Ye Hao was sure that she was alone when she woke up in the wooden house. She had never seen Ye Jingwei, let alone killing her milkmaid. However, Ye Wei seems to have treated her as a murderer.

"You don't have to argue, you are an outsider in the forest, not you kill, who is it?" Ye Wei said.

"Ah, it turns out that you are so clear, so you see that I am killing?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Ye Wei smiled coldly. "You don't have to argue, if not you, who else?"

"If you are going to come to me to ask for sin today, I am still saying that I don't know Ye Jingwei, I have never seen it, let alone any milkmaid. Believe it or not, it is your business. Over the past year, I have been honoured. The care of the family is grateful." Ye Hao said faintly. "If nothing happens, I will leave first."

"Want to go, not so easy!" Ye Wei stopped Ye Hao.

The fire phoenix standing next to Ye Hao chuckled. "I have never seen anyone who dares to let it go in Tianzhu City, and it is so rude to the lady of the city."

Ye Wei’s face has changed, he has forgotten, Ye Hao is still the wife of the city owner of Tianzhu City.

"Marriage is the life of the parents, the covenant of the match, we have never received the mention of the Lord of Mexico, how can Ye Hao be his wife." Ye Shizhong has other plans in mind, naturally not willing to recognize the identity of Ye Hao in Tianzhu City. .

"You just didn't say it? Ye Hao is not the real prostitute of your Ye family." The fire phoenix said coolly, the Ye family's people really did not feel good, and did not know what to do.

Ye Shizhong did not dare to be too rude to the fire phoenix. He said seriously, "Even if Ye Hao is not the girl of our Ye family, but this year, the old man also regarded her as a granddaughter. Her kinship is the thing of our family. We can't care."

"Hey?" Ye Wei is different, is it necessary to let go of Ye Hao.

The phoenix eyes flashed a smirk, and Ye Hao was a granddaughter? Who is this?

Ye Hao smiled slightly. "Master Ye Da, thank you for your concern. However, my business can be my own."

"Even if you can be the master of your own, you have to go back to us with a leaf house." Ye Wei said coldly, "You killed the quiet mother, and must go back to give an explanation to Ye."

"I want to see Ye Jingwei." Ye Hao did not want to explain, she felt that this should be a misunderstanding with Ye Jingwei.

"You..." Ye Weizheng wanted to refuse, but the voice of Ye Jingyu came from outside the door.

Ye Jingyan walked in slowly, like a chill in the eyes of the hibiscus, and she looked at Ye Hao with grief and anger. "Ye, we met again."

"Have we met?" Looking at the young woman who is the crown of the crown, Ye Hao is more certain that she has never seen her. Since she has not seen it, how can there be other things happening.

"It turns out that you are so forgetful, but it is more than a year, you will forget me." Ye Jingxi laughed at himself. "You don't care if I forget, then you will never forget the dumb girl."

Ye Xiaomei looked at Ye Jingwei calmly, listening to her questioning, "I will remember if I have seen it."

"I told you that I am not very rare to return to Ye Family. If you told me that I wanted to replace my identity, my dumb and I would definitely promise you. Why do you want to slap your hands and dumb mothers? Yes, she..." Ye Jingyan took a deep breath. "Now you have got what you want, are you satisfied?"

She doesn't look like she is lying. The grief on Ye Jing's face is too real. The true Ye Hao must think that she is killing herself.

"Are you sure that it is me?" Ye Hao asked helplessly. "I saw you for the first time today. When I woke up in the wooden house, I didn't see anyone else."

"Is this your explanation?" Ye Jingxiao smiled and shook his head. "You said, you will escape to the woods in order to avoid the pursuit. You have to find someone. I am sympathizing with you and want to help you." ,now……"

Ye Hao frowned tightly. She was confused by Ye Jingzhen. Is she lying, or is she doing something, and she has forgotten it?

The fire phoenix came over. He looked up at Ye Jingwei. "You have repaired at least the peak of the Qing Dynasty. A person who wants to be in a spiritual environment is actually framed by a person who has not been cultivated. If you say this, you think there are several meetings." Believe?"

"It is really hard to believe, just like I never knew that Ye Hao has a beast like you." Ye Jingyu said.

"Of course you don't know, if I wake up early, I still need you to save her, so that you have a chance to smear her?" Fire Phoenix sarcastically said, "You said that Ye Hao killed, there is no evidence, is there evidence?" ”

Ye Jingxi shook his head. "There is no evidence. I don't need others to believe. Since you don't admit it, then I have nothing to say."

"If I have done it, I will naturally admit it." Ye Hao said softly.

"Ye, I underestimate you." Ye Jingyu looked at her.

To say that it is underestimated, she should underestimate Ye Jingwei. I don’t know why, Ye Hao feels that this woman who is sad and helpless in her eyes should be the biggest opponent she has ever encountered.

"Ye Ye, you must give an explanation to Ye Jia," Ye Wei said.

"What do you want me to explain?" Ye Hao asked coldly. "I haven't done it before, but I don't have to give it to Ye."

Ye Shizhong said that Ye Wei should not speak again. "Ye, we believe that this incident has been misunderstood, but I hope that you can personally explain it to the old man."

"What is the explanation?" Ye Hao looked at Ye Jingzhen. "You think that I killed your milkmaid, but there is no evidence. You came to Tianzhu City to find me today. I want to come not only to ask me, but to open the door, everyone. What are you asking for?"

"I am not here to question you." Ye Jingyan looked at her calmly. "I have been practicing for so long, not for others. I am going to kill you. The dumb mother is like a mother to me. You are my mother." No matter what your identity, I will not let you go."

Ye Hao gently nodded and understood Ye Jingqi’s position. She looked at Ye Shizhong sideways and entered the door for so long. Ye Shizhong’s attitude toward her was unprecedented and she did not seem to help Ye Jing to kill her. “So, Master Ye Da, except Do you have other things to confirm with me?"

"The old man hopes that you can return to Ye Family." Ye Shizhong whispered, it was only today that Ye Hao was not the same as at the beginning. Is it because she became the wife of Modi?

"I can't leave Tianzhu City." Ye Hao said faintly. "I will have the opportunity to see Ye Laoye in the future. I will explain it to him."

In fact, what is explained is an excuse. If she does not have a sacred root, how many people in Ye Family care about her life and death? Looking at the whole Ye family, only Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin are sincere to her, others... She feels that she does not need to explain to them at all.

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