Feng Zicun left the tower and did not leave Tianzhu City immediately.

"Feng Guozhu, if you want to attack the Yan domain, then... you will take the lead in the Tang Dynasty. What do you think?" Li Xianrong called Feng Zicun who was in front of him and no longer competed with the Tang Dynasty.

"Li Zhangmen, are you afraid?" Feng Zicun snorted. "With the few pictures of Ye Hao, have you started to sympathize with the devil?"

The elders of the Soviet Union said, "It is one thing for us to be different from each other. If the whole person in the Xuantian mainland sees it, who else will go to the war against you? What's more... There is one thing Ye Hao is right."

Feng Zicun looked up at him. "Which thing?"

"Albinism." Li Moqun replied to the elders of the Soviet Union. "In the past few years, we have caught a few inflammatory devils. They did say the same thing as Ye Hao. The whole body is whitish, and they will not catch them for a long time. I am already sick."

"Really... will it be infected?" Feng Zicun's face changed.

Li Xianrong said, "If the inflammation really has a plague, even if we don't shoot, they will die sooner or later."

Others have heard no more.

The Ningguo, who has been relatively silent, said, "We are not planning to attack the Yan domain, and we will be retributed if we kill it."

"Anguo, what do you mean by this?" Feng Zicun asked gloomyly.

"As Ye Hao said, the sinister has not appeared on the mainland for hundreds of years, and they have all become ill. If they are not killed, they will have albinism." An Jing said with a smile.

The elders of the Soviet Union nodded. "The Anguo Lord is right. If you kill those who can't practice the evil spirits, you will let the demon king and the supreme revenge in the future. You all know that the supreme and the demon king will not die. They will be reborn and reborn, and there will be other devils... It’s better to watch the fire from the other side, waiting for the sorcerer to perish."

"You have heard the words of Ye Cai Ye, she obviously has already regarded herself as an illusion, and Mo Di is also a fear. Whoever is going to attack the sorcerer, who is the enemy of Tianzhu City, who wants to be with Tianzhu City? Enemy?" Li Xianrong asked.

Is it an enemy of Tianzhu City?

I thought of the unfathomable cultivation of Mo Di, and Ye Hao and her son...

Feng Zicun's face is even more ugly, and they really do not have the confidence to win with Tianzhu City.

"It’s still a few days to have a drink at the bar." An Jing said to Feng Zicun, and he has left his feet.

In the end, only Feng Zicun and Li Moqun stood in the same place.

"Mo Taizun, is this calculated?" Feng Zicun was not willing to ask, he had to recharge his batteries for so long, if this fight is a fight, maybe it is an opportunity.

"Unless you can kill Ye Hao." Li Moqun's face is gloomy. "However, she has refining the magic Dan, and it is more refined than before. You are not her opponent."

Wen Yan, Feng Zicun's face is even more ugly.

Say it, or not!

"Hey, all are timid generations!" Feng Zicun said, "You don't dare to go to the Yan domain, then we Tang Guo will go by myself!"

Li Moqun glanced at him and did not speak.

Feng Zicun strode away and took his people away from Tianzhu City that day.



Because of the reputation of the Emperor of the Emperor, Ye Hao paid a heavy price and went out of the clutches the next morning.

"Isn't it true that the cultivators are pure-minded?" Ye Hao was weak, and Modi was holding his back in his arms and gently stroking his back. She reached out and scratched his chest. "If you go back to the world like this," The mainland is definitely a faint king."

"Well, it’s not bad to be a faint prince." Modi grabbed her hand and held her on her own body. "Mrs. Forgive me, after all... I have waited for so many years to wait for you, and the backlog of energy is too much. ”

"..." Only he can say such things so grandly!

Modi looked at her cheeks covered with red clouds, rubbing her waist with her hands, re-entering her, not rushing, slowing up all her senses again.

"Don't..." Ye Hao leaned softly into his arms, and the stimuli of ecstasy and bones spread throughout his limbs. She cried in his arms and begged for mercy.

"Just this time." Modi turned over and pressed her under her body. The speed was fast and heavy, as if she wanted to completely penetrate her.

Ye Hao grasped his back tightly with both hands and grabbed countless scars behind his strong body.

It was almost noon, and he finally let her go.

Looking at myself in the mirror, Xia dyed her cheeks, and the corners of her eyebrows contained spring. At first glance, she knew how her days were moist.

If this is changed to the mainland, she is so indulgent, I am afraid that the body can not bear it, and I can see that there is such a spring.

"Hey!" Fire Phoenix whispered her name outside.

Ye Hao patted her cheek, stood up and walked out of the inner house, and saw the fire phoenix outside the courtyard.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao coughed a little, her voice sounded too loud and shouted.

"Don't you let me stare at those people? After they went out from the tower yesterday, Feng Zicun took his people away." Fire Phoenix whispered.

Ye Hao slightly raised his eyebrows. "Feng Zicun is gone? It seems that he has not given up."

"A small Tang country, even if they go to the Yan domain, they can't do anything." Huo Huang said.

"You let people stare at him. If he goes to the Yan domain, he will immediately send me a message." Ye Hao's eyes moved and he remembered an idea.

Fire Phoenix asked with a smile, "What do you want to do?"

"I won't tell you for the time being." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Ming Xi?? I haven't seen him for a few days."

"He followed Ange in cultivation." Fire Phoenix snorted and said.

Ye Hao frowned, "What is the practice?"

"Incorporating the fire of Mingxi into his regenerative practice and teaching him how to beasted." Huo Huang said that although he did not like the style of Ange, he had to admit that he taught Mingxi. The exercises are indeed very useful.

"It seems that Ming Xi is very happy." Ye Hao said, otherwise he couldn't stand the loneliness. "Right, is the heart of Mu Xin better?"

Fire Phoenix smiled. "There is a careful care of Bai XIII. Her injury is not so good."

Ye Hao poked his little head, "I know everything!"

"I am not a blind man!" Fire Phoenix said with a smile. "At the time of Xingyun Mountain, Ye Muxin had to inquire about the White 13 all day."

When the fire phoenix was playing with Ye Muxin in the Great Shengzong, it was natural to see the heart of Ye Muxin.

"What about the big law?" Ye Hao asked happily. "Does he like Ye Muxin?"

"This... I haven't seen it yet. Dabao is like everyone else." Huo Huang said, "However, he seems to be quite kind to Ye Muxin."

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