Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1691: My mother can remarriage

When Mingxi woke up, he was already in the magical palace of Yan. He thought he would encounter any danger, but the people here were very respectful to him, and he also called him a high priest. He knew that these people must be the wrong person. However, he was unfamiliar here, so he had to go wrong and lived in the Magic Palace. He also cultivated the exercises here.

He always wanted to go to the mother, but I heard that unless I wanted to pass the cliff, I couldn't pass the cliff, so he had to stay in the Magic Palace. Until yesterday, he finally broke through the spirit.

In the Magic Palace for so long, he also knows about the grievances of Yan and Xuantian. If he goes to Xuantian as the high priest, it may not be long before he is killed.

He was going to leave the Magic Palace today to find his mother, but he did not expect to see...Mu Di.

For Mo Di, he has heard that this person has a great relationship with his father. If it is not that he seems too calm and indifferent, he will almost be called the father.

If the person in front of you is really the father, when you see him, your eyes will not be so cold and look.

However, he still has a doubt.

"You are not my father, why do you know me and my mother?" Mingxi did not answer the question of the Emperor, but asked his doubts.

Modi stared at Ming Xi, this son... really much smarter than he thought.

Seeing Ming Xi, Mo Di seems to see another one.

"Your father is me, I am your father." Modi did not conceal Mingxi, he felt that Mingxi was not Ye Hao, and some things could not hold him.

Mingxi’s face was dignified. “My father came to Xuantian continent, you and him...”

He remembered that the hate had said that he would lead the father to the Xuantian continent. As long as the father returned to the Xuantian continent, his memory would be merged with the Emperor, and the mother would become the soft underbelly of the Emperor.

However, the Emperor Modi in front of him does not seem to have integrated memories.

"I am the same person as your father." Modi said faintly.

"But you have no memory of the father's life on the earth. You don't want to remember the mother." Mingxi understood what the Emperor said, but he couldn't understand why the memory of the mainland would be reluctant to send him back to the mother. The world is on earth.

He remembered that the father was willing to take his mother around.

"The memory of the human continent is not important." Modi said faintly, "Do you still have questions? If you don't have one, answer me, why do you become the high priest of the magic palace?"

"When I woke up, they already called me like this. I don't know why." Ming Xi looked up at Modi. "I still have one last question."

Modi coveted him and looked at him. "Let's ask later."

"We are back to the mainland, what about you? Are you sending the avatar back, or letting my mother go to the human continent, only to find out that my father is gone?" Mingxi asked quietly.

"Even so, it is safer than you stay in Xuantian mainland." Modi said faintly.

Mingxi didn't talk any more, but looked at Modi with a strange look. His father and grandmother had already come to Xuantian mainland, and Modi had become a person. That is to say, the man in front of him was his father. .

However, he is not the father, because he has locked all the memories of the world, he does not remember the mother, do not remember him and Mingyu.

"You will regret it in the future." Ming Xi said calmly, "I and Ming Yu can not have a father, mother can not have you, you better lock your memory for a lifetime, or you will regret it."

By then, this man will find that he can't lose his mother.

"Is it finished? Follow me." Modi whispered, ignoring the inexplicable repressive mood in his heart. He is now all abnormal. When Ye Hao returns to the human continent, he will be normal.

"I don't want to go." Mingxi said with a blank expression, "I won't leave here with you."

"Your mother is looking for you, do you want your mother to come here to take risks?" Modi asked coldly.

Ming Xi looked at him ridiculously. "You still care about my mother?"

Modi’s face sank slightly. “Can you walk away?”

"You are not afraid that I will tell my mother, are you my father?" Mingxi did not want Ye Hao to come to the Yan domain. It is full of inflammations, and it will definitely hurt her.

He also missed his mother very much and wanted to see her soon.

"You tell her, how can it be?" Modi asked, isn't Ye Hao left?

Ming Xi clenched a small fist, will his son beat the old man?

"Your mother does not belong here, stay in Xuantian mainland, she will be in danger. Only when she goes to the mainland, she will not be hurt." Modi said faintly, his fingers went to Mingxi, and his body was transparent. Surrounded by a ball.

"You thought that sending her to the mainland, let her discover that you are my father, isn't that hurting her?" Mingxi asked coldly, he wanted to break the ball, but no matter what method he used, There is no way to break free.

Modi did not answer, but left Mingxi with the Ming Dynasty.

"You can get another avatar to go to the mainland." Mingxi called.

"Impossible." Modi replied in a cold voice, as long as he did not solve the memory, even if he splits a few avatars, he will not remember the things on the mainland.

Unless he first unlocks the memory of the human continent.

Ming Xi looked at the back of the Emperor of the Emperor, and he decided not to persuade him any more. "Well, after you take me to the mother, I will take her away."

"I figured it out so quickly?" Modi smiled lightly.

"Yes, since you don't remember the mother, you don't like her. In fact, there are more people on the mainland than the mother. Especially the six kings, he has been reluctant to marry the king for his mother. His pay is finally There is a return." Ming Xi said with a smile.

The smile of the mouth of Modi froze, and the look at the bottom of his eyes gradually cooled down.

"If you don't interfere with them in the mainland, the mother will soon be moved by the six kings, and you are not interested in it. Isn't that what you expected? Oh, yes, if you don't like Liu Wangshu, then Mr. Huang and Mr. Huang Generals, they are all affectionate to their mothers." Mingxi said that the more happy, it seems to be looking forward to returning to the mainland.

"Shut up!" Modi's face was blue, "Do you want to attract the attention of others?"

Mingxi smiled. "If you don't say it, don't say it, you can rest assured that I will advise my mother to leave. It is really not suitable for her."

A son who actually wants to marry his mother? Ink emperor palms itch, and he beat his son to a meal, it will not be Zhen Ye know?

"I won't let my mother be widowed." Ming Xi suddenly said another.

Modi waved his hand and wrapped it in the ball of Mingxi to roll quickly.

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