The bright moonlight shines on the bluestone slabs, and the shops on both sides of the street are full of shops. The flagboards flying out of the Turks are floating in the wind. People come and go, and the lanterns are so bright that Ye Hao knows the night of the Kyoto Lantern Festival.

"Mingyu likes the bunny's lanterns." Ye Hao stopped at a lantern stand and looked at the little rabbit lantern hanging on the top. Her daughter's thoughts came to the fore.

"This lantern is different from the mainland. After joining the spiritual power, you can fly all the way to where you want to go." Xiao Huohuang said.

Ye Hao’s eyes are hot. “Can you get to the mainland?”

Little fire is suddenly speechless, it does not know, but it should be unlikely.

"Ming Yu likes to stick to me. I don't know how to live these days." Ye Hao took a deep breath and smiled reluctantly. "However, there is Azhan beside her, she should be better."

"Let's buy this lantern." Xiaohuo Huang whispered, and when he thought of the single jade in the mainland, it was not good in his heart. If Ye Hao knew that Murong Zhan was Mo Di, I don't know how much it hurts. Ming Yu.

She now misses her heart and mind, and she will hate Modi in the future.

"Well, this lantern is much better than the mainland." Ye Hao smiled and bought a bunny lantern with gold coins.

After receiving the lantern, Ye Hao felt different. "Does this lantern have spiritual power?"

"Of course, people who wear lanterns have at least a clearing of the environment. Every lantern is infused with spiritual power. You see, there is a piece of storage stone inside. If you wish to inject spiritual power into the storage stone, the lantern will always fly... Send it to the person you want to send." Xiao Huohuang said excitedly.

She wants to give Mingyu, but can she send the lantern to the mainland? Can you send it to the hands of Mingyu?

Ye Hao knows that Xiaohuohuang wants to comfort her. She smiled. "Well, let's go to the lantern, hope to be sent to the hands of Mingyu. Although it is impossible, it is always good."

"Yes, right." Little Fire Phoenix nodded hard.

"Then buy another little tiger and give it to Mingxi." Ye Hao said.

"Good." Xiaohuohuang suffered bitterly. Its **** was once attached to Mingxi's body. It should be able to sense the atmosphere of Mingxi in the Xuantian continent. But after so many days passed, it still could not sense it. Hee, this is not a very good phenomenon, but it does not dare to tell Ye Hao.

It hides too many things about Ye Hao. It doesn't know which day it will erupt. When she is, she will be very angry.

Ye Hao bought another lantern of the tiger king and flew to the wall with a small fire.

"I hope they can reach my children and let them know that I will miss them even if they are not around them." Ye Hao whispered, injecting spiritual power into the gathering stone.

In order to make the spiritual power better, the small fire phoenix unplugged two feathers and placed them in the lantern. "Mingyu and Mingxi will receive it."

Ye Hao also holds such hope.

The two lanterns slowly separated from the leaves of the leaves, and they rose to the black silky night sky, but the stars were a little bit brighter than the two lanterns.

"Let's go back." Ye Hao whispered, no longer seeing where the lanterns would drift.

Xiaohuohuang also looked at the two lanterns. When the tiger king lantern suddenly disappeared in the air, it flashed a horror in his eyes.

The lantern is going to find Mingxi! Is Mingxi in the Xuantian continent? How can it not be sensed?

If the person is not in the Xuantian mainland, it will be like the lantern of the little white rabbit, and it will drift all the way, because there is no place to find, but the lantern of Mingxi disappears.

"What's wrong?" The strange silence of Xiaohuohuang made Ye Hao somewhat unaccustomed.

The small fire phoenix did not respond for a long time, and Ye Hao asked him several times before returning to God.

"No, nothing." Xiaohuo Huang said in a hurry.

Ye Hao said, "You go back to the space, your injury is not long."

Xiaohuohuang also wanted to understand the problem of Mingxi, and he did not resist back to the space.

Regarding the question of Ming Xi, the only person he can find now is Mo Di.

There has always been a secret in space. The small fire phoenix has not yet been mentioned with Ye Hao. If she knows Ye Hao, she will definitely not enter the space again.

At the beginning, when Emperor Modi took the space away, it was actually splitting this super-sacred space into two. This is why there is a gap in the space that leads to the Xuantian continent. The space that Ye Hao has is actually only half. There is another half of the space in the Emperor, but... In order not to let Ye Wei discover, the Emperor has completely divided the space. Unless he unpacks the seal, Ye Hao will not find that there is another half of this space.

As a fire phoenix that has always lived in space, it is the most natural understanding of space.

It wants to find the Emperor, and can only find him through the other half of the space.

After returning to the inn, Ye Hao sat down and practiced. She operated the aura in the sea and refined the sea, and found that the small fire phoenix had already met with Modi on the other side of the space.

"What?" Modi received a message from Xiao Huang Huang to find him, and let Huo Huang go to the other side to meet him.

"The city owner, Mingxi must have an accident." Xiaohuo Huang cried anxiously.

Modi blinked slightly. "You burned your feathers and looked for me, just for this?"

"Today, Ye Hao sent a lantern to Mingxi, and the lantern disappeared." Xiaohuohuang jumped in an emergency, and did not find the indifference of Modi.

Modi’s indifferent face did not see a slight change in emotion. “How about that?”

"The city owner, if Mingxi has something in the Xuantian mainland, the goddess she... Ye Hao will be very sad." Xiaohuo Huang knows that Modi has blocked the memory of the avatar, so there is no such deep father and son to Mingxi. Love, but, in any case, Mingxi is the son of the city owner. "She thought that you would accompany Mingyu on the mainland."

Modi’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. “She wants to return to the mainland?”

If this is the case, he will definitely use her methods to send her away. She stays here, and he has become faster than him.

"I can't find Mingxi, she won't go." Xiaohuo Huang whispered, "The city owner, the niece has not been happy for a long time."

Although Ye Hao still talks and laughs, it is different from before.

Modi’s heart sighed a little, and he said irritably, “I will let people go to Mingxi, and his news will tell you.”

"Thank you for the city owner." The little fire phoenix was happy, but his heart was a bit lonely. The city owner was looking for his own son. It actually said that thank you, this is clearly what the city owner should do.

It really hurts Ye Hao.

"Do you know what to do with her?" Modi asked faintly.

Xiao Huo Huang whispered, "The supremacy is good for Ye Hao."

Modi’s face is more gloomy. “Go back, don’t break the seal again without permission.”

"Yes, the city owner."

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