Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1693: none of your business

Ming Xi was taken away by the Emperor Modi to leave the Yan domain and re-visited the blue sky. Mingxi sighed. "No wonder those flaming devils have not given up the Xuantian continent for so many years. If I am a fire, I definitely want to be like this. Living under the sky, where the inflammatory field is where people live."

"You are very sympathetic to the fire?" Modi looked at him with a faint look.

"Every place has good people and bad people." Mingxi said faintly, he did not know what the evil spirits had done to the people of Xuantian mainland, but they felt that the living environment of the evil spirits was not very good.

Modi whispered, "The practice of the evil spirits is to use the spiritual power of the martial artists. If they live in the Xuantian continent, what should other people do?"

Ming Xi waved his hand. "Well, where are you going to take me now, my mother?"

"Do you have such an attitude towards your father on the mainland?" Modi coveted Mingxi, and he had a son who was too smart. His father felt a bit uncomfortable.

"Nature is not, the father is the father, you are you." Ming Xi does not look at the emperor, he will not let this man know that his most admired person in the Xuantian continent is the father.

Although this person is also his father, in his opinion, it is already different.

Modi snorted coldly. "Your mother is in the Great Saints. After you take her to find her, you will return to the mainland."

"Okay." Mingxi readily nodded and promised, "I also want to take my mother to leave here early, Mingyu must miss us very much, she alone does not know whether she will be bullied."

He had thought that even if he and his mother came here later, at least Mingyu and his father accompanied him. Now he thinks that there is only one person in Mingyu, and he is more worried about his sister.

"The mainland is ... Many people like your mother?" Modi asked faintly, as if it was inadvertently mentioned.

"In fact, it is not a lot." Mingxi said with a smile, "Mother is so beautiful, except for the six kings, the water general, the emperor... ah, yes, and Jing Ninghou, they are very good to the mother. Ok."

Modi’s face was gloomy. “Your mother is not a singer.”

"Of course not, my mother likes my father most." Ming Xi said seriously. "Just, my mother is so young, there is no reason to return to the world. I have to be widowed. You don't have to worry, I will take care of me." Mother."

"..." Modi stared coldly at Ming Xi. "How do you want to take care of her?"

Mingxi reveals a well-thought-out smile. "Mother is the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. The water generals think that as a god, the mother can expand the harem, and then I will personally check the mother."

"Shut up!" Modi said with a grin, how could he have such a son, "What expands the harem, it is ridiculous!"

"It's not ridiculous, it doesn't matter to you. It's a matter of the world." Ming Xi learned his tone and said faintly.

Modi’s eyes were pumped a few times.

Mingxi’s mouth tilted slightly. “Let’s go to Dashengzong.”

"You have been spiritually? Who taught you to practice, and what practices have been cultivated?" Modi is now in a hurry, with Ming Xi slowly floating in the air.

"Nobody taught me, I read books in the palace of the high priest myself." Ming Xi said.

Modi does not doubt that his son has such ability. When he was a child, he also cultivated himself into the spiritual realm. However, it is hard not to worry about practicing in the Yan domain. "Is it?"

He reached out and waved to Mingxi, and Mingxi quickly reacted. The father and son actually fought in the air.

Modi naturally does not really fight with his son. However, in the process of enticing Ming Xi to make a practice, he still can't hide his surprise.

This son...

The talent is even better than he imagined!

"You have cultivated the undead martial arts of the sorcerer?" When Modi saw that Mingxi's skin flashed a layer of silver, he immediately knew what he had cultivated.

"Yeah, the most powerful is this practice. I heard that even their former high priests did not cultivate to the ninth floor." Mingxi said with a smile.

"Do you know what it takes to practice this practice? You will be enchanted at any time. After you enter the magic, is it necessary to absorb the spiritual power of others like the sorcerer?" Modi asked coldly.

Ming Xi said with arrogance, "I have cultivated to the third floor and I don't need the spiritual power of others."

Modi said coldly, "Do not practice this practice again."

"I can control myself." Ming Xi said, he does not feel that there is anything wrong with his practice of cultivation.

"You are only on the third floor, continue to cultivate, your own spiritual power is not enough." Modi frowned, angry at his son's disobedience.

Ming Xi waved his hand, "not enough to say."

Modi clasped his hand and wanted to directly abolish his practice.

"Let me go!" Ming Xi said, he was very angry that Mo Di deliberately forgot Ye Hao, and now he still has to control him, how can he obey.

"It’s not that you can cultivate without dying." Modi said coldly.

"What's the matter for you!" Mingxi struggled, two small hands clenched into fists, and the small fists flashed a touch of luster. It looked like an iron fist. He played heavily toward Modi.

Modi avoided his fist, although Ming Xi was trained to the third floor, but he was born with a fire, the power of this boxing is no small feat.

Mingxi violently smashed the Emperor Modi, his skin seemed to become a layer of flexible iron, and the guns and guns were inaccessible, and there was a great short sword in his hand.

"Silent sword?" Modi stunned. "Where did this sword come from?"

"I found it." The sword in the hands of Mingxi seems to have a dark red light flowing. "You don't come over again. What skills do I practice, it doesn't matter to you, take me to my mother."

Modi looked at him coldly. "This is the sword of the High Priest of the Magic Palace. Is it for you?"

"You are bothering, I said it was awkward." Mingxi grinned impatiently. "One day I went to the cliff of the other shore to practice, and I found it below. I felt that it was quite easy to use. It is."

"Take the sword away." Modi said coldly.

Mingxi knows that he will not be the opponent of Modi. "You are not my father, don't care about me."

"You..." Modi was about to reprimand him, but he saw a painful look on Mingxi's face. "What happened to you?"

"I am not going to die, I am going to the fourth floor." Ming Xi immediately found a position on the mountain to sit down.

Modi's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. At this time, he can easily abolish Mingxi's undead martial arts, but... Mingxi is born with a fire, and he may indeed be able to refine it. ?

He coveted Ming Xi, the extent to which this little son, who is not the same, can practice.

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