Ye Hao was brought to the outside of Fangfang by Ye Muxin. It is actually a long street. There are pavements and stalls on both sides of the street. It looks like it is not lively. There are arrays in the street, and everyone in the city. They will be automatically identified to prevent people from making trouble in the city.

"We went to Taobao today, maybe we can find Lingbao." Ye Muxin said to Ye Hao.

“Is it so easy?” Ye Hao said with a smile. “What about Sancha? Can we wait for Sancha to come together?”

Ye Muxin said, "Sanchao is not in the house early in the morning, and I don't know where to go. We strolled earlier, lest any treasures have been taken over by others. You see, this is still early in the morning, so many people It is."

"What kind of Lingbao do you want to buy?" Ye Hao asked. She was not interested in the things here in Fangfang. Anyway, she didn't know how to use it even if she got Lingbao. What's more, the Lingbao coming road in this city is unknown. If you are not careful, you will get into trouble.

What she doesn't need most now is trouble.

"I want to buy a sword." Ye Muxin lowered his voice. "My sword is good today, but it is not a Lingbao. If I can find a low-quality sword, I feel satisfied."

Ye Hao said, "I will help you find a sword."

"You are such a good sister." Ye Muxin walked into the city with his hand.

The street squad swept them over and entered the city. Ye Hao saw another scene, which was different from what she saw at the street. It seems that this square is bigger and the crowd is more. some.

"The round building is the auction house, but unfortunately it is not open today." Ye Muxin said disappointed.

"Oh." The small fire phoenix called to stop on Ye Hao's shoulder.

Ye Muxin laughed. "Is it a real crow today?"

"This will not make people look at it." Ye Hao blinked, this is her good condition to talk with Xiao Huo Huang, it is nothing to play it out of space, but can not let people know that it is a fire phoenix, otherwise it I don’t have to hide in the space for a lifetime.

"Good way." Ye Muxin laughed.

"Little bird, can you see where there is a sword of the top grade?" Ye Hao whispered to the little fire phoenix.

"Crap, of course, know." Xiaohuo Huang snorted.

Ye Muxin looked shocked. "It... is it already human?"

"Hey, isn't the spirit beast not a human language?" Ye Hao screamed comfortable, and should let the fire phoenix pretend that he could not speak.

"At least the spirit beasts with more than five products will speak the human language." Ye Mu Xin, but, thinking of the true identity of this crow, it seems that it is not strange to say people.

The small fire slammed and flew in front of them.

"We follow it, maybe we can really find Lingbao." Ye Hao said that she is convinced of the ability of Xiaohuo Huang to hunt treasure. If there is a spiritual treasure, it can definitely find out.

Ye Muxin does not have the confidence of Ye Hao. The square market is so big, it is not easy to find a low-quality sword with a heart.

Phoenix has the ability to hunt for treasures. Even if the place is big, as long as the small fire and the heart are inductive, it will be able to find Lingbao quickly.

"Stop! You dare to rob the beast with our holy sect, don't kill it?"

"What robs your beast, it is clearly what we first see, you are deceiving, don't think that we are bullied."

"Oh, in the eyes of our holy Zongmen, your great saints are really nothing."

"Try it!"

Ye Muxin took Ye Hao’s hand and stopped. His expression was dignified. “It seems that something is going on in front.”

They crowded over the crowd and went up to see that seven or eight young men and women were deadlocked. One of the women still had a beast that looked like a cat.

"Hey, it’s a pair of brothers." Ye Muxin said strangely.

Ye Hao whispered, "Where is the great saint?"

"The disciples of our great saints are all wearing white clothes, and the blue clothes are wearing the holy sects." Ye Muxin frowned. "Every time this is the case, but everyone who sees the great saints, They must be deceiving."

Several people over there are still clamoring.

"This beast is what I saw first. I have already given the gold coin." The young woman wearing the red edge of the white clothes roller hides behind the brothers, fearing that the cloud cat in her arms was taken away.

"Hand over the cloud cat, we give you double gold coins." The leading men in blue clothes looked at them arrogantly, and they had to get the posture of their beasts.

"We are not rare gold coins." Ling Shuangfei snorted and prepared to leave with his brother and sister.

They just turned and the blue man had a water sword in his hand and stabbed them.

"Be careful!" Ye Muxin cried, and immediately pulled the sword to block the man's sneak attack.

"Du Dongrong, you are a despicable villain!" Ye Muxin yelled, "Theft behind the attack, it is shameless."

Du Dongrong couldn't sneak into Ling Shuangfei, and looked at Ye Muxin with a cold voice. "Hey, his men are defeated, and they are also worthy of commenting on others."

"Ye Shimei, how are you here?" Ling Shuangfei was very happy to see Ye Muxin, but he did not expect to meet her here.

"I want to go back to the Great Saints. I heard you are arguing here, brother, what happened in the end?" Ye Muxin asked.

"Ye Shijie, they want to grab my cloud cat, obviously I bought it first." Tang Yun, holding the cloud cat, grievously complained with Ye Muxin.

Du Dongrong sneered, "The rules of the city, who wins who counts, today I will let you the Great Saints to know one thing, don't be an enemy of the holy gate, let alone grab something with us."

"What is this rule? You don't deceive people in the holy gates." Ling Shuangfei said with anger.

"We are bullying people, how?" Du Dongrong asked sneer.

Ye Muxin smiled, "Try it."

Du Dongrong is quite famous in Shengzongmen. He is already a layer of Qingjing at a young age. Before the Dashengzong people, he has absolute pressure. The water sword in his hand has changed shape, as if he is close to ice. Sword.

"You are all careful." Ling Shuangfei said to the younger brother and sister behind him, and Ye Muxin teamed up to deal with Du Dongrong.

Ling Shuangfei also has the peak of the first place, but it is not Du Dongrong's opponent. What's more, Du Dongrong's imperial water is full of murderousness. However, Du Dongrong underestimated Ye Muxin. He thought that Ye Muxin is still the first three layers.

Ye Muxin concentrated all the auras on the tip of the sword, and merged with Ling Shuangfei's double swords, shattering Du Dongrong's ice sword.

Du Dongrong spit out blood in his mouth, and suddenly stepped back a few steps, or the younger brother and sister behind him did not fall down.

"It seems that you can't take this spirit beast." Ye Muxin said with a smile.

"It’s unfair for you two to fight one," cried a girl from St. Zongmen.

Ye Muxin said with a smile, "How did you just say that, oh, we bully people, how?"

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