s face changed, “What?”

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