There is a supreme teaching of her practice, Ye Hao did not enter the space to practice, she has never forgotten, many of the contents of the book have been deeply imprinted in her mind, so, a little bit, she will soon be able to The speed of cultivation is faster than in space.

When she was able to morph the fire whip, she was very surprised.

Originally, she wanted to turn the fire into a sword, but she never had a sword. Before she learned whip and archery, she now learns to illusion and bow, only to learn whip.

A string of fires across the lake, the calm, mirrored water surface was brought out of the water, it looked very spectacular.

Ye Hao’s heart is a joy, the power of this fire whip is really not small.

"Your whip makes it good, but you have to remember that your fire whip is transformed with spiritual power, not the whip you usually take on a weekday. It is always different. Use spiritual power."

When I don’t know when it’s up, I’m standing on the rock by the lake. It’s still like a white dress that wins the snow, and the face like Guan Yu’s face is still plain and waveless.

"Use the power of the spirit?" Ye Hao looked at the puzzledly.

The palm of the hand glowed red, and a fire whip appeared in his hand like a snake. He sighed out and the whole lake shook.

It is more spectacular than the water flower of Ye Hao.

"It's amazing!" Ye Hao exclaimed, if she had such a repair, she was afraid that there would be danger outside.

"You are just not used to using spiritual power, try to use spiritual power on the fire whip, you can do the same." Supremely said.

Ye Hao, according to what he said, instilled all the spiritual power into the illusion of the whip, and slammed it out hard. Although there was no supreme power, it was much better than her first time.

"It's really good." Ye Haoqing's face showed a happy smile, and a pair of black scorpions were clear and bright.

Supremely watching her silently, she practiced faster than he thought. This is the benefit of the celestial roots, and she also has the body of the phoenix and the chalcedony. Any method of doing exercises is twice the result with half the effort.

"You are now at the peak of the first day. Try to break through the two days and learn alchemy again."

Ye Hao frowned. "But I don't even find Dan Ding today."

"Follow me." There was a hesitation in the upper eye, and after all, it was still open.

"Where to go?" Ye Hao asked.

There is no speaking in the supremacy, but the posture is straight across the lake.

Ye Hao frowned and still followed.

She has learned to fly now, although she is still not very skilled, but there is no problem after the lake.

Opposite the lake is a cave, and the cave is deep and needs to go through a long, winding staircase.

"Too respect, you live alone in such a big place, don't you feel bored?" She has not known how many days in the mountains. This mountain is hollow, and the inside is the temple that was opened. If it does not come out It is the same day and night, so I don't know the years outside. In these two days, she was allowed to practice outside the lake, and she only saw the day.

"The road to cultivation is boring, and it’s boring."

Even if cultivation is boring, but a person is in the mountains, there is not even a person who speaks, even if it is a god, it can't stand it.

"It is because the cultivation is boring, it should be hot and busy." Ye Hao said.

Supremely, "Do you like to be busy?"

"It’s too noisy and natural, but I don’t like it. If you live for a long time, you can’t stand it.” Ye Hao said.

I looked back at her and said, "You are not used to living, want to leave?"

"I don't mean this." Ye Hao shook his head. "In order to achieve the goal, even if it is boring, I will not care."

"You understand." Everyone has a hard time, he stayed in the mountains, naturally there are reasons for him.

Ye Hao looked around, they have gone deeper and deeper, and then go down to the bottom of the mountain. If she had a spiritual body, she must have been frozen into a soldier.

"Where is it here? How is it like inside an iceberg?" asked Ye Hao.

"There is a cold ice iron under the nebula mountain. You carefully use the spiritual strength to protect the body, so as not to hurt the sea."

In this way, they are now at the foot of the mountain, what kind of treasure he is hiding under the mountain.

"What is that?" Ye Hao saw the opening of a hole door. She curiously pointed to the other side of the mountain wall. It seemed to condense a solid ice wall outside. She was very curious about what would be there.

I did not expect that there is a hole in the hole in this mountain.

The supreme tone suddenly became cold. "That's not where you should go."

Ye Hao looked at the ice wall with a puzzled look. I don't know why, she always felt that there was something behind the ice wall that made her feel familiar.

"Come in." The cold voice said.

Ye Hao put the doubts in his heart down, turned and followed the top to the other side.

Just walked in, she was already shocked.

The hole in this hole is not big, but it is all ice on all sides, except for a black phoenix floating in the air in the middle, no other things.

No, that's not a phoenix, just something like a black phoenix.

"If you can take down that Ding Ding, then it is yours." Standing on the side, coveted and said, "This is the Ding Ding, which is made from the heart of the black phoenix. It is the most precious among all Ding Ding. The things, super sacred, no one knows the heart, it will recognize the Lord, for many years, no one can take it off, you can try."

"In case I can't get it?" Although she didn't know much about the mainland, she only looked at this Danding. She felt that it was a rare treasure in the world. How could she get it easily?

Dan Ding, who refines the heart of the black phoenix... I don’t know how to let Huo Huang help her to take it. It is still an ancient beast.

On these days in Xingyun Mountain, she was afraid to be seen as a small fire phoenix. She never let it leave the space. She didn't even go in and look for it. It must have been mad in the space.

Ye Hao walked to the side of the heart, but she was really nervous.

She stretched out her hands, around the heart, and there was a blue flame. Her fingertips touched the flame, and thought that there would be a burning sensation, but the flames were retreating.

There was a shock in the supremacy, and his sight fell on Ye Hao’s body, and those flames would be afraid of her!

No pain? Ye Xie’s heart was happy, and when he reached out, he held his heart in his hand, and all the flames disappeared in an instant.

"Tai Zun!" Ye Hao happily turned back. "I got Dan Ding!"

The shock in the supreme peace of mind, the smile on the face, "it since it recognizes you as the main, then it is yours."

So, can she start alchemy?

Ye Hao looked down at the phoenix-shaped Dan Ding in his hand. He felt very fond of it at first glance. This is probably a fate. Before she saw a lot of Dan Ding, none of them could make her feel like this.

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