When Ye Jingyu was brought back to Xingyun Mountain in the supremacy, Ye Hao had a bit of suspiciousness on the supremacy. Modi said that he was a high priest. She believed in the 80% of her heart, and the remaining 20% ​​was saved. She hoped that she would be supreme. It is not only for her use.

It seems that the two-for-one luck is gone.

"I want to talk to you." There is no answer, but focus on Ye Hao.

Ye Haoqing's beautiful face showed a hint of light smile. "I am not the person you are looking for. You bring Ye Jingyu back. You should know that she is what you are looking for."

"The person I am waiting for is you." The face of the white ruthless jade floated gently and smiled.

"Then what do you want to say to me?" Ye Hao said the words, and felt that the big hand at the waist was tight, as if he was not pleased with her.

On the upper side, I glanced at the Emperor, and then I noticed a familiar atmosphere. He looked at Mingxi, who was standing next to Ye Hao. The child grew seven points like Mo Di, that is... Ye Wei and Mo Di Son?

"I want to talk to you alone." The soft voice said, turning his eyes from Mingxi's face to Ye Hao.

"The high priest said with a smile." Modi spoke before Ye Hao did not agree, and wanted to get along with her alone, and thought about it.

Supremely sighed in my heart, "Mu Chengzhu, this depends on the meaning of Ye Xie."

"I mean what she meant." Modi whispered, he knew the purpose of the supremacy here, so he could not let Ye Hao talk to him alone.

"The high priest, it seems that there is no need to talk nonsense with him." The burly demon behind him will be eager to move. He was originally sealed by the Emperor, and now see the enemy again, of course, want to report the revenge of the year.

The thin devil next to him will whisper, "Do you think you are the opponent of Modi?"

"I am not, but... isn't there a high priest?"

Ye Hao looked at them and said, "Supreme, I am leaving."

"Where to go?" The gaze is clear and sullen, looking at Ye Hao.

"Returning to my original place, I will not come again in the future. I am not the person you are looking for. I have no memory of Yan Yan. Even if the magic Dan wakes up in my air, I can’t remember a little bit of memories of the Yan domain. You are waiting, the person you have to wait for is Ye Jingwei." Ye Hao whispered, she knew that Modi would not let her be alone, so she had to explain, "I don't belong here."

Slightly sighed, "Ye, I said, you belong here."

"The high priest, it seems that the devil has not yet awakened, what do we do?" The thin devil will whisper.

How to do? It’s not easy to grab the leafhopper from the hands of Modi. I look at Ye Hao silently. “Where are you going?”

"Go..." Ye Hao hesitated to look at him, "Human."

In the supreme eye, there was a flash of enlightenment. He had heard Ye Jingjun say that Ye Hao came from the human continent. He had a bit of suspiciousness. No wonder... there is no memory at all.

"Ye Ye, you belong to the Yan domain." The whispered, "I don't want to hurt you, but... Can you follow me back to the Yan domain?"

"I don't want to go." Ye licked her lips, she didn't want to go to the Yan domain, and she didn't want to think of a little memory about the Yan domain. She didn't want to stay in Xuantian for a moment. "I know you want me to go back." What, you want Ye Jingjun to take my body and let her lead the field again. I don't want to give her body."

Supremely frowning, just want to explain that he never thought so, a few figures appeared around the flying ship.

"Little girl, do you want to let the body out, but you can decide." The man who spoke was holding a pair of shackles in his hand, and a handsome face was born with a sinister sinister sin, and his eyes looked at Ye Hao.

Hearing this voice, Ye Haozhong instantly condensed cold frost, "Yu Wang!"

She looked at the right hand of the king, wasn't she cut?

"Ye girl is good memory, but I can still remember it." Wang Wangxiao smiled at Ye Hao, his eyes flashed brightly, and there was a kind of greed that wanted to remove the leafhopper into the abdomen.

Ye Hao remembered everything that happened in the cave. She took a deep breath and whispered to Modi. "Before I leave, I will kill him."

Modi gently smothered her in her arms. "Don't dirty your own hands. If you can't take revenge for your wife, then am I not a waste?"

"Wait for me here, I cleaned up and came back." Modi bowed his head and kissed her lips, and the voice was low and sweet.

Ye Xie’s heart moved and blinked.

"Ming Xi, protect your mother." Modi said coldly to Ming Xi.

"Good." Mingxi should be.

Modi let go of his hand and smiled at Ye Hao, and the figure had already come to the front of the king.

The king knows that he is not the opponent of the Emperor, and evades the attack of the Emperor.

The four demons will look to the top. "The high priest, are we going to help?"

"You go to help the king." The whispered, although he was angry at what Wang had done, he could not let the king be killed here.

There are four magical helpers, and the pressure of the king is much reduced. The figure of the Emperor is like lightning, and the fighting method is getting more and more intense.

Ye Hao frowned and looked at how she felt that something was wrong.

"Ye Ye." Someone was calling her behind her, and the leaves were so cold that I looked back at the people.

On the ship's board, suddenly there are more than a dozen enchantments, and Ye Jingwei, who is standing in front of her, is behind her.

Ye Hao is not surprised by the appearance of Ye Jingying. If she does not appear, then it is really strange. "Look for something?"

For Ye Jingwei, Ye Hao has no good feelings. This person’s appearance is to smear her, let her be infamous in the Xuantian mainland, and be besieged in the city of Tianzhu. Now I want to think about it carefully. This is not because Ye Jingwei’s Does it happen?

"You should know what I am looking for for you." Ye Jingxi said, "Ye Ye, your body should be mine. I am only here to retrieve what belongs to me."

Ye Haomei’s eyes are glaring at her, “Your?”

"Yes, the magical Dan on your body is deliberately separated from me, naturally it is mine." Ye Jingyan said calmly.

"Since the magical dragon is on me, it is mine, I can only say... you are not qualified to have the magic Dan." Ye Hao said faintly, "If you want to take it away, then see if you have the ability." ”

Ye Jingxi does not want to admit that she is in the 嫉妒叶蓁, she just wants to get back what belongs to her, "catch her up."

The sorcerer on the flying ship heard Ye Jingwei’s instructions and immediately came over to Ye Hao.

White Thirteen whispered to Ye Hao, "Mrs. These are the generals of the Inflammatory King, you have to be careful."

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