Modi did not care much about Li Xinxin’s words. He did not put the four devils in his eyes. With the ability of other denominations, he was fully capable of killing them. He did not want to participate because he did not want to be The sectarian dependence, the eradication of the demon king is not the responsibility he must bear. If it wasn’t for the Demon King to **** his Scorpio City, he would not kill him.

But... Modi’s eyebrows are slightly stunned, and the **** woman is going to the Yan domain. Needless to say, she knows that she is going to find Mingxi.

She still doesn't know that Mingxi is in Tianzhu City.

"Ink City Lord..." Li Xinxin saw that Modi did not speak, could not help but whispered a word, looking at his handsome face, she felt more obsessed.

She is infatuated with him, but he seems to be a stone heart, and even she can't make him tempted. Who is the exception in this world?

"I will consider the issue of the Yan domain." Modi said faintly, he thought that Ye Hao would be injured in the Yan area, and his heart felt annoyed.

Li Xinxin was overjoyed. She thought that she could not speak Modi. Now he actually said that she would consider it. She knew that other people came to see him, but they were all rejected directly.

He is not so ruthless about her.

Modi did not see the joy on Li Xinxin's face. He even ignored her. His eyes disappeared in the position. He asked the stinky boy to ask.

"What about the city?" Li Xinxin asked strangely.

Yin Siyue's face was ugly. She didn't expect the city owner to actually say that she had to think about it. Isn't the city owner looking at Li Xinxin? She glanced at Li Xinxin, "How do I know."

Li Xinxin raised a smug smile. "The city owner is interested in the mainland and will definitely promise to go to the Yan domain."

Yin Siyue did not want to pay attention to Li Xinxin, turned and walked out of the hall.

After leaving the main hall, Modi went to the underground palace to find Mingxi. Mingxi was here to retreat here, but he has not yet cultivated to the eighth floor.

He walked into the gate of the underground palace, and suddenly a sharp palm of the hand swept over, and Modi walked away from the side and reached out and grabbed him from the distance of him.

"Do you think that cultivation can not win me without dying?" Modi asked with a grin, he felt that he was born with this son, and the son of other people would dare to fight Laozi? From time to time, the son looked for opportunities to talk to him. Did he really think that he didn't dare to slap him?

"How do I know that it is you." Mingxi said with a smile, slipping away from the hands of Modi like mud.

Modi frowned at him. "You are not good at cultivation?"

Mingxi knocked on his arm and made a metal collision. "I have cultivated to the sixth floor."

"Your mother wants to go to the Yan domain to find you." Modi whispered, "She thought you were still in the Yan domain."

"I went to find my mother." Ming Xi said immediately.

Modi gave him back. "You look for her like this?"

"It’s better than letting my mother go to the Yan domain, in case she is in danger." Mingxi called, Yan Yan lives in the fire, they are not vegetarian.

Modi said, "When you go to find her, she is already in the Yan domain. Also, if she sees that you are not like a ghost, don't you worry?"

"I went to Yantian to find her." Mingxi broke hands with his hands and feet.

"Get back." Modi said, "You stay here to practice, and you are not allowed to see her until you are normal."

Ming Xi looked at him like a smile. "Mu Chengzhu, are you worried about my mother, or are you afraid that my mother will see me and refuse to return to the mainland? You can rest assured that my mother will know your true identity." She will not stalk you, and there is a great life on the mainland to wait for her."

"Shut up." Modi said with a black face. "I will bring her to see you. Whenever you are normal, you must return to the mainland."

"Okay, I can't ask for it." Ming Xi smiled.

Modi found that he never seemed to be able to take advantage of his son. "Cultivate well."

Mingxi snorted, and the two small hands hanging on his side clenched into fists. He must practice to the eighth floor so that he could go to see the mother.

So smart after the mother, it should be discovered soon that the Emperor is actually the father.

No, even if she found out after her mother, she would not believe or be willing to believe that her father would be so indifferent to her.

He wants to go to the side of his mother, even if he returns to the mainland without a father, she still has him and Ming Yu.

After Mo Di left the underground palace, he did not go to Li Xinxin. He went to Yan domain and had nothing to do with Li Xinxin. If he could stop her before Ye Hao went to the Yan domain...

Just when he was leaving Tianzhu City, Mingxi had an accident.

"The city owner, the young master, he went into the fire." He gasped and chased the Emperor Modi. He was responsible for the young master who was practicing in the underground palace. The cultivation of the young master has been very smooth. Who knows that the city owner has just left, the young master will not practice The result is that the fire is gone.

Although the city owner did not say that the children of the palace were young masters, they only explained everything by the appearance of the young master and the city owner.

This world has not seen anyone who looks so similar to the city owner, even the eyes are red and black, and the temper is exactly the same.

Although the city owner does not think so.

"How can Mingxi go into flames?" Modi asked, what the stinky boy was doing.

"The young master seems to be eager to seek success." He said, he knows that the practice of the young master's cultivation is unusual, and it has always been very smooth. I did not expect that there is a problem today.

Modi snorted in his heart and hurried back to the tower to find Mingxi.

The most fearful thing is not to die, but once the demons can't go, then it will be completely enchanted.

Ming Xi is trying to cultivate to the eighth floor before seeing his mother. It has always been good. When he broke through the seventh floor, suddenly his whole body burned. His skin was burning little by little, he even He can smell the burning of the skin on his body. He knows that this is the pain to be experienced on the seventh floor, but he is too painful and does not have enough spiritual power to resist these pains.

"Oh ah..." Ming Xi screamed in pain, but his heart was determined and he was still resisting the invasion of the demons.

"Bad boy!" Modi quickly rushed back, and heard the screams of Mingxi before he even went to the underground palace.

He came to the underground palace in an instant, and helped Ming Xi, who fell to the ground, to command the embarrassment, "block the underground palace."

"Are you not going to find my mother?" Mingxi called.

Modi entered the spiritual power of Mingxi's qi, "Do not speak, continue to practice."

With the aura of Mo Di, Ming Xi felt that the pain was not so obvious. He sat down cross-legged. The seventh floor was only a little bit. He couldn’t give up. As long as he cultivated to the eighth floor, he could go to see the mother. It is.

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