In the Magic Palace, Ange and Huohuang are still desperately trying to enter the Devil's Palace, but the emperor's enchantment is too strong, they can't get in.

"What should I do?" The fire phoenix looked heavily at Ange.

"You can only listen to the fate of life." Ange said that it has been a few days, even if they went to save Mingxi, I am afraid that it is too late.

Huo Huang suddenly blinked his eyes. "How can I listen to my life? What about Mingxi?"

"I went up to ask the Black Dragon God, if Ming Xi is still alive..." Ange whispered, "You stay here and find a way to let the Emperor know about it."

"Okay." Fire Phoenix nodded, only this way.

An Ge looked at the last glance and saw that his spiritual power had not yet responded, he gave him a remedy, "help the fire phoenix, let the emperor come out."

Supremely nodded, "Yes."

"Little fire, I think Mingxi is not so easy to be eaten." Ange whispered to the fire phoenix, do not know whether it is comforting the fire phoenix, or convince himself.

Ange left the magic palace and flew up to the dark clouds above.

"Can't break the enchantment, then how should we get in?" Evil will whisper.

"You can only try it." The fire phoenix took a deep breath. He turned into a prototype and flew into the sky like a flame. It could enter the space of the leafhopper. However, he had to find an entrance closest to the space in the enchantment. .

Here! He can feel the space of Ye Hao in the vicinity.

The fire phoenix took a deep breath and tried everything to fly over.

Supremely seeing this scene, the eyes flashed amazed, "God beast..."

"He doesn't want to die!" The evil will exclaim.

The cultivation of the regenerative method is different from other exercises. When Ye Xie is practicing, he needs another person to give her spiritual support next to him. There is only one person who is difficult to cultivate to perfection.

Ye Xie's physique is different, it is both Tianling root and Tongfeng chalcedony. It is the best physique for cultivation and regeneration. With the spiritual power of Modi, her cultivation speed is almost several times that of others.

For Ye Hao, it is not difficult to practice rejuvenation, but at the last juncture, it is necessary to complete the double repair.

If it wasn't for Modi here, she didn't know how to cultivate it.

Ye Hao felt that there was a heat flow in the sea, and the meridians of the whole body were filled with strength.

"Oh, running the sea, the last level can be cultivated." Modi still did not leave her body, with Ye Hao began to practice the last layer of the regenerative exercises.

Time passed by little, and Ye Hao didn't know when it was. She only knew that before she fell asleep, what seemed to blow up in her mind was like a fireworks.


"Ming Xie has an accident, hehe..."

In the sleep, Ye Hao seemed to hear the fire phoenix. She opened her eyes in confusion, but only saw the handsome face that Modi magnified in front of her.

"Azhan, I seem to hear the sound of the fire phoenix." Ye Hao sleepy, squatting into the arms of the Emperor.

“How do you feel?” Modi whispered.

When Ye Hao heard him ask, he suddenly remembered that she had cultivated to the last level. She immediately ran into the sea. Besides the feeling of warmth and warmth, it seemed that there was no other difference. "It seems that nothing is different."

Modi smiled faintly. "It has been very different."


The faint voice of the fire phoenix was once again transmitted to Ye Hao’s mind.

Ye Hao suddenly sat up, "Little fire! It seems to be in the space, I have to go and see."

"Yeah." Modi also heard the sound of the fire phoenix. Although the fire phoenix loves to play, but he still has a sense of proportion, smashing his enchantment, it must be an accident, "put on clothes."

"Oh." Ye Hao slammed her chest and found that she was not in the air.

Modi personally put on her clothes and put her hair up, which brought them into space.

The fire rushed to the side of the well, and the feathers on his body were stained with blood.

"Little fire!" Ye Hao was shocked. "What happened?"

"Hey, healed him first, and the regenerative method can heal." Modi whispered.

Ye Hao’s palm appeared a warm glow, and the warm light illuminated the wound on the fire phoenix.

The injury on the fire phoenix is ​​quickly restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hey, the city owner, don't care for me, go to save Mingxi, he was swallowed into the stomach by the black dragon god." The fire phoenix woke up a bit, immediately stopped saving it, he could not die, now it is important Save Mingxi.

"What are you talking about? What happened to Mingxi?" Ye Hao’s face changed. She was so reassured that no one in Yantian could hurt Mingxi, not to mention Ange’s beside him.

Fire Phoenix told Ye Hao that they saw the Black Dragon God. "... The Black Dragon is locked in the sky, and it has swallowed Mingxi into the stomach."

Ye Hao took a deep breath and looked white at the Emperor.

Although she did not see the Black Dragon, but from the fire phoenix said, she knows that it should be the most powerful opponent in this life.

"You said that the Black Dragon is locked?" Modi held Ye Hao's hand and motioned her to calm down first.

"Yes, it has an iron chain around its neck. Mingxi tried to cut the chain. With our sword, it is impossible to cut it." Huo Huang said.

Modi glanced at him. "You rest in space first, and I will go and see."

"Those flaming devils can't fly to the sky, and they almost exhausted their spirits." Fire Phoenix said in a hurry. "After we fly, the spiritual power consumption will be faster."

"Yeah." Modi gently daggered, holding Ye Hao's hand to leave the enchantment.

On the outside, they saw their figure coming out of the Devil's Temple. They didn't have time to talk. Then they saw Modi and Ye Hao flying to the sky.

The fire phoenix did not appear again.

"The high priest, the demon king came out, did she... give up practicing the regenerative exercises?" They only retired for more than a month, and it is impossible to cultivate them so well.

"Ming Xi is dangerous, save Ming Xi first..." whispered.

He didn't know how Ye Xie practiced, but it would be impossible if she was allowed to give up the Ming Xi for the fire.

There is Mo Di here, Ming Xi should not have something.

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