Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1662: Unknown whereabouts

That red is Mingxi!

The fire phoenix broke out all the spiritual power, and the gods flew farther. However, it still could not see where the red color was, and it could not see clearly.

If Ming Xi is on the Xuantian continent, then it can definitely see where he is. Now it can't see clearly, there is only one reason.

That is, there is nothing wrong with its previous judgment. Ming Xi is not in Xuantian.

Fire Phoenix wants to see where it is, and the red light suddenly flashes, and a strong resistance pushes it out.

"How?" Ye Hao saw the fire **** shook, and the flame on his body was collected. She immediately asked nervously.

Mingxi is not in Xuantian mainland, it is more like in the Yan area, even if it is not in the Yan area, it is also nearby.

It can't tell Ye Hao about this, otherwise she will definitely go to the Yan domain.

Huo Huang said angrily, "I only vaguely saw a shadow, only recovered 50% of the spiritual power, but still could not fully sense it."

"Seeing the shadow?" I still can't know where Mingxi is. Ye Hao is inevitably disappointed, but at the same time happy, at least already a little bit of eyebrows.

Fire Phoenix nodded. "Yeah, it may take some time to know."

"Okay, let's wait." Ye Hao said, "If Mingxi is not in the holy gate, then what are we going to in the holy gate?"

"Go to the enemy, kill him!" Fire Phoenix whispered, "The revenge is now certainly not high. If you let him live, I don't know what to do."

When it comes to the big man of hatred, Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a smattering of killing. If it weren’t for him, they wouldn’t be separated. She couldn’t even see her husband and daughter. This person is indeed damn.

"Yes, I have to go to the holy gate to find him." Ye Hao said coldly.

Huo Huang said, "I have said that I am the sovereign of the holy sect, then his cultivation should be very high. After returning, there is no news at all?"

"Is he still holding Mingxi, so he didn't return to the holy gate?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

"There is this possibility..." When Mingxi was arrested and disappeared by the enemy, it is very likely that they are together. "But it is still clear after the holy sect, if the enemy returns to the Xuantian continent. He will definitely go to the holy Zongmen, and he will also find the city owner to take revenge."

Ye Hao’s face was dignified. “It’s time to go to the holy gates. Let’s take a look.”

"Good." Fire Phoenix is ​​still thinking about what if Mingxi is in the Yan domain, what should I do?

"I haven't cultivated in these days. I went to practice in the space. I have said it before. I haven't learned the chapter of Lingcao and can't make alchemy. I am not very familiar with the spirituality of Xuantian mainland, so I should learn it first. Said Ye Hao.

What she needs to improve most now is her cultivation.

When the fire phoenix entered the space to practice, he released his own knowledge of the sea. It had to go to the city owner to explain the thing of Xi. Now his cultivation is equivalent to the ancestry, and the sea has been able to separate from the body, so that Will let Ye Hao find out.

There is a strong array outside the Mocheng Building. However, because the Fire Phoenix originally belonged to the Mocheng Building, its knowledge of the sea did not cause a rebound.

It quickly found Modi.

"The city owner." Fire phoenix stopped behind Modi, and the tone sounded a little anxious.

"What is it?" Modi frowned slightly and looked at the fire phoenix that only knew the sea. If it was not an emergency, Huo Huang would not use the sea to find him.

Huo Huang said, "The city owner, I sense that Ming Xi is near the Yan area, he... will he be caught by the fire?"

This is the most worrying thing about it. If Mingxi accidentally falls into the magic road and becomes an illusionist, is it necessary to see the city owner and the Mingxi father and son dying?

"What are you talking about?" Modi looked cold.

"I sensed that Mingxi was near Yanyan, but I don't know... Was it taken away by the fire." Fire Phoenix said, it is also very worried about Mingxi.

Modi did not get back to Heiwei not long ago. They have already searched all over Xuantian mainland. They have not found traces of Mingxi. If there is no mistake in the induction of fire, then Mingxi is probably in the Yan area, even if it is Not in the Yan area, it is not in the Xuantian continent.

"Do you tell Ye Hao about this?" Modi asked quietly.

Fire Phoenix lowered his head. "No, if you let 夭夭 know this, she must go to the Yan domain, and she will be in the Yan domain. If she goes to Mingxi, it is the sheep."

"Yeah." Modi nodded slyly, satisfied that Huo Huang would hold this thing to Ye Hao. If she really went to the Yan domain, he would like to ignore it. It is estimated that the emotion of the avatar could not be done.

"The city owner, what should I do?" asked Fire Phoenix.

Modi whispered, "I will let people find it. Don't tell Ye Hao this time."

"But, I am afraid it will not be hidden for a long time." Fire Phoenix whispered.

"Unless you can stop her from going to the Yan domain, or if you dare to reveal half a word..." Modi's voice was coldly warned.

Fire Phoenix immediately guaranteed, "I won't say it."

"When she is around, pay more attention to it." Modi said softly.

"The city owner, but what is the problem with the supreme being?" Fire Phoenix asked in confusion.

Modi has always had doubts about the supremacy, but there is no evidence yet, so nothing can be said. "If I know what is wrong, will you pay more attention?"

Ok! Fire Phoenix scratched his wings. "I feel that the supremacy is good."

"What are you talking about?" Modi asked coldly.

"In the flames of the desert, supremely for the sake of saving, even their own safety is ignored." Fire Phoenix snarled, someone appeared at the last minute, and it almost unplugged all of his feathers.

Modi looked cold and indifferent. "Do you have complaints about me?"

"No, but if she does not meet the supremacy, her survival in Xuantian mainland will be even more difficult." Modi can help her but stand by, in order to sever her relationship with her, would rather look at her alone in a strange The most important thing for the mainland to strive for survival is that when he knows that Modi is actually Murong Cham, but he forcibly locked the memory of the world, then she did not know how sad it was.

Modi snorted coldly. "Don't let the supreme use her."

“What will you do with the supremacy?” Fire Phoenix couldn’t think of what was going to be the supreme sacred sacred priest’s supremacy. It suddenly cried in amazement. “It’s the same as 缭 ,, because 夭夭Is the body of Tongfeng chalcedony?"

Modi’s face was black. “What are you talking about?”

"No wonder the supremacy is not to accept the apprentice, he wants to..." Huo Huang thought that he touched the truth and looked up to see the face of Modi, and he hurriedly shut up.

"Go back, stare at the top." Modi screamed coldly, and with a big palm, a hurricane swept away the **** of the fire phoenix.

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