Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1660: Rise from the ashes

Hearing the sound of the small fire phoenix, Ye Hao raised his head in surprise, and in a raging fire, a flame vacated, and it circled around the Suzaku, screaming, and the voice echoed the entire hall.

Rumble -

The thunder is constantly going on. If Ye Hao goes outside, he will find that the whole sky has been covered by dark clouds, the thunder is hidden in the clouds, the lightning is like a silver snake, and the entire Tianzhu City is in the dark.

Many warriors have been alarmed.

"What's wrong with this? Is there anyone in the city of Tianzhu?"

"Will you get such a thunderstorm when you enter the clan?"

"There are no more than ten people in the celestial ancestral dynasty. Who is this time?"


There were many people outside, and Ye Hao in the Mocheng Building didn’t know what was going on outside. She only saw the small fire phoenix that had really changed.

No, it is not too small now, even more than when she first saw it in space. At that time, she didn't see its entity. It turned out to be so beautiful.

The fire phoenix circled a circle, and the flame on the body gradually closed down, and this came to Ye Hao.

"You are finally born again." Ye Hao looked at the fire phoenix happily. She saw such an elegant and noble phoenix for the first time. It is worthy of being an ancient beast. It is not the same as other beasts.

"How? This God has restored 50% of the spiritual power, and can cover you later." Fire Phoenix is ​​not too small now, can not kneel on the shoulders of Ye Hao, when it rushed over, almost hit Ye Hao .

The shadow and the supremacy looked terrible on the side. After all, the flame on the fire phoenix was not accessible to ordinary people, and it would be burnt to ashes if it was not careful.

Ye Hao did not have anything at all, and the flames would not hurt her at all.

Originally, I was amazed by the beauty of the fire phoenix. I was thinking about whether it would become a noble beast. As a result, it opened up, and all the expectations of Ye Hao were disillusioned.

The appearance is changed, the temper is still a child.

"Thank you." Ye Hao said with some weakness.

"Your Dan Ding? Quickly take it out and put it on it to make it better." Fire Phoenix reminded Ye Hao.

Ye Hao took Dan Ding out of the space.

"You sit up." There is already a half-man high fire phoenix bowing down, let Ye Hao sit behind it.

"What are you going to do?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, carefully squatting on the back of the fire phoenix.

The fire phoenix spread its wings and it has not yet fully grown, but it is enough to fly around with leaves.

It came to the Suzaku flame with Ye Hao, letting her put Dan Ding in the fire.

Ye Hao saw Suzaku's eyes flashing, and he did not hesitate to put Dan Ding down.

Dan Ding is refining with the heart of the phoenix. It was originally related to Suzaku, so only this Danding can withstand ancient fires.


Dan Ding was lifted out of the fire. Originally, the dark red Dan Ding appeared a few golden lights around him. The light flashed and disappeared.

"Okay." Fire Phoenix said happily, "The refining is good, and the fire source will be there."

Ye Hao let the fire phoenix return to the ground.

"Too respect, get the fire source." Ye Hao will give Dan Ding to the last look.

In the center of Danding, there is a red fireworks flashing.

The supreme gaze looked at Ye Hao deeply. "Good."

He still underestimated the girl. In addition to being the body of Tianlingen and Tongfeng Chalcedony, she also had the luck of the entire mainland warrior.

How many people can make the beast become their own spiritual favorite? The fire phoenix she now has is the descendant of the ancient sacred beast. With this paragraph alone, she is already unparalleled on the mainland.

"Congratulations to you, for the past few years, you are the first to get a fire." Shen Ying looked at Ye Hao, not only the wife of the city, but also thought that a human woman would only become the lord of the city, and now it seems that this may not be the case. .

The ancient beasts will not recognize the Lord for no reason. Since the fire phoenix leaves the city owner to recognize Ye Hao, then Ye Hao must have her power.

Ye Hao smiled slightly. "Since we have got the fire, it will not bother."

She hasn't forgotten that it is the Mocheng Building. It is the place of the Emperor. Since it has achieved its goal, she will leave quickly. She does not want to have too much contact with him.

"The city owner may have already cleared the border, is it..." Shen Ying thinks that Ye Hao should want to see the city owner.

"Since the Lord of the City of Mexico is busy with things, we are even less disturbed." Ye Hao said faintly, can't wait to leave here.

Shen Ying’s heart is secretly surprised, and the lady does not seem to want to see the city owner?

The supreme and Ye Hao were sent out of the Mocheng Building. Shen Ying went to the front of the underground palace, but found that the city owner had already left the underground palace and was standing in the moon and looking at the distance.

"The city owner, the supreme and the ... the boy has left." Shen Ying came to the back of Modi, whispered something, and said what happened in the Suzaku Hall.

"Yeah." Modi nodded faintly, these are in his expectations, not surprising.

Shen Ying saw the back of the Emperor's straight and straight, "City Lord, that fire phoenix..."

Modi did not speak. Huo Feng used to be his beast. Later, he let the avatar go to the human world. It happened that when the fire phoenix needed to be reborn, the **** of the gods was attached to the jade to the mainland. It was originally intended to be convenient. In the future, the gap will be opened and the avatar will come back. He did not expect that the avatar will give the super sacred space jade to Ye Hao.

The phoenix's **** is in the super holy space, and what surprised him even more is that the super holy space will be completely integrated into Ye Xie's body, even if he wants to get it back.

This Ye Hao... A woman on the mainland of China is actually the body of the Tianling Root and the Tongfeng Chalcedony. He is somewhat unthinkable.

Seeing that Emperor Modi did not speak, Shen Ying knew that this matter could not be asked any more. He silently thought in his heart, although the city owner said nothing, but Ye Hao will definitely become the wife of the city.

Before today, he was not sure. Today, when he saw the events in the Suzaku Hall, he felt that he could understand why the city owner fell in love with her when he was in the world.

However, he is very curious about what Ye Hao looks like. It should not be very bad. Today, she is taking Yi Rong. It looks like a teenager. I don’t know what the real look is like. Said that it is better than the first beauty in mainland China.

If Li Xinxin, the first beauty in the mainland, knows that the city owner already has a wife, he should immediately go to Tianzhu City.

"Go and see what the East is doing outside." Modi suddenly ordered.

"Yes, the city owner." Shen Ying whispered.

When Emperor Modi looked up and looked away, he did not go to Ye Hao at this time.

"Is there news of Mingxi?" he asked in a low voice, but he did not know who he was asking.

A sound that was not far from near was quietly coming. "The city owner has not found it yet."

Even the black martial arts all over the world can't find Mingxi, which proves that the fire phoenix is ​​right.

Ming Xi is not in the Xuantian continent.

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