Ye Hao didn't know how long he slept. When he woke up, it was dark outside. There was only one oil lamp in the room that was faintly beating.

She had a moment of embarrassment, and after a while, she gradually remembered what had happened.

Not only everything that happened in the clean room, but everything in the cave, all flashed clearly in her mind, and those who were forgotten by her subconscious mind recalled what happened in the clean room.

"How can I..." Ye Hao’s face turned white. She never thought of being as close to a man other than Murong Zhan in her life. Now she not only has a skin kiss with Mo Di, but she is also active. She is really... slutty and hateful!

Ye Hao looked down on her body and didn't have any traces. No wonder she didn't have any doubts at the last time. Because of her cultivation, her own repairs were different.

How is she going to face Murong Cham? Ye Xie felt uncomfortable in his heart, and his eyes were dry and painful. He couldn’t even cry when he cried, but he hated the Emperor.

However, what about hateing the Emperor? In the cave, she was active.

The pain of cockroaches almost buried the leaves.

"Wake up? How is the face so ugly, what's wrong?" Modi did not know when it appeared, sitting on the opposite side of Ye Hao.

Snapped! Seeing the face of Modi, Ye Hao hated from the heart, slaps him hard, and his eyes are more red. "You roll! Roll!"

"How many times have you hit me?" Modi grabbed her hand and frowned at her. "Why hit me?"

"Why should I hit you? Don't you know this thief?" Ye Hao was so angry that she had a heartache, but she hated her own debauchery. She didn't even dare to ask herself, and this time with Mo Di, isn't it? Really feel nothing.

How could you not feel it! He is so much like Murong Cham, even the black cockroaches on his body are exactly the same, how can she not feel it?

Sexual thief? Modi almost smiled, and he tightened his face. "Hey, you can't talk about it. I haven't touched other women except you."

" can you touch me!" Ye screamed, rubbing his hands and feet and using the ground. "You know that I am the wife of Azhan, you bastard! Bastard!"

"Isn't that my wife?" Modi hurt her eyes and blame, "Oh, I..."

Ye Hao closed his eyes and didn't even want to see him. "You go out, I don't want to see you."

"Hey, when you are in the cave, you have a sweet smell, I want to detoxify you, but..." She is already sitting on him. He dreams of lingering with her every day, how can she resist her? The initiative, "I was not able to help myself last night."

"I am guilty." Ye Hao’s voice trembled. "I don't want to see you again. Can you stay away from me? Just ask me."

She actually blames herself for this? And she has never been so vulnerable in front of him, and Modi saw a sharp heartache.

"Don't say this to yourself." Modi wanted to reach out and hold her shoulder, seeing her pale face, his hand froze again. "Even if you want to blame, blame me."

Ye Hao is white, she does not blame herself, who can blame? Blame him?

"You have broken through, you..." Modi looked at her with a low-key look. "I am leaving."

There was no more sound in the room, and Ye Hao slowly opened his eyes and found that Modi had already left. She only covered her face with her hands and cried silently.

Invisible in the corner, Mo Di saw this scene, and suddenly felt the heart cut like a knife.

He didn't know... she would be so painful.

Ye Hao wiped the tears from her face and let the ring ring give her hot water. She was sitting in the tub and kept licking her skin. She didn't want to have the breath of Mo Di, she wanted Forget the feeling of being intimate with his skin.

Seeing this scene, Modi resisted and did not pull her hand in the past, he was afraid that she would hurt herself.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Hao finally stopped, she took a deep breath and took out the clean clothes to put on.

"Where do you want to go?" Modi kept following her silently until she found out that she was leaving the tower, and he stopped to stop her.

"Let it go." Ye Hao said coldly.

"You want to leave here, if Mingxi comes back to see you?" Modi whispered, "You don't want to see me. I will not appear in front of you in the future. I will be able to return to the mainland." What happened to you outside?"

Ye Hao crossed his body and didn't want to see him and didn't want to talk to him.

"Hey!" Modi called her. "You stay, I am going to find Mingxi."

Modi did not wait for Ye Hao to answer, and he turned and left.

Ye Hao looked in front of the cold indifferent, in order to wait for Ming Xi, she finally stayed.

Just waiting for Mingxi to come back, they immediately left here, even if they could not immediately return to the mainland, she did not want to stay here to see Mo Di.

"Why are you doing this to the city owner?" A strange voice came suddenly behind him. Ye Hao looked back and remembered that this woman who was so glamorous seemed to be the guardian of the Emperor.

She ignored the silver thinking month and slowly walked back.

"You stand! Don't think that someone calls your wife, you are really the wife of the city, you are just from the mainland..." Yin Siyue saw it far away, and this Ye Hao dared to face the city, she Thinking who she is!

"Get out!" Ye Hao opened coldly.

Yin Siyue glared at Ye Hao with angrily. "Do you know what status the city owner is in Xuantian? You don't deserve him..."

Ye Hao had an anger and nowhere to vent, listening to Yin Siyue has been talking non-stop, but also to continue to mention the Emperor, even more angry with her, "I say it again, go away."

"Ye Ye, don't you know too much!" Yin Siyue called.

"I just don't know how to be good." Ye Hao said coldly, running the sea, the whip of the next day, sweeping hard, did not fall directly on Yin Siyue, but the power of the whip of the next day is too great. Yin Siyue shook back and bounced back and landed heavily on the ground.

Yin Siyue’s mouth overflowed with a trace of bloodshot hair. She was shocked to see Ye Hao. When was this woman on the mainland who was so ruined?

Don't say that Yin Siyue was shocked. Even Ye Hao was shocked by herself. She just wanted to let Yin Siyue make way. She didn't think that just let her hurt.

"You..." Yin Siyue glared at Ye Hao in horror.

"I told you to let it go." Ye Hao said faintly, he took the next day's whip.

Modi said that her cultivation was improved, and it turned out to be true.

Is it... Ye Hao holds the fists tightly, and she laughs ridiculously. The body of the phoenix and chalcedony is not without any harm.

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