The more Ye Xie thinks about the children of the Magic Palace, her heart can't fit.

"I will give you an upload." Ye Hao said that there was no action, and the hand had been stunned by the Emperor.

"What is the message to him?" Modi's voice was cold, "No."

Ye Hao looked up at him. "The child in Yan domain is sick. I can't help but die."

"Do you still believe in the supremacy?" Modi calmed his face and held her tightly in his arms.

"He... helped me refine the magic Dan, I think of the past of many Yan domain." Ye Hao vaguely replied, she knows that Modi does not like the supremacy, and he has this thick vinegar, she thinks if she mentions a few more Sentence, he will definitely be murderous next time he sees the supremacy.

Modi blinked slightly, and the deeper eyes became darker. "He helped you refine the magic Dan?"

The surrounding air seems to be as repressive as the texture, and even the breathing becomes difficult. Ye Hao finds that the ink field of Modi seems to be more embarrassing than before.

"Are you jealous?" Ye Hao stretched out his arm around his neck. "I have been dreaming for a long time. I saw the human beings of the Xuantian mainland who eat the Yantian girls. They regard them as exercises and see them. How was it forced to the inflammatory field... It was terrible, and those nightmares were memories of the magic."

"He made you become the demon king?" Modi's dissatisfaction was a little better because she took the initiative to get close.

"No, he didn't force me to let me choose." Ye Hao whispered, telling the Emperor about the child's albinism, "...there is no cure, only the cultivation of the rejuvenation can help them. Then what do you say? Let me see how many children die? I can't do it."

Modi was cold in his heart. He still missed the supremacy of the supremacy, and thought that Ye Hao would return to Tianzhu City.

"You don't want to go back to the mainland?" Modi asked softly. "If you cultivated the regenerative method, do you know that you have to waste a few years? That is not an ordinary practice. It can be made within a few days. It may be necessary. For several years, when you return to the mainland, Mingyu has grown up."

Ye Hao’s face was slightly white, and she opened her mouth and couldn’t say a rebuttal.

Seeing her like this, Modi feels distressed. "Isn't it true that there is God's will in the fire? It's not something you want to change."

"But..." Ye Hao grabbed his clothes. "You didn't see the children. They are still so small, but they are born with an incurable disease. They wouldn't have been sick. If they were not married, they would Not like this."

"Don't think so much, let's go meet with Mingxi first." Modi licked the shoulders of Ye Ye.

Ye Hao looked up at his deep and beautiful jaw. She stared at his neck and took the initiative to kiss his mouth. "If I decided to save the children?"

"That's only I can help you, can't be supreme." Modi said coldly.

"Speaking of it, you are still jealous." Ye Hao couldn't help but smile. "Why are you jealous? Just forgetting me when I first went to Xuantian, I don't know how many Jiali you have hidden behind." ”

Mo Dijun raised his eyebrows high. "In the cave, I was here for the first time to approach a woman."

"What?" Ye Hao didn't respond for a moment. When he understood what he was saying, he was shocked and rounded his eyes. "You have lived for hundreds of years, haven't a woman ever touched?"

"Do you have a lot of money, or do you doubt my ability?" Modi asked faintly. "Or... a few times before, you feel unsatisfied."

Ye Hao’s face rose red and shouted in shame. “I don’t mean this!”

"What does that mean?" Modi asked dangerously.

"I...have you lived for a few hundred years, don't you like women before?"

Modi’s slender fingers squeezed her alchemy. “I used to be interested in cultivation. I said it was, you first provoked me.”

"What to provoke, I just came to Xuantian mainland, but I never thought about provoking you. It is obvious that you find your own door every time." Ye Hao said with no anger.

"That's right." Modi nodded. "Every time I took the initiative to find you, even if I blocked the memory, I would fall in love with you."

Ye Hao was said that his heartbeat was accelerating and he wanted to stand up from his arms. "Where are we, how can we see Mingxi?"

"No hurry." Modi's long arm pulled her back. "It's not dawn, we can sleep first."

"I am not sleepy!" said Ye Hao.

Modi hugged her down, and when she was about to get up, she had already turned over and pressed her down. "I am sleepy."

"..." Ye Hao was speechless for a while, knowing that he was ashamed. He was already a holy emperor, would he still be sleepy?

"How did you go to the mainland without letting you break?" Ye Hao asked whisperingly.

"I haven't tried it yet, I don't know if it's broken." Modi untied her skirt and whispered her earlobe.

Ye Hao’s long legs hooked his strong waist. “You haven’t really left the mainland of God yet, you are still the Holy Emperor, so addicted to ****, is that really okay?”

Modi smiled at his lips. "The Holy Emperor is not Liu Xiahui."

"Wait." Ye Hao hurriedly stopped him. "You haven't told me, where is it, it doesn't look like a flying ship."

"Even if you change the topic any more, hehe." Modi said in her ear, gently biting her earlobe, and had already pulled her clothes away.

This night, Modi is a good interpretation of what is called thick and thin hair.

Ye Hao completely believes that he has only one woman for her centuries.



After the Fei Ling ship stumbled and flew for a long distance, it finally stabilized. Ming Xi finally took control of the trick of the Flying Ship, and would not swing right on the left side, and could go straight.

"I want to vomit." The fire phoenix that had endured for a long time, finally couldn't help but spit out after the flying ship was normal.

"Nothing." Ming Xi looked at him with contempt.

Fire Phoenix laughed, "Resent me!"

Mingxi let the Feiling ship keep moving straight and turned out of the cabin. "Go to the deck."

"Let's leave the Yan domain." Fire Phoenix followed him. "Is the still behind?"

"He won't keep going." Mingxi said with a smile, "The Magic Palace is still so troublesome, he can't leave too long."

Huo Huang said, "Will he catch us back?"

Mingxi thought of the supreme cultivation. He is still not an opponent. He has sunk his face. "If this is the case, you should first lead him. When I will help you with my mother."

"..." The fire phoenix rose, "You actually want me to be a hostage."

"Of course, if you don't lead him, both of us will be caught." Ming He said of course.

Huo Huang’s fingers trembled against Ming Xi. “ the city owner, there is no conscience.”

"I will convey to you the father to know." Ming Xi said with a smile.

"Black heart and liver!" Fire Phoenix grievances and corners circled.

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