The news of Lu Yi’s serious injury was sent back to Kyoto. Everyone in Lu’s family felt that the head was clouded. Ye Hao’s mood was equally heavy. She worried that the person being arrested was Tian Jiu, and she did not want Tian Ji’s accident.

In order to inquire more about the news, Ye Hao plans to stay in the palace for a few days.

Mrs. Lu heard that Ye Hao wanted to go to the palace to inquire about the news, and she was very moved. "You care about your big brother like this. He must be very happy when he returns."

Ye Hao whispered, "I have nothing to do for the family. I can only ask for more information and let your grandmother rest assured."

"Good boy, you have the heart." Mrs. Lu touched the head of Ye Hao, and felt very gratified.

"Grandma, don't worry too much, Big Brother will return safely." She knew that Lu Yi would return safely and would have been injured for a long time. She hoped that Lu Hao would become a waste.

Mrs. Lu nodded. "I know, your older brother will be fine."

Ye Hao went to the palace the next day. The Queen Mother knew that she was worried about Lu Zhizhi's condition before she entered the palace. Then she went to the emperor to find out.

"... I heard that there was an arrow in the shoulder and a knife in the calf. The injury was not heavy. The other party was poisoning the knife. The doctor was personally going to treat Anyang Hou. You can rest assured that the doctor is detoxifying. "The Queen Mother whispered to Ye Hao."

When Ye Xie’s soul wandered in the palace, he heard about Lu’s injury, but he did not know what it was. He still wondered what kind of injury he needed to raise for so long. It seems that it is not a problem of wounds, but Was poisoned and injured.

"After the mother, I heard that the confidant of Xiqiao’s prince hurt my older brother?" Ye Hao asked.

The Queen Mother raised an eyebrow. "This is what I said. However, I have already captured three people. I heard that two people have already died. One of them has been detained. It should be sent to the prison for a few days and then interrogated. ”

Ye Hao bowed her head and said nothing, and her heart was a little uneasi. She wanted to know what was going on.

When the Queen Mother saw her like this, she thought she was worried about Lu Yizhi, and she smiled and said, "Auntie chanted you for a long time yesterday, as if it was looking for you."

"He lost, I promised to win back for him." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Mother, I went to see him, lest he should be angry with me."

"He should have returned from the study. You should check it out." The Queen said, "If you are a big brother, you will be in a hurry here. If you come back in a few days, you will know the details." ”

Ye Hao wanted to say that she was worried about the life and death of Lu Yizhi. She only wanted to know who the person was caught.

When I came to the emperor's office, Murong Yu just came back from the study room. When I saw Ye Hao waiting for him, I just didn't jump up. "Hey, have you found me a few helpers?"

"I haven't found it yet. You should first show me how many people you have." Ye Hao said, since it is a test with the ancestors, you can't find the guards around you, lest the other party have an excuse to smash the ink.

Murong Yu took Ye Hao to see his little friends. The children were his companions. The half-large children used to read only books, and few of them had played.

"They didn't try to compare with us, saying that they want to play polo!" Murong said with a sigh of relief, "I wanted to tell you this thing yesterday, and the emperor would not let me go out."

"Polo?" Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows, and the exquisite thing is to work hard now. Isn't this a matter of bullying Murong?

Murong said with a sad face, "I don't want to agree, they said that I was timid and didn't dare to compare with them."

"Oh, what are some people who want to compare polo with you?" asked Ye Hao.

"The two cousins ​​of the Second Emperor's family, the second son of Pingyang Hou Shizi, the second son of Xin Pinghou..." Murong said several people. "They are all mixed with the Eight Emperors."

Ye Hao’s face sank. "They are older than you. Are you being bullied by them? Eight princes can go to someone who is older than you to bully you, will you not find someone else? With these little companions, what can they help you?"

Ink Murray was stunned and frustrated. "Isn't everyone who can help me be bought?"

"Stupid!" Ye Hao just wanted to kill this little guy. "Kyoto can help you more!"

Immediately, Ye Hao remembered that Murong had never had a relationship with the family of Kyoto before. When the Emperor was alive, the Queen Mother and he could only humble in the harem. How could she understand the situation of various families in Kyoto?

"Why don't you ask the emperor?" Ye Hao asked, looking at the face of the grievances of Murong.

Murong whispered, "I don't want people to say that I can only rely on the emperor."

"Auntie, you don't need to rely on anyone now. You are a little prince. As long as you go out, there are more people who want to be with you." Ye Hao relaxed his voice. "You don't need to fear anyone anymore." It is."

Ink has been looked down upon since childhood. Although he is a prince, because the Queen Mother was not born, the children of the ancestors looked down on him. Even the family did not have any impression on him. Otherwise, at the Lantern Festival, Xie Longyuan did not dare to follow. He is fighting.

"What should I do?" asked Murong, who instinctively believed in Ye Hao.

"First let the children of the family know you, you live in the palace, you do not take the initiative to make good friends with them, how do they come and go with you?" said Ye Hao.

Murong blinked and looked at Ye Hao, "Uh-huh."

Ye Hao knocked him amusedly. "When are you playing the polo with the six kings?"

"About the fifth day of the next month." Murong said.

"There is still another month. I will list the names of the children of the family tomorrow. You want to have a banquet wherever you want to find a reason to post them. So everyone knows what the little prince is. People, when you come and go, you know more people." Ye Hao told him.

Inkor nodded. "You are right, just a few days is the birth of the king. I will ask the emperor, can you have a feast in the palace? If you can, please ask them to enter the palace."

"I will give you a list tomorrow." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Auntie, you have to face the children of the family yourself, and let them convince themselves."

"Can I?" Murong is a bit timid.

“What can't you do?” Ye Hao encouraged him. “Trust me!”

Inkor looked at Ye Hao's eyes full of trust and determination, and nodded hard. "Then I will go to the emperor."

Ye Haocai wants to say that he doesn't have to be so anxious, and Murong has run away like a cigarette.

"It's a child!" Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. How can the people who are so annoying in Murong Cham have such a lovely younger brother.

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