The feeling of hatred at this time is like a stormy wave. He naturally knows who Ming Xie said about this boy, but after he came to Xuantian mainland, he was separated from the child. No one knows where he came from, nor even Knowing that he is called a hateful, after he came to the holy gate, his name is Qiu Chengyu, and no one would think that he is a hate.

"This Xiongtai, I don't know what you are talking about. There is not much left in the summit time. I will meet again." The hateful pretending to understand Ye Hao's words, turned and left.

"Hello, are you not the lord of the holy sect? How can you become a new disciple, where do you hide Mingxi?" How could Ye Hao leave the enemy and immediately grab him in front of him.

When the enemy heard Ye Hao's words, he knew that even if he was confused, it would be useless. The other party clearly saw himself, and he was sure that he had happened on the mainland.

He thinks that his memory is not bad, but he can't remember when he saw such a teenager in the human world.

No, no, there is only one person who knows that he and Mo Mingxi have disappeared from the human continent. That is Ye Hao.

This boy in front of me... obviously a man.

"What the sovereign, you admit the wrong person." The hateful face was cold and cold, and the eyes were murderous.

Ye Hao sneered, "If you turn into ash, I know, where is Mingxi?"

"You are Ye Hao?" The answer to the heart of the enemy is more and more certain. Although I don't understand why Ye Hao will become a teenager, he feels that there will be no more people besides her.

In the hands of Ye Hao, the whip of the next day swayed out. "Where is Mingxi?"

Sure enough, she! The emperor was shocked and more determined to kill her mind. If she did not die, it would be a big threat to him in the Xuantian continent!

He used to blame a lot of people. Now his cultivation is still too low. If people know his identity, he will be chased. In order to save his life, he must kill Ye Hao.

"Okay, I tell you!" The empathy showed a sneer sneer, "Dragon Sea!"

A curtain of water drops from the sky, and Ye Hao’s whip of the next day is immediately affected. The revenge repairs the water, which is in harmony with the fire of Ye Hao.

The leaves are sturdy and strong, and the spirit is firm. The whip of the next day quickly restores the spiritual power. She rushes quickly and fights with the hatred.

One fire and one water, the water was evaporated by the more powerful flames, and a thick fog was formed around them.

The disciples who were still behind looked at the fog that suddenly appeared, and thought it was another round of test on the ladder.

The elders who are concerned about the scene of the ascension ladder are also looking confused and do not understand what is happening.

The jealousy with Ye Hao in the fight is more and more scared at this time. He is very clear about who Ye Hao is, but he is an ordinary mortal. It is not easy to survive in Xuantian continent. Now he can still He is tied.

"Your son is not in my hands, you are useless even if you look for me." Seeing that the enemy could not quickly kill Ye Hao, the people behind him had to catch up and had to find a way to get rid of him.

Ye Hao said with anger, "He was taken away by you. Why don't you know where he is?"

"The gap in space has all kinds of possibilities. When I woke up, I was near the Tongtian Mountains. There was a ghostly secret, and it was close to the Yanyu. Your son might have been sent to those places." Dao, what I didn’t say in my heart was that if Mo Mingxi really went to those two places, it would be dead now.

"You are nonsense!" Ye Hao was furious. She didn't believe that both of them entered the gap at the same time. Why did the hatred be good? Her son disappeared. "Where are you here, how can Mingxi be sent to other places?" ""

The hate said, "There are all kinds of possibilities in the gap. Since you have already come to Xuantian mainland, it is your chance. You can let go of everything on the human continent and practice here. When the big world is reached, you will have a longevity. Opportunity."

"I am not rare!" Ye Hao angered his eyes, thinking that Ming Xi is now alive and dead, she just wants to kill the enemy in front of her.

"You can't kill me today, you can easily become like this, and certainly don't want people to know your true identity. If you and I continue to delay here, it will be no good for you or me. It is better to finish this trip first. Ladder, don't you just want to find a son? With your current cultivation, you can't get close to the Tongtian Mountains. It's better to get the opportunity to practice first, and then you can find him." The regret continued to persuade.

Ye Hao doesn't know where the Tongtian Mountains are, and doesn't know what the ghosts are, but listening to these two names will not be a good place. If it is so good, the hatred will definitely not return to the holy gate.

"I killed you, and then went to find Mingxi." Ye Hao said coldly.

"If you kill me, do you think that the elders of the holy gates will let you go? At that time, not only will you be disqualified, but even the great saints will follow you, don't talk to your son, can you leave alive? St. Zongmen is another matter."

Ye Hao looked at him coldly. She really hoped that she could kill him in spite of everything, but rationally understood that what he said was not wrong. She still couldn’t find Ming Xi, and her regret could not die. At least she could not kill him here.

It is impossible to ruin her to find the opportunity of Mingxi because of this monk.

After seeing Ye Hao finally calm down, he secretly sighed and saw that the people below had caught up. He was in a hurry and turned and flew up.

"Even if you can't kill you here, you don't want to win the first place." Ye Hao said coldly, she struggled to catch up with the enemy.

When I saw the embarrassment, I was in front of myself, and my heart was furious. Several water swords shot sharply toward the back of Ye Hao.

A thick layer of protection appeared behind Ye Hao, blocking the water sword of the enemy.

Originally, there was a raging anger at the hatred. Now it is concealed that Ye Hao has inspired all the spiritual power. Her whip of the next day is like a fire dragon, roaring and shrouded in hatred.

It’s too late for the enemy to resist the dragon’s waters. He seems to be torn apart, and even the sea is burning.

Do not……

The hatred has rounded his eyes, and there is a strong hatred of Ye Hao in the depths of his eyes.


He fell heavily on the ground, and his mouth overflowed with a trace of blood. All his spiritual power was used to resist the fire dragon. Now it is impossible to catch up.

At this time, the fog gradually dispersed, and Ye Muxin and others had already caught up. When they saw the feeling of hatred, they just looked surprised and rushed over him.

The enemy bite his own tongue, inspires the last trace of spiritual power, and stands up all the time. In any case, he must get a chance to enter the secret world. At that time, he will kill Ye Hao in the secret!

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