The world is on earth.

The man wearing the black robes was imposing and majestic. He strode forward. Everyone took a bow down and bowed his eyes. He was the new emperor of Jin Guo. After six months of disappearance, Murong Chong was strongly enthroned. Within a year, all obstacles will be cleared and the country will be restored to prosperity and calm.

Holding a little white rabbit in his hand, it seems to be incompatible with his momentum, but there is a strange coordination.

"Ming Yu." He came to the harem and saw the little girl who had not met for a few days in the Imperial Garden.

"Father, father!" Ming Yu heard the familiar low voice, jerked back and rushed up.

Murong Yu hugged her up, "Give it to you."

"Ah, Xiaobai." Mingyu's eyes lit up, holding the little white rabbit in his arms. "It looks like a white."

"Yeah, it will accompany you in the future instead of Xiaobai, okay?" Murong whispered softly.

Ming Yu glared at the back of the little white rabbit, and there were several vague pictures in his mind. "Xiao Bai has been with me for a long time, it is... my mother gave it to me."

Murong’s twilight is slightly bright, “Mingyu, do you remember your mother?”

"I don't remember." Ming Yu shook his head, his small mouth squatted tightly, and after a while he said, "Father, I am going to feed Xiaobai to eat radishes."

Do not remember, still do not want to remember?

Murong sighed in her heart. At first, Ming Yu was very fond of Ye Hao and Murong Zhan. Gradually, as she regained her smile, she would no longer mention her parents, except for occasionally mentioning Ming Xi. She seems to have forgotten who her true parents are.

She started calling his father a year ago, as if she had completely forgotten Ye Hao.

"I will accompany you." Murong said, he put Mingyu on the ground, reached for the little white rabbit, and took her to the Imperial Garden in one hand.

The Imperial Garden has become a place where Mingyu plays. The shackles that were previously left in the palace were all sent to the palace by Murong.

The entire palace is only their father and daughter.

"When is the father, when is the foreigner of Ye Family coming back?" Ming Yu asked.

A few days ago, she finally saw another grandfather said by her father. Although she did not remember it, she saw her family, but she felt very cordial and lived for less than half a day. She and Ye Jia The grandfather has nothing to say.

Ye Jia’s grandfather also took her to hunt and taught her to ride horses, which was fun.

However, he only stayed with her for two days and told her that there was something to do and to see her in a few days.

It has been a few days.

Murong said with a smile, "It should be back soon."

"Where is Ye Jia's grandfather going? Father, the grandfather is hard to come back once, you don't want him to do too many things." Ming Yu said.

"Well, okay." Murong Yan is a pet-like smile, what the daughter said is what.

In fact, Ye Yiqing did not go to work for him. He went to Yunshan.

They have already told him about the disappearance of Ye Hao and Murong Chan at the time. Ye Yiqing’s reaction is more calm than he thought. He does not seem to think it is incredible. He just said that he would go to Yunshan in person.

Ye Yinan took him to return to Yunshan. I don’t know if Ye Yiqing, who is well-informed, can see where Ye Yi is, and will not come back.

"Father, what about Yan Xiaoliu?" Ming Yu’s voice went down. "I haven’t seen him for a long time."

"When he has enough ability to protect you, he will come back." Murong Yu's tone is inevitably a bit sour, Ming Yu is not so close to him at first, she relies most on Yan Xiaoliu, in Ye Hao In the past three years, when Murong Chan disappeared, if it wasn’t for Yan Xiaoliu, Mingyu might not recover so quickly.

He knows the importance of Yan Xiaoliu to Mingyu, and also knows the life experience of Yan Xiaoliu, so he asked Yan Xiaoliu to practice and build military strength. When he is qualified to stand by Mingyu to protect her, he will naturally Let Yan Xiaoliu come back.

"I want Yan Xiaoliu." Ming Yu whispered, she was afraid that Yan Xiaoliu would suddenly leave her. "Does he really come back?"

Murong licked the head of Yan Mingyu and knew that she was afraid that Yan Xiaoliu would be like Ye Hao. "Take you to see him tomorrow, but Yan Xiaoliu can't go back to the palace, only where he should be." ”

Mingyu’s eyes are bright, “Okay.”

"Go, let's go to the little white rabbit." Murong said.

Ming Yu raised the white rabbit in the Imperial Garden, and the fresh green vegetables and radishes came over and helped the Mingyu to feed the white rabbit.

"The emperor." Ford walked lightly and gave Murong a ritual, and lowered his voice and said, "Ye Daren is back."

Murong Yan gestured for Fu to retreat. He looked at Ming Yu and looked at it. "Ming Yu, the father is a little bit going to be busy, and the dinner comes back to accompany you, is that good?"

"Well, the father is going to be busy." Mingyu's attention has been completely attracted by the white rabbit.

"Playing for a while is going back to do your homework." Murong reminded.

Ming Yu’s small face smashed down. “Today’s homework is much better. Tai Fu said that he can’t finish it, and I won’t let me have a full meal tomorrow.”

Huangfu actually threatened Mingyu?

"You have to complete your homework. If you don't have enough, go to the father." Murong said softly.

Ming Yu’s eyes are crystal clear and nodded, “Good.”

Murong snorted and said that he left the back garden.

Ye Yiqing and his son have been waiting in the royal study.

Time seems to be particularly favourable to Ye Yiqing, or his days in China are too quiet, there is almost no trace of the passage of time, and it looks no different from a few years ago.

He has been away from Jinguo for six years.

Murong Yu hopes that Ye Yiqing can bring him good news, even if it is not what he expected, at least... there is a little clue.

"Ye Daren." Murong took a big step and came in. When Ye Yiqing was going to salute, he had stopped him. "You have been to Yunshan, have you found anything?"

"The emperor, don't be excited." Ye Xiaonan was relieved. "Maybe... you are coming back."

Murong stunned, and his deep eyes looked at Ye Yinan. "What?"

"The wall of the cave, the brilliance has become a bit different." Ye Yinan said.

"Ye Daren, what are they going to?" Murong tried to calm himself. He looked at Ye Yiqing and wanted to know what was going on.

Ye Yiqing glanced at Murong Yu and whispered, "I have been looking for information about another world after I learned that they are missing. We are now in the world, in the place we don't know, There is a place called Xuantian mainland..."

“Xuantian Continent?” Murong’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. “You mean, hey, are they on the Xuantian continent?”

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