After leaving the Xingyun Mountain, only Ye Hao stayed here, no one to disturb her, she was more able to rest in peace, in addition to restoring spiritual power, she will be upgraded to the third floor of the Qing Dynasty, the fire will be in the air. Refined again.

Nowadays, there is a silvery ray in her breath, which is like the aura of the river. Her power is also greatly enhanced by the absorption of fire and anger. It is no wonder that the heroic fights everything and wants to get the fire.

She is only so big that the change of fire is so big, and that Mingxi is born with fire and anger. Isn’t he more powerful? If someone teaches him, it will be fine.

"Your spiritual power has been restored, and the repair has broken through the three layers. There is enough spiritual power to cultivate the medicinal herbs." The fire phoenix is ​​beside Ye Hao, and its injury has already recovered, accompanied by every day. She cultivated, and she knew that Ye Hao wanted to go to Mingxi, but Mingxi was not in Xuantian mainland. It is irrational to find Mingxi with her current cultivation. Therefore, she needs to improve her cultivation.

These days, she is more diligent than before, in order to improve her cultivation, but if she can have her medicine to assist her cultivation, the cultivation will be promoted faster.

There are very few alchemy masters in the Xuantian continent, so the top-grade medicinal herbs are the most precious in the world. If Ye Hao can become an alchemy teacher, it is very good for her.

"Tomorrow will go to the drug peak." Ye Hao whispered that in the human world, her Lingquan and elixir are very effective in treating injuries and illnesses, but she can go to Xuantian mainland. She found that only treating injuries is useless. I also need to improve my spiritual power. Her medicine... is useful for spiritual power, but it seems that it is not as good as the supreme medicine given to her.

Therefore, she must learn alchemy, whether she can become an alchemy teacher, she only wants to find it easier on the road to find Mingxi.

"There are a lot of Danfang in the space, I will find out for you." Huo Huang immediately said.

Ye Hao had already recorded those Danes in her mind. She had an unforgettable ability. "Let me help me find Bai XIII. I have something to tell him to do."

It didn’t take long for her to come back to Xingyun Mountain, only to know that Bai 13 stayed at the foot of the Great Shengzong.

"What do you want to do with White Thirteen?" Fire Phoenix knew that White Thirteen was the great law of the Scorpio City. He still stays in the Great Sacred, obviously the meaning of the city owner.

"To inquire about the news of Mo Di." Ye Hao said, "So many days have passed, he should have come out."

Fire Phoenix smiled. "Are you worried about the city owner?"

"Who is worried about him, I don't want to owe him." Ye Hao said with no anger.

"You don't want to owe it, but the city owner has saved you several times." The fire phoenix whispered, obviously worried about the Emperor, why not admit it.

Ye Hao glanced at it. "I didn't ask him to save. Who is your master? How do you help him every time?"

Both are! So it’s dying, and the beautiful flame feathers on the body are going to be white!

"Have you ever thought that the Emperor Modi is actually Murong Zhan?" Fire Phoenix asked.

"How is it possible!" Ye Hao immediately cried. "Even if his avatar is Murong Cham, it is also two people, well, don't mention him, go find White Thirteen."

Fire Phoenix sighed silently in his heart. "Well, I am going to find him."

Ye Hao has been in the room for two months. At this time, she finally broke through the third floor, and the spiritual power has recovered. She plans to relax today and go to Yaofeng to start alchemy tomorrow.

Xingyun Mountain is very big, Ye Hao has not lived here for a long time, so many places have not been visited yet. She is very curious about how the temple of Xingyun Mountain was built. It can actually hollow out the whole mountain and build the temple. In the mountains, from the outside, there is no other way to see the inside of the Xingyun Mountain.

I heard that the supremacy has been closed for many years in Xingyun Mountain. It seems that... is also a very mysterious person.

Ye Hao has no curiosity about the supremacy, perhaps because she feels that she will leave her son with her son someday, so she feels that she is just an outsider for the people and things she meets. She does not belong to Xuantian. On the mainland, all their affairs have nothing to do with her.

However, it seems that it is okay to say it now.

Ye Hao unconsciously came to the small lake before, and she flew over the lake and walked down the cave that took her to the top.

She remembered the last ice wall that made her not a good omen. She always felt that there was something behind the ice wall.

"Hey, hey..."

Ye Hao just walked to the ice wall, reached out and knocked a few times, and found that the back was empty, she was surprised, it really has something.

"Hey, hey!"

The sound of the fire phoenix was already shouting outside, and Ye Hao looked at the ice wall and had to go out and find it.

"How come you came here?" Fire Phoenix saw Ye Hao coming out of the hole and asked in confusion.

"The last time I thought it was mysterious, so let's take a look." Ye Hao said, "White thirteen?"

"In the front hall, there is... whoever comes." Fire Phoenix screamed, "I don't know what to do."

Ye Hao is awkward, "Who?"

Asked while walking, I came to the main hall in a blink of an eye and saw the passage of the scriptures next to the White Thirteen.

"Section brother?" Ye Hao raised an eyebrow, not knowing what the scriptures are going to do.

"Ye Shishu, how can the teacher swear to give you a brother." Duan Jingshu flashed a bitter bitterness in his eyes. He did not expect a trip to Shengzongmen. After returning, her seniority would be so much higher than him. He learned At the time of this news, I did not slow down for several days.

Being called by Duan Jingshu, Ye Hao remembers that her generation in Da Shengzong is completely different. She seems to be... She is always on the same level as her supreme, although her cultivation is not so good.

"But what's the matter?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"The head let me visit Ye Shishu, I don't know how Ye Shishu's injury is?" Duan Jingshu lowered his head and didn't want to look up to see Ye Hao.

Ye Hao has never taken Yi Rongdan since she had never been in Xingyun Mountain. Now she has already recovered her appearance in the eyes of others.

"Thank you for your concern, I have already healed. I will go to Yaofeng to find the land in the palm of my hand tomorrow." Ye Hao said.

When I heard that Ye Hao was going to find Lu’s seat, Duan Jingshu said, “The first two days before the land of the palm of your hand... Closed the medicinal herbs.”

"I want to retreat a medicinal medicine?" If the fire phoenix will turn its eyes, then it must be turned a blind eye.

When Duan Jingshu heard the words of the beast, he was even more sincere and respectful. "It is not easy to use the medicine, and it is generally necessary to close the door to become a furnace."

Ye Hao said, "Well, I know, then... who should I go to Yaofeng tomorrow?"

"Do you know the wooden elders of the Pharmacy? The drug peak has the Pharmacy Hall and the Lingcao Pavilion. The Pharmacy is the healing technique. The Lingcao Pavilion has the spiritual grass chapter and the spirit grass needed for refining the medicine. You will go to the wood tomorrow. The elders will be fine," Duan Jingshu said.

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled and nodded. Lu Wushuang retired at this time, is it related to her?

It doesn't matter whether it is related or not.

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