The marriage of Mo Di is a big event in the Xuantian mainland. There are many people who come to participate. Almost every sectarian country has people to congratulate.

Standing outside the tower to welcome guests is the great elders who have been sacred in the rumors of Scorpio City. Every guest was shocked when they saw them. No one thought that the legendary people were still alive.

It is not even more fearful of the strength of Tianzhu City.

"Grandfather, who are those people? How have you not seen them before?" Ye Wei whispered to Ye Boshu.

Ye Boshu looked at the three middle-aged men outside the gate of the city. They looked ordinary, just like ordinary warriors. They only saw their extraordinary through their wise eyes. "The second generation of the protection of Tianzhu City, nowadays Elder."

“The second generation of law enforcement?” Ye Wei groaned. “They are still dead?”

Ye Boshu glanced at Ye Wei and gestured to him to lower his voice. "If the first generation of protection is not dead, it is extraordinary." For many years, we all thought that the second generation of protection should be dead. I didn't expect to be alive. They might be Some are already saints."

"How many generations of protection is there in Tianzhu City?" Ye Wei asked.

"Now is the third generation." Ye Boshu looked around and did not find Bai 13 of their figure. "Advanced city building, then, do you pass the words to Ye Muxin?"

"I have already sent a voice to the wooden heart, but I haven't returned to me yet." Ye Wei said, frowning tightly. For this second sister, he has been unable to understand, as if he is incompatible with Ye Jia, he has arranged for her. The future of Ronghua's wealth is just unwilling to accept it.

It must have been too close to Ye Hao before, and I don’t know what Ye Hao instilled.

"Ye Ye, she... Will she hate Ye Family? What if she did something to Muxin..." Ye Wei said worriedly.

"Even if she is against Ye Family, she will not hurt Mu Xin." Ye Boshu affirmed that when she was in the city, Ye Muxin helped her after Ye Jia. If she still started, she would be too ungrateful. .

Ye Wei was dull and looked at the gate of the tower.

At first, he thought that Ye Hao was dead. Even if Mo Di defended her, the whole mainland would not let her go. Who thought that... Mo Di actually disappeared with her without a word, and it was not long before Ye Jingzhen was the demon king. In addition, the identity of the high priest is unquestionable, and Ye Hao’s identity cannot be criticized.

Entering the tower and coming to the hall, I found that the towers of Tianzhu City were bigger than they thought, and they were all spiritually active. If they did not follow the instructions, they would be trapped in the organs at any time.

"Grandfather, the second emperor is also here." Standing in the corner of the hall, Ye Wei saw the eastern hustle and bustle not far ahead. "Does the king of the country actually let him come?"

Since the sin of the Great Shengzong, Dongfang has lost out of favor for a long time. He has almost become a prince who is at home. It is such an important day that he came. Is this the intention of the lord to re-enable him?

"Not only him, but the great prince also came." Ye Boshu squinted at his eyes. He didn't want to guess what the Lord was thinking. Now, as long as Ye Hao can return to Ye Family, everything will be different.

Almost all the sects and four major countries that have been named have come. The kings of Qi and Ningguo also came in person. Only Tang did not see anyone coming. It seems that everyone still has the status of Modi on the mainland. Fearful.

"How come the people of the Great Saints?" Suddenly, someone snorted.

Outside the hall, the head of the Great Shengzong was in favor of the squatting seat, and Tang Hanyan came in.

"You dare to appear!" Someone has stood up and yelled at Wu.

"Why are we big brothers who are married to the Great Saints, why can't they come?" Tang Hanyan looked at the person who spoke coldly, his eyes ridiculed.

"If it weren't for the great priests of the Great Sanctuary, the demon kings of the Yan domain would not be born again. We will not misunderstand Mrs. Mo on the same day. Your sins are very sinful. If you dare to appear today, then you should be well with everyone. Explain the explanation."

Wu is very happy and laughs. "Today is the day of the wedding of the Lord of Mexico. Are you sure you want to scream and kill like this? This is not good."

The person who spoke was a disciple of Shengzongmen. He turned his head and looked at it. White thirteen, they were standing next to him and staring at him coldly. He made a sigh of spirit. "Today, give the main face of the city, temporarily put you in the Great Sacred once."

At this time, the general manager of the tower went to the front of the hall.

"Guests, according to the rules of our towers, the ceremonies of the city owners can only be in the underground palace. It is not convenient for you to observe the ceremony. The city has already prepared drinks. Please move to the back hall." Fenyi handed a gift and did not open his mouth. Said.

"What do you mean? Don't let us see the ceremony, then give us a wedding invitation?"

"Is the Motown Lord not too eyeing people?"

"That is..."

Fenyi said faintly, "I don't want to let everyone see the ceremony. It's just that we are the first to be the spirit of the city. I am afraid that you will not be able to withstand the pressure."

A simple sentence made everyone shocked.

The spiritual pressure of the spirit card can't bear them?

Is it... Modi’s parents are already extraordinary?

"Oh, it’s good to be able to have a glass of wine." Li Xianrong said with a smile.

Fenyi smiled and led the guests to the back hall to take a seat.

At this time, on the other side of the tower, Modi took Ye Hao’s hand to complete the wedding.

Except for a few elders who came back specifically, there are only other ways to protect the law. This wedding is simple and solemn.

"Tired?" Modi holds Ye Hao's hand, and the black scorpion is somewhat distressed. There are his parents' cards here, because they are not ordinary people, so the residual pressure is very powerful, even the four guards. Can't get in, can only stand by the door.

"I'm fine." Ye Hao held his hand tightly, and if her cultivation had improved a lot, it was really impossible to stand here.

Modi held her waist in one hand and came to the front of the tablet.

"Give them a head." Modi whispered.

Ye Hao couldn't see the words written on the cards. It was a very complicated text that looked a little different from the words she had learned.

"The city owner, you talk like this, the old city owner can see it." Duanmu elder said with a smile.

"I only gave them a head when I saw it." Modi said coldly, holding the leaves and squatting down, and sure enough, he held up his head and held it up.

Duanmu elders smiled and looked at Ye Hao, "Congratulations to Mrs."

Ye Hao smiled slightly, and she suddenly felt that the pressure had eased a lot.

Modi took a box from under the card. "This is for you."

"What is it?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

"The token of the lady of the city." Modi looked at her with a burning sigh, and whispered.

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