The Magic Palace is bigger than Ye Wei’s imagination, and it is not very special. It is similar to the Zhouguo Palace she has seen before. The only thing that surprised her is the priestly temple in front of her.

In the past, she was taken away by Qi Ruoshui. Her place was also called the priest's house. Later, the entire priestly temple was burnt down.

Who burned the priest's house at that time?

Ye Hao’s look was awkward, and her figure flashed a long, tall figure, which was very vague and she could not see clearly.

"Hey?" She saw her standing in a daze and called her several names.

Ye Hao returned to God and looked at it. The first thought was that he would not be the one in her mind.

Who is that person?

"What do you think of?" asked in a low voice.

"Nothing." Ye Hao replied faintly. "What do you bring me here?"

Supreme said, "You don't like to live in the Devil's Palace. I will live here after that. I will tell you how to refine the Devil."

"You help me, I am not afraid that I will deal with you in the future?" Ye Hao asked.

“Why do you have to deal with me?” I whispered in the first place.

This question will ask Ye Hao, why should she deal with him? He does not seem to have done anything unhealthy. In addition to the sacredness of the false saints, in fact, he did not do bad things in the Xingyun Mountain. Instead, the Great Sacred Man grew up a lot because of his existence.

If the Great Holy Sepulchre is not supreme, it will probably have been destroyed by the Holy Zongmen.

"If you take the flaming demon to attack the Xuantian continent in the future..." Ye Hao hesitated, and if the Xuantian continent and the blaze could not avoid a fierce battle, it would definitely be a battle for the sorcerer.

"Why must we attack the Xuantian continent?"

Ye Hao heard the helplessness in his tone. She glanced at him. "Don't you want to survive?"

Supremely decapitated, "Yes, we need, in fact, many years ago, the sorcerer and the warrior could survive together."

"Why then... there will be hostility today?" Ye Hao asked.

"Follow me." Go up into the main hall of the priest's house.

The walls of the main hall are engraved with flowers on the other side, and there are various kinds of monsters. Many of them are not named by Ye Hao. The most central part is a great incense case. The altar is burning black sandalwood and light. Smoke.


Ye Hao felt that she had seen this hall, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen it. She just thought that there was a dull drum sound in her mind, and she looked at her with a confused look.

She stood in the middle of the hall, and the pattern on the ground was a blooming flower on the other side. She just stood on the other side of the flower.

“Have I seen such a place before?” Ye Hao asked.

"That is the memory of your magic Dan." The whispered.

When I heard the supremacy, Ye Hao subconsciously wanted to resist the picture in her mind. She did not want to have any relationship with the inflammation.

The more I didn't want to think about it, the more the pictures appeared, and her head felt like a painful explosion.

Supremely hugged her hand, and the long, jade fingers were shining.

The pictures that appeared in her mind quickly stopped, and Ye Hao’s face was slightly white, looking up at the top standing in front of her. “Those... are all true?”

"What do you see?" She retracted her hand and looked at her gently. "What did you see?"

"Slaughter..." Ye Hao whispered, the pictures that flashed quickly became clear in her mind. She retched and her face became whiter.

The supreme twilight was so heavy that she hugged her up and left quickly.



Ye Hao has experienced many things in the human world or in the Xuantian continent. The war has personally participated in it. It has been used to life and death and killing, but it is the first time to see such a cruel and inhuman killing.

She didn't see it at the scene, but she could hear the sound of cutting bones and cutting meat. The ground was full of blood, and almost no clean places were seen. The blood flowed into the river.

It is obviously a human being, but like a wild beast is eating the same kind of flesh and blood.

"They are inflammatory, not our kind, they must kill them."

"Kill them, don't let them grab the spirit with us..."

"Help, save lives."

The knife fell and the blood splashed.

“I heard that a girl who has eaten an enchantment can make her body stronger and stronger, and the spiritual power is better!”

"Catch those girls."

Ye Hao has been awake in her sleep. She seems to have been brought to the Xuantian continent thousands of years ago. At that time, Xuantian Continent and the Enchanted Devil still lived on the same continent, but different kinds of people could not seek common ground while reserving differences. For the humans on the mainland, the existence of the evil spirits is full of threats to them.

Thousands of years ago, the sorcerers did not grow up. They were taller and stronger than humans. They practiced faster than humans. Therefore, human beings could not tolerate their survival in the Xuantian continent.

It was the first time of the demonic war, because human beings were rulers, and there were many people. They used the demon as a heresy, and almost killed them. At least a thousand inflamed girls were eaten by human beings.

The fire was defeated and fled to the current inflammatory field. This is where humans cannot survive, but the sorcerer can survive, so they survive.

After five hundred years, the sorcerer slowly evolved and cultivated in the inflammatory field, more and more like human beings, and their cultivation was stronger.

As they get stronger, the Yan domain has gradually become unsuitable for them to live.

The Devil King wants to lead them back to the Xuantian continent.

The hatred of human beings killing the demon girl is still in the mind of each of the evil spirits. The mysterious war broke out again in the Xuantian continent. This time, when human beings were defeated, the evil demon robbed the human girl, but was preparing to cook. At that time, there was a **** of war that led the human warriors to the Yan domain and saved the girls.

The flaming devil was ordered not to enter the Xuantian continent again, and he could only live in the inflammatory domain forever.

Then, it was the third war between the Emperor and the Devil.

When Ye Hao woke up, he found that he was already in tears.

"Oh..." Sit up and sit next to him, looking at him with a clear and sad look.

"Is you deliberately asking me to see it all?" Ye Hao wiped the tears from his face and looked at him coldly.

Slightly shook his head. "No, I didn't expect... It would be like this. I thought you should have forgotten it."

Ye Hao closed her eyes. "Even if this is the case, it does not mean that I am the demon king."

"Hey, you are a kind person, whether it is an evil or a human warrior, you certainly can't bear to happen like that." The whispered, "The devil is not born to like to kill those warriors."

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