Ye Hao was shocked by the scene in front of her. She always thought that the life of the evil spirit must be deep and hot, but the capital in front of the city seems to be no different from the ordinary people's market. Even if the sky is black, and the king of Xuantian mainland is No different.

"These are ordinary people of the magical capital. Most of them don't have magic. Like Xuantian mainland, some people will practice magic, but they will never hurt others." The whispered.

"Those little children don't look very good, and they are not one or two. Almost everyone is like this. Will they get sick?" said Ye Hao.

Slightly shaking his head, "Fifty years ago, the survival rate of the baby born in the demon is not high. After growing up, the cultivation is more difficult and the face is pale."

“Why is this?” Ye Hao frowned and asked why she felt that the children looked like they were sick and their skin color was too white.

"The inflammatory domain is no longer suitable for living, so these children will become like this." The whispered, "If you continue this way... the sorcerer will soon be annihilated."

Ye Hao did not speak, she looked at the children silently.

In fact, not only is the child's skin white, but the adult's skin color does not look very good.

In addition to the relationship with the environment of the inflammatory domain, there should be other problems.

"Go ahead." He whispered.

Ye Xiaoyan looked at the children. They looked almost the same as Mingxi. Because of the skin color, they looked particularly vulnerable. The innocent smile on their faces was so distressing.

“The windmill is so long, the scenery here is so beautiful...”

"I am coming, you are coming."

At the top, I did not follow up, and looked back at her, "Hey."

"What do you want me to do?" Ye Hao walked up, his eyes pressed.

"I didn't want you to do anything." The whispered, "Don't misunderstand."

Ye Hao smiled coldly. "From the time you brought me back, refining the magic Dan for me, you just want to remind me of the ins and outs of the inflammatory demon. I want to know the hatred of Yan and Xuantian. You have long been I know, the refining of the magic Dan, I will think of this, you promised three days, it is basically that I will not leave easily after I think of everything, right?"

"Oh, I won't force you anything." She stood face to face with her, her eyes staring at her.

"Of course you will not force me, you just let me stay." Ye Hao looked directly at him. "You have confidence in me."

Slightly smile, reach out and rub her **** hair behind her ear. "If I have a good idea for your chest, you won't be so embarrassed. Hey, you don't want to be an evil, then don't, you can't take it anymore. The fate of it."

"Let Ye Jingyu become the demon king?" Ye Hao whispered. "You said that her anger is too heavy. If she is to become the demon king, the end of the Yan domain will be the same as before. It is not a good thing. ""

"You started to care about it." The smile on the top of his eyes.

"The children look like they are sick, as..." Ye Hao took a deep breath. "I really can't bear it."

Supreme smile said, "You said that you are a doctor, maybe you can know what it is."

"How can I be? You are the highest priest, and the Xingyun Mountain is too respectable. You can't cure them. What is my ability?" Ye Hao sneered. "In short, I will definitely be tomorrow." left."

"Well, I will send you back to the Flying Ship tomorrow." Said the supremacy.

His words were just finished, and they screamed behind them.

Ye Hao hurriedly looked back and saw that the little child who was singing was not knowing how to fall on the floor and twitching, and the children around him were screaming.

"Let's go and see." Ye Hao cried, already ran to the child.

Supreme behind her, check out what the child is doing.

"It looks like a sheep epilepsy." Ye Hao frowned and wanted to take a brocade from her waist, only to remember that she had not practiced medicine for a long time, and the silver needle had already been collected.

She found the box from the space and stuffed the handkerchief into the child's mouth.

"Don't let him bite his tongue." Ye Hao said.

“Hey, what do you want to do?” asked supreme.

Ye Hao has taken out the silver needle and stabbed it in the child's acupuncture point. Fortunately, her movements were not unfamiliar. She had not taken acupuncture for a long time.

"Child, what happened to my child?" The child's parents ran out from the shop next to them and saw her son lying on the floor twitching and almost screaming. "What's wrong with this?"

"High Priest?" Someone recognized the supreme identity and shouted excitedly. Others heard his shouting and were excited.

"See the high priest, the high priest will save us, my child is like this yesterday, and it is full of blood..."


Looking up, I looked at Ye Hao, "Hey?"

Ye Hao took out the silver needle and continued to puncture the acupuncture point.

The child who was pulled out finally calmed down, and the sweat that was full of heads looked weak.

"Okay." Ye Hao said, turning to look at other people, "Do your children also twitch like this?"

"Child, my child." The woman ran up and held the child in her arms.

"You... are you a demon? You can cure your child's illness, you are the devil." Someone asked.

Ye Hao slightly frowned, "I am not."

"The high priest, the devil, save us, our children always die inexplicably, and then go on like this, what should we do?"

Everyone squatted down and bowed to Ye Hao and the supreme.

Ye Hao stepped back a few steps, and the people watching the whole street collapsed, and some were at a loss.

"Get up." The straight and narrow eyes looked at them. "If there is a way, we will cure your illness."

"Seeking the devil to bless."

"Seeking the devil to bless..."

Everyone shouted and bowed to Ye.

"What happened?" Ye Hao whispered to the supremacy, she just let the child calm down, how do they think she is the Demon King?

"There has never been a doctor in the Yan domain. You just calmed down the child. They all think you are the demon king." The whispered, "Hey, what have you done to the child?"

Ye Hao looked at everyone and said, "Let's leave here first."

Why does she think that these people have a disease that is contagious, not the supremacy, because the inflammatory field is not suitable for survival reasons.

However, the Yan area has not seen the sky all the year round, and it is indeed a problem.

Ye Hao has not begun to worry about the future survival of the Yan domain.

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