Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1740: Combine into one

Ye Hao thinks that Modi must have something to look at him. She wants to know when he saw her...

"What do you mean by that sentence?" Ye Hao was on the anger, and did not think carefully about what the meaning of the words of the Emperor, she now feels the looming picture in her mind, she is afraid, she hopes that It’s really just an illusion, not really.

"This is what you said." Modi's mouth was slightly hooked, and it really stood up in the water like this, and it appeared in front of her.

"..." Ye Hao’s cheeks were full of heat, and she hurriedly turned her head and did not look at him. "Mu Di, you are shameless, dirty!"

Modi’s tone is helpless and wronged. “It’s obvious that you let me talk and talk, how can it become that I am shameless?”

"You...you put on your clothes!" Ye Hao screamed.

"The clothes are in the study." Modi refused to laugh when he endured. He dared to guarantee that if he laughed, she would definitely want to hack him.

Ye slammed his feet, as long as he took a set of clothes from the space to him, "put on!"

"What do you want to ask me?" Modi asked with a smile. "I haven't read this sentence yet? Did I say it? You don't... I saw it."

"Mo Di, I will ask you again, that day in the cave, in the end... What happened in the end?" Ye Hao felt faintly that it might be better not to ask, but she could not help.

She is afraid that she will become the knot of her heart forever.

"I want to know?" Modi came to her, and her face was close to her cheek. "Think of it yourself."

"You..." Ye Hao angered and stared at him angrily.

Modi looked at her with wet eyes from the mist in the clean room, and her heart twitched. He took a deep breath and felt that the blood of the whole body was rushing. He gently grabbed the waist of Ye Hao. Hey, after you return to the mainland, we can no longer meet."

"That's great." Ye Hao sneered, she didn't want to see him again.

Modi smiled bitterly. If she knew that he was Murong Cham, she would definitely hate him more.

He wants to hold her again, listening to her spoiling in his arms, listening to her whispering, even if the parents are short, he will certainly listen to the gusto, and later... he even has no chance to get close to her. It is.

"You are really unrequited for me." Modi's voice was dull, and his words were just finished, and he had already bowed his head and kissed Ye Hao's pink lips.

"Bastard!" Ye Hao wants to push him away, but her body suddenly can't move, she can only stand in the same place and he is carried into his arms.

"Oh..." He longed to be close to her and wanted to taste her sweetness. In front of her, he didn't want to control himself at all. The only thing he was afraid of was that he remembered too much and would not let her go.

Modi said, "Hey, there is a way to let you break through immediately."

Ye Hao’s cheeks floated a layer of redness, and bright eyes were more vivid because of anger.

"You look good when you are angry." Modi laughed in a low voice, twice cooked once, and he was not born in the cave.

Ye Hao whispered to see the three black cockroaches on his shoulders.

Why...he is even the same body as Murong Cham? A Zhan’s shoulders also have such three black cockroaches.

"You..." Ye Hao realized what was going on in the cave, and his mind became blank.

Modi did not know what she was thinking, and he forced her to run.

"No, don't..." Ye Hao's qihai works, the feeling is more intense, and her resistance becomes weak.

Ye Hao also felt that her aura in the sea was fuller, and the meridians of the whole body seemed to have poured into a powerful spiritual power.

"Hey, look at me." He felt that this time he was more excited than the last time in the cave. He combined his spiritual power with her, and their spirit will soon be combined.

With the fusion of the two seas, the cultivation of Ye Hao is rising rapidly.

The spirit...the first layer...the second floor...to the fifth floor, finally stopped.

As soon as the sun shone in from the window, Modi finally stopped moving, and he was still holding the leaf scorpion that had already passed the sleep. He smiled with a smile.

"No, don't... Azhan..." Ye Hao whispered to himself, wondering what dreams he was doing.

Modi’s fingers gently touched her cheek. “Hey, don’t blame me, this time I want to make you remember, remember me.”

He hopes that she will remember not only the Murong Cham on the mainland, but all of him.

"When Mingxi comes back, I will send you to the mainland of God." Modi kissed her cheek, he wanted to stay with her, but he knew that if she woke up to see him still here, It will definitely be very angry, maybe he still doesn't want to help find the gap.

He didn't want her to go to someone to help, especially supreme.

"In the future... I will go to you." Modi said in a dumb voice, all eyes are reluctant.

I dare not tell her now that I am afraid that he will not be able to find them in the future, but will be tired of them.

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