Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1689: Nine-tailed jade fox

Xu’s face is not very good-looking. He gave the seeds of the stinky grass to Ye Hao. It’s nothing more than wanting her to retreat. Don’t come to the drug peak again. I didn’t expect her not only to complete the task, but also to produce the stinky grass of the top grade. In the face of so many people, he wants to be picky.

"The top grade smelly grass gives you 50 points to contribute." Xu Changsong said coldly.

"Xu elder, this does not seem right, even if we planted the next product, the spirit grass has 80 contributions. How does Ye Hao only have 50 contributions?" Ye Muxin did not know when it came, standing behind Ye Hao. I looked at Xu Elder with contempt.

Xu Changchang looked at Ye Muxin with anger and anger. "Smelly grass is not a precious elixir, and the contribution point is naturally not high."

"Smelly grass is not a precious elixir, but it is very scarce for Lingcao Pavilion. I remember that the Lingcao Pavilion also issued a notice six months ago. Whoever is willing to accept the stinking grass has a contribution of 100%. There are two hundred contributions to the above. Why is there only fifty points for Ye Hao? The Lingcao Pavilion lacks the smelly grass, and the disciples of the entire Great Saints know this." Ye Muxin said.

"Yeah, Xu Elder, have you forgotten?" asked Ling Shuangfei around Ye Muxin.

Xu’s face turned white and white. “Do I remember, how to arrange it, do you still need a few juniors to talk about?”

"Xu elder, if you say so, in front of Ye Shishu, everyone is a junior, then you can't bully Ye Shishu." Ling Shuangfei said.

They are all saved by Ye Hao in the mysterious nature of Tianzhu. Naturally, they must help Ye Hao to speak.

Elder Xu was left with nothing to say, "I just forgot it for a while."

"It turned out to be like this." Ye Muxin smiled. "That is what the elders of Xu said, these stinky grasses are top grades. I believe that no one in the whole Great Sacred can plant such stinky grass, then you think it is time to give How much does Ye Shishu contribute?"

Ye Hao but laughed, the original smelly grass is so scarce, Xu Elder is obsessed with her, is it because she hates her, or is someone instructed?

"Then two hundred contribution points." Xu Chang Lao said with a blank expression.

“I heard that I can use the contribution point to change things in the Lingcao Pavilion?” Ye Hao asked, since the last time, she has inquired about the usefulness of the contribution point, and wants to get the medicine or the elixir in Dashengzong. The contribution points are exchanged.

Her contribution to today is still too small.

"What do you want to change?" asked Xu Chang.

"Seed!" Ye Hao said with a smile, and reported the names of several kinds of spirit grass, "Nine-section bamboo, snake spirit grass..."

Xu Chang old eyes flashed a scorn, this leafhopper will not think that the species is stinky, I feel that the grass can be planted.

The elixir she said is not so easy to grow.

"Fifty contribution points for the same seed." Xu said.

"Okay." Ye Hao said that she could change the four seeds. After the same length, she could take the elixir to exchange for other seeds.

There are four tips in the hands of Xu Chang, "take it."

Ye Hao took it with a smile. "Xu Elder, is there any task?"

"Do you still want to pick up the task?" Xu Changchang raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Hao. She knew that she was harassing her, but she still dared to continue the task?

"This is not to use the contribution points." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Ye Muxin pulled her sleeves. "What do you want to do directly with the head, what you need to do."

"I am also a disciple of the Great Shengzong. I don't need special cases." She is already a target of public criticism, and there are special treatments.

Xu Changla glanced at her. "There is just a task that no one dares to pick up. If you dare to solve this task, you can have five hundred contributions."

"What mission?" Ye Muxin immediately asked.

"The nine-tailed jade fox in the land of the palm of the hand slipped out of the drug peak a few days ago. As long as you can find the nine-tailed jade fox, there are five hundred contribution points." Xu Chang said faintly.

Not waiting for Ye Hao to open the mouth, Ye Muxin has said, "Nine-tailed jade fox sees people bite, but also ran to Nanshan, Nanshan is the most unconquered beast, will hurt at any time, how can you let Ye Wei Pick up this task."

Xu Chang slowly said, "I did not force anyone to take this task."

"I will pick it up." Ye Hao said, "Xu elder, can you have a clue to the nine-tailed jade fox?"

"You have to pick up the task?" Xu said embarrassedly, some thought that Ye Hao would take over the task.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded, regardless of Ye Muxin's opposition. "Yeah, but I have never seen Jiuwei Yuhu. If there is a clue, it is best."

"This kit has the dried meat and smell that Jiuwei Yuhu likes to eat. If you can find it back within a month, the five hundred contribution points will be yours." Xu said.

Lu Pingzuo likes her spirit beast very much on weekdays. Now the nine-tailed jade fox ran out of her retreat. When the land is in the palm of the hand, knowing this, it will be very angry, and the drug peak will be affected.

The most important thing is that the nine-tailed jade fox that is afraid of wildness will hurt the disciples in the sect.

Ye Hao did not hesitate to take the kit. "Well, I will find the nine-tailed jade fox."

The elder Xu looked up and looked at the oriental gong at the door, and the coveted no longer spoke.

"Are you stupid, for the five hundred contribution points actually ran to pick up such a dangerous task!" Ye Muxin pulled Ye Hao out of the Lingcao Pavilion, did not blame her.

Ye Hao smiled. "For others, this is a very difficult task, but it is not for me."

"How is it not? Where is Nanshan you don't remember? We almost got killed by bandits there," said Ye Muxin.

It turns out that the old forest in the mountains is Nanshan. "That was an accident, there would not be so many monsters."

"Even if there are no monsters, then there are no tamed beasts, are you really not afraid?" Ye Muxin said worriedly.

Ye Hao whispered, "You forgot, I have a fire phoenix."

She has ancient beasts, the head of the beasts, and the beasts of Nanshan are so powerful that they still have to bow down in front of the fire phoenix.

"I really forgot about it." Ye Muxin sighed. "But no matter what, you still have to be careful. I will go with you to find the nine-tailed jade fox."

Ye Hao said busy, "Really, don't you still have to practice? I will go by myself."

"The elders of Xu are clearly guilty of you." Ye Muxin groaned. "You don't always be bullied and don't fight back."

"I just don't want to care too much." She didn't have much time to care about these things with her. She just wanted to improve her skills with the fastest speed, and then went to find Mingxi.

She misses Ming Xi and misses her daughter and Murong Cham on the mainland.

Ye Muxin shook his head. "You, too good."

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