Ye Hao was led back to the city of Tianzhu by Modi. Probably because Modi’s momentum was too strong and strong, there was no warrior who dared to come out to stop them until they entered the enchantment, and there was a repressive discussion outside.

White Thirteen, they disappeared automatically after entering the city. They all felt that the city owner was uploading to suppress the cold atmosphere. Judging from years of experience, the farther away this time, the better.

Even Mingxi wanted to go back with Ye Hao, and he was pulled away by the fire phoenix.

Unconsciously, walking on Qinglong Street, she and Medi are left.

Ye Hao turned to look at his side face, as in her memory, the edges and corners are distinct, handsome and moving, even if the cold and dark scorpion is cold and indifferent, it is still clear and beautiful, so unfortunately, he is looking at this time. Too cold, the surrounding air seems to solidify, she feels heavy and heavy.

She cleared her throat. "I saw that Mingxi was in danger."

Modi did not speak, and the thin lips could see how bad his mood was at this time.

Ye Hao had to continue to explain, "I feel that I can deal with them, and the flying snake almost hurt Ming Xi, you know, I can't watch Ming Xi injured."

The man who had never spoken stopped, and the cold, dark voice looked at her indifferently.

Seeing that the leaves of the leaves are cool, the little hands that are in his palm are slippery and sweaty.

"You thought..." Modi's voice was cold and chilly, like he was suppressing something. "I will see that Mingxi was hurt? Do you think I will ignore him?"

He has said several times that he is Murong Cham, and Ming Xi is his son. In her opinion, he will be cold-blooded and watched Ming Xi being injured, so she has to go out to save him personally and put herself in danger. in.

Before she did these things, she did not think about his existence at all. She did not trust him at all.

The leaves swallowed and swallowed. She was staring at her stiff body. His eyes were too focused and sharp, and the cold pupils were so deep, and even the red eyes were full of strange chills.

"I didn't see you, you are repairing the enchantment. At that time, I couldn't think of anything." Ye Hao whispered the facts and saw that they were besieging Mingxi, where she could still calm down, and at the time she felt Qihai seems to be waking up, her power is so powerful that even she is scared, and in normal times, she can't kill the flying snake.

Modi’s indifferent and beautiful face suddenly showed a smile, and his eyes were cold and chilly. “You can’t think of anything, you just...”

His words were not finished, and he glanced at Ye Hao indifferently, and suddenly let go of her hand and walked straight ahead.

Ye Hao was awkward, is he angry? What did he just want to say?

"Mother, what happened to him?" Do not know which corner of the Mingxi walked out, and looked at the figure of Modi, who was gradually drifting away, and the guy actually had a face with his mother?

"I don't know, it's inexplicable." Ye Hao ignored the strange feeling in his heart and looked down at Mingxi. "Bad boy, you tell me clearly, why is it outside?"

Mingxihehe smiled. "I saw the enchantment destroyed, so I want to go out and help."

"Help!" Ye Hao grinned and sneered. "You have a good time!"

"No... really no..." Mingxi shook his head hard and pointed to the fire phoenix that was still hiding in the corner. "The repair of the fire phoenix has been restored. He and I joined forces and the world is invincible."

Invincible in the world, your uncle! Fire Phoenix snarls in his heart, will not pull him out to divert attention will die?

"You, come over." Ye Hao finally remembered the fire phoenix, and she smiled softly at the handsome boy.

"Hey, you listen to me." The fire phoenix moved slowly. "I was not like this."

"What should you like?" Ye Hao asked well, and she felt that she was wondering that the fire phoenix had been in Xuantian for at least a few hundred years. How was it like a child? I thought it was a rebirth. It seems that he is Deliberately pretending to be a child.

"I didn't want to, I used to sleep in my arms every day. If you let me know that I am not a child, you will be embarrassed." Will he be beaten again, in case he is not wanted? So he concealed it now.

Ye Hao’s face was black and went to the fire phoenix. “Would you still let me hold it?”

"I don't dare anymore." The fire screamed and hurried to run.

"You are dead!" Bai XIII and Shen Ying did not know when they came over. Apparently they had heard the words of the fire phoenix and felt extremely sympathetic to the death of the beast.

Fire Phoenix wowed, "You don't want to fall into the rocks!"

Bai XIII and Shen Ying both laughed restrainedly, obviously it was falling down the stone.

"How long have your city owners just stood at the city wall?" Ye Hao saw that the fire phoenix had gone away like a monkey, thinking that she had another thing that was not clear, and that did not catch up.

"When the lady appeared on the flying snake, she came." Bai XIII said.

Didn't that all be seen?

Ye Hao’s face is even more unsightly. Since her magical smell appeared on her body, he asked her not to leave the tower. Her last appearance has made him very unhappy. This time she is out of town, I am afraid I will be even more angry.

She will bring him more trouble.

“How come you no one reminds me?” Ye Hao asked angrily.

"Mrs. was very prestigious at that time, we just... forgot." Bai Xie said with a smile.

Ye Hao is speechless.

"Mother, Modi is angry when he is angry, what is so scary." It is he who does not want them, what qualifications are angry with them.

"Don't make trouble, in case he doesn't leave us tomorrow," Ye Hao couldn't say the feeling in his heart at the moment, but the look and eyes of Modi just made her feel bad.

"..." Mingxi suddenly did not know whether to gloat or sympathize with the Emperor Modi, he thought that the mother was concerned about his self-blame, and the result was only worried that he could not return to the mainland.

Modi knows that he will vomit blood!

"You go to the fire phoenix and find it for me. I don't want to leave the city again." Ye Hao said to Ming Xi, "I am going to talk to Modi."

"Mother, you are against Modi..." Mingxi looked at Ye Hao and was really worried about her reaction after knowing the truth.

She has deep feelings with her father and he knows.

"Don't think about it!" Ye took a look at his son. "He is protecting us now and helping us to go back. If you don't like it, you can't show it." Ye Hao whispered.

Ming Xi looked awkward, he did not show it, she was more obvious.

Bai XIII and Shen Ying smiled bitterly, they are still here, and the lady is restrained to speak.

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