Ye Hao didn't think that the magical dragon in her body contained such a powerful force. She was already a genre, but the power of the magical Dan was released half. If the power of the magical Dan was all guided in her body, then her cultivation was How terrible will it become?

"Mother, what do you think?" Ming Xi gave Jin Shengguo to Ye Hao, and her eyes kept observing her expression.

"It's already much better." Ye Hao took the fruit in his hand. "This is what you and Fire Phoenix are picking up? Will it have an effect if you eat it? You have eaten a lot of magic fruit before, I am worried about your body." Can't stand it."

Ming Xi smiled. "Nothing, the father of the emperor...the city of Mocheng also said it doesn't matter."

Modi... Ye Hao’s twilight was so dark. On that day, she thought that he would torture her again. I didn’t expect him to only guide her to the power of the magical dragon until she stopped smoking and he left. room.

It has been a few days, and she has not seen him again.

"Then you eat." Ye Hao whispered that he did not appear better, she did not need to see him.

"Mother, we will soon pass through the Yan domain." Mingxi did not know what his parents thought, but he saw Ye Hao feeling dull these days, even the father and the emperor avoided, obviously immediately To be separated, there is not much time to be together, but it is still deadlocked.

After returning to the human world and knowing the truth, I don’t know what it will be.

"There are beasts around the Yan area. You are all careful." Ye Hao, the last monster she met in the Yan area still remembers very clearly, I don't know if their Flying Ship can avoid it.

"Mother, your face doesn't look very good, do you want to go back to the room to rest?" Mingxi whispered.

The fire phoenix that had been kneeling in the corner of the ship’s board looked up at Ye Hao, and he sighed again and again.

"I'm fine, but some do not adapt to the power of the magic Dan." Ye Hao said with a smile, suddenly went to the fifth floor of the sect, if it is not afraid that her repair is too fast to accept, it may be directly to the peak.

"Fortunately, there are city leaders to guide you, otherwise the magic Dan is not released in your body, the breath is too heavy, it is even more dangerous after the Yan domain." Huo Huang said.

Ye Hao did not speak. She had not seen Modi for a few days. Of course, she would not say thank you to him. He owes her too much.

"Is the Motown Lord all right?" Ming Xi asked.

"Ah?" Fire Phoenix stunned. He didn't quite understand the meaning of Mingxi's question, but he still wisely replied. "I don't know, I haven't seen the city owner for a few days."

Ye Hao couldn't help but ask, "What happened to Modi?"

Mingxi said in a serious way, "I don't know. Since I retired with you, I have never seen him again. I heard Bai XIII said that it seems to be uncomfortable."

I heard this in the white 13th, which was originally a background board in the corner, and looked at the young Master Mingxi. Did he say that the body of the city owner is uncomfortable? How did he forget?

"What happened to your city owner?" Ye Hao looked at Bai XIII.

White Thirteen lightly coughed, "I haven't seen the city owner for a few days, and the city owner will not let us in."

Ye Hao frowned, did he really have something wrong?

"We are too eye-catching in the ship's board, go back to the room, the enchantment in the room can hide our breath." Fire Phoenix smiled blankly, so flickering Ye Hao, a group of hers, if she found the city owner nothing, sure I have to tear down their skin.

"Mother, then let's go back first." Mingxi said with a smile.

Ye Hao looked at them and went back to the wing. She hesitated for a long time before she decided to go to him.

"Where are you from the city... Where?" Ye Hao remembered that she still didn't know which room Modi was in.

"Besides the lady's next door." Bai XIII said.

Ye Hao’s eyebrows are slightly stunned, and I don’t want to admit that I care about him. If he really has something, what should they do if they can’t go to God’s mainland?

Going outside the door of his room, Ye Hao hesitated and knocked on the door.

There is no sound inside. It seems that it is not inside. Ye Hao does not want to wait for a moment, and he wants to leave when he turns.

"Looking for me?" At the moment when Ye Hao turned around, the door suddenly opened, and the body of the Emperor of the Emperor appeared in front of him. The clear and moving face was deep and beautiful, and his eyes were as cold and indifferent as ever, looking at her in low spirit.

It doesn't look like something!

“Hey?” Modi’s mouth twitched a little, “What are you looking for?”

Ye Hao took a deep breath, "I heard... you are not comfortable?"

Modi raised his eyebrows slightly, is he uncomfortable?

"So, do you care about me?" Modi is certainly not so stupid that he is not uncomfortable. He knows that she does not want to see him, so she tries not to appear in front of her. Now she takes the initiative to come to him, how can he Refuse.

"I don't think you have anything to do with it." Ye Hao said coldly, turned and left.

It’s stupid that Moody’s was so easy to let her go. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “It’s not the way you care about others.”

"Let me go." Ye Hao frowned and found that he was too close to her side, and she could smell his breath.

"Is there still fever?" Modi's cold voice seems to contain a smile. Although he knows that she is willing to come to him personally, she is mostly worried about returning to the mainland, but it can also make him feel better.

His breath was a bit cold, and it was like a breeze in her ear. Ye Hao wanted to stay away from him, but he grabbed his arm hard and couldn't escape. "No, you... let go of me." ”

"Yes? I look." Modi black squinted at her, pulling her into her arms, holding her forehead in one hand, and sticking to her cheek. "It really is no longer hot."

"I said that I am fine." Ye Hao said with a grin, trying to push him away.

Modi sighed in her ear. "But I have something."

"What?" asked Ye Hao, frowning.

"I want to see you." I thought it was going crazy! Modi glared at her waist, pressed her against the door panel behind her, and kissed her with a low head. The cold tongue tipped her lips and forced her to devour her sweetness.

Ye Hao did not push him to struggle, and he regretted that he wanted to hit the wall. She should not come to see him, and he should be killed.

His hand slipped into her sleeve and rubbed her delicate skin between the rough. The more she struggled, the more tight her body was, the more she felt the change of his body, the hot stick. With her lower abdomen, she almost felt his twitching moving.

She was so breathless that he couldn't breathe, and even the lungs hurt.

"You can come to see me, I am very happy." Modi finally left her lips, her voice whispering in her ear, her thin lips with her earlobe, and the corners of her eyebrows were joyful smiles.

"I don't care about you!" Ye Hao said with a grin, "Bastard!"

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