I have to say that this son is not only smart, but also very observant. His mode of getting along with Ye Hao is not the same as before. Ye Hao has always resisted indifference to him, but this child is still aware of the difference.

"What can I do to your mother?" Modi put down the voice in his hand and waved toward Mingxi, letting him sit down and talk. "I don't want to treat you as a child. You can talk to me like an adult." ?"

Ming Xi walked over and sat down in the Taishi chair. The childish face was indifferent. "I have grown up. What do you want to say? I said, don't bully my mother."

"Maybe your mother bullied me." Modi whispered that he was really interested in Ye Hao before the cave. Even if he closed his eyes every day, he would dream of sweetness with her on the mainland, but he never thought about it. To touch her, she took the initiative to sit on him, under such circumstances, if he can push her away, unless he is not a man.

"That is what you deserve." Ming Xi said.

Mo Di 掀眸 looked at Ming Xi, "I have always been so rude to your father, be careful of being thunder."

"Oh, I am waiting." Ming Xi smiled and looked different from an innocent child.

Stinky boy! Modi groaned in his heart, "What do you want to say?"

"You know why I came." Ming Xi seriously. "You have forgotten the memory of the mainland, so I don't know how deep the relationship between the mother and the father is. If you don't want to go back to the mainland, please ask." Guarantee, don't let my mother know you."

"Yeah." Modi gently beheaded, I don't know if it promised Mingxi or something else.

In the eyes of Mingxi, there seems to be a glimmer of light. In the same way, in fact, he said before, but now he just wants to make sure.

He really planned not to be a mother.

Don't want him and Ming Yu.

"Well, I will go first." Mingxi stood up and did not want to let the Emperor feel the sadness in his heart.

"It takes time to go to God's mainland and spend more time with your mother." Modi's voice is low, so that Ye Hao and Ming Xi will not be hurt, and the Fei Ling ship will have to re-add Lingshi, then it will be able to sneak into the godland. .

Mingxi did not speak, and went out without going back.

Modi re-headed down to write the sound, not finished, a white feather fluttered on the desk.

Seeing the white feathers, he frowned slightly, his fingertips flashed, the white feathers turned into fireworks, and a roar of resounding echoed. "You said you want to go to Godland to do what? You are crazy, you! For many years, let you not suppress yourself to cultivate on the mainland to accompany me to play, you are not willing to leave Xuantian mainland, you still have the idea to hit the earth on the earth! Are you human? Ah, you are not a person You are a pervert, the old man will never help you, don't help! You are dead in the Xuantian continent!"

The roar is too loud, echoing in the study.

Modi’s eyebrows were slightly picked up, and it seemed to be accustomed to the roaring voice.

In a short while, another feather fell.

"Little emperor, do you think clearly? Really want to come to the mainland to open the gap, if you are discovered, you will be hit by five thunders, then your repair is at least 30%, you have to practice at least For fifty years, what is your virtue, you know, you have offended so many people, you know that you have lost your cultivation, and you will not take the opportunity to revenge, you will be killed."

"You are coming back to me, are you serious?"

"What's in the world? Do you want to go to the world?"

"You take me to death, ignore me, I won't help you!"

After hearing the last sentence, Modi finally raised his head and sent the voice in his hand. "Serious."



On the next day, Mingxi left the tower with the fire phoenix, they are going to the auction building.

The auction building is in Qinglong Street. It is opened by Xingjia of Heishuicheng. It is different from the public auction of Heishuicheng. To enter the Xingjia auction building, in addition to invitations, it is not allowed to pay 30,000 gold coins first. Otherwise, it is not Allow access.

Ming Xi was still thinking about how to get in, and he saw Shen Ying appear behind them and took them directly.

"Great big..." The auction building didn't look so grand and beautiful, but it was like another world.

There are three floors in the auction building. The center of the first floor is a circular auction platform. The auction platform does not know what to use. It can faintly feel the aura of the rock. The second floor is a wing room, which can see the auction floor more clearly. The scene, the third floor is set for VIPs.

"Young master, let's go to the third floor." Shen Ying said.

The fire phoenix came to the ear of Mingxi. "You don't have to pay for the capital of the city."

"No, I have." Mingxi said with a smile, he does not need the gold coins of the Emperor.

"Young Master, this is the treasure of today's auction." Shen Ying took a booklet to Ming Xi.

Mingxi opened it and found that the images inside were moving, and there were various images to explain, attacking weapons and dynamic effects.

"This booklet is made of Lingshi, so you can make a moving portrait." Fire Phoenix said.

"Well, this sword is good." Ming Xi pointed at a bronze sword above. "It is suitable for 舅舅, and this jade, can be given to the six kings."

Shen Ying whispered, "Young Master, do you want to send something to the city owner?"

"Your city owner has a wealth of money, where can you see this thing." Mingxi said with a smile, "My mother should be coming, Xiaohuo, you go out to pick me up."

"Young master, it is all right to pick up the lady." Shen Ying said, a little bit sympathy for the city owner.

The fire phoenix frowned and looked at the seat on the second floor room. "Isn't that the Ye family?"

"What kind of Ye family?" Ming Xi asked.

"People pass, don't bother." Fire Phoenix snorted, and Ye Boshu came to Ye Family, certainly there would be no good things.

Mingxi stood up and looked in the direction of the fire phoenix. Suddenly, he slammed to the other side.

"What's wrong?" Fire Phoenix whispered.

"The embarrassment of the day, there is also one here!" Ming Xi's childish face was dignified, "and the original Lord is not far away."

"I will find out." Huo Huang immediately said.

Ming Xi pulled him, "Don't scare the snake, let other people find it."

"Even the city of Tianzhu dare to come, really do not know how to be good."

"The man was seriously injured by me. It appeared in Tianzhu City in less than a few days. Do you think it is okay?" Ming Xi whispered, and he had already sat back in the original chair.

Huo Huang learned how he looked, and sat down happily, groaning in his mouth. "I must not let them go this time. I don’t know how many times we counted behind us..."

"Don't talk." Ming Xi said, "I will be heard."

"There is a soundproof yarn, nobody can hear it." Huohuang said with a smile.

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