Every saint who comes to the mainland of God will have his own independent residence. The higher the cultivation, the better the place to live, the more abundant the spiritual power, the three emperors on the whole mainland, and the mountain peaks are naturally mysterious and distant. Ange has never been there.

"The mountain of Emperor Zun is afraid that it can't be gone. We went a few times and will definitely be discovered in the first time." An Ge said, "Ling Beast Mountain is at risk, at least hopeful."

"You didn't say that it was easy to go to the mainland. How could this be easy?" asked Ye Hao.

"The last time there was a gap in the mountain of the saints, it was naturally easy. I told you at that time, I didn't know when I would miss it." An Ge said that they were able to go back earlier. She can't let go of the Emperor.

Ye Hao looked at the Emperor, she knew that he must have arranged.

"Go to the beast mountain." Modi whispered.

"I listen to you." Ye Hao actually felt that it was too risky to go to the emperor.

Modi gently licked her head, "Well."

Ye Hao was about to talk, but she received a message from someone who gave her a voice. She took it out and looked up in amazement. "It is the supreme letter."

"What's wrong?" Modi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"He said that he had disappeared, afraid that he would have any tricks, let us be careful." Ye Hao whispered.

Ang’s eyes flashed a bit of surprise, “Is it still alive?”

After being deprived of the sea, Ye Hao was deprived of it. After he was scrapped, he was also kept under the 18-level dungeon. If there was no Ye Hao or supreme, no one could release him.

"His sea of ​​air has been abandoned, not a climate." Modi said faintly.

Ye Xie looked at him doubtfully. "It seems that your brother is a brother. How can he go to the Yan domain?"

"That was how many years ago." Ange whispered.

Modi said coldly, "The victory is too strong."

Seeing that Emperor Modi did not seem to like to mention Qi Ming, Ye Hao had to turn his eyes to Ange.

"Come here, I know this thing." Ange whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled at his lips. "Quickly say."

"When he was a child, he was brought back by the old man. When the old man was superbly sacred, he became a city lord. He liked him very much before he used it. Later, he didn't know how to know that they were half-brothers, his mother. It was an illusion, then he went to the Yan domain, and he liked it... the sorcerer." Ange whispered.

Looking back now, the life of Mo Di and Ruan Ming seems to be mysterious. Although Mo Di treated the old city owner as his biological father, it seems that he has never heard of his biological father for many years.

"Inflammatory King? Is it... 弑 cherry?" Ye Hao whispered.

Ange gently nodded. "Yes, Mo Di killed the sakura, and he hated him."

"A Zhan, the spiritual card that we worshiped in the underground palace when we became a relative is your biological parents?" Ye Hao suddenly remembered that day, she felt an unprecedented pressure in the underground palace, until the end of the temple, the spiritual pressure disappeared.

"Yeah." Modi nodded faintly.

Ange cried. "You already know who your biological parents are?"

Modi glanced at him faintly. "You better not know."

"Oh, don't say that I can guess that your parents will not be Xuantian mainland. Otherwise, how can you give birth to such a metamorphosis? In other words, your talent is so strong, you are a half-brother, you are a half-brother. How is he so much worse than you," Ange asked.

"In fact, it’s not bad. Isn’t he abolished by the Emperor?” Ye Hao said, 缭 缭 凭 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修It is necessary to count on Ye Jingxuan to cultivate the regenerative exercises to help him.

Ange said, "How did you escape from the inflammatory field? What does he want to do?"

"I don't know." Modi said faintly.

"In any case, he can't come to the mainland of God, don't worry about him." Ye Hao waved his hand and didn't put the sorrow on his heart. Although he was the younger brother of Modi, she really didn't treat him as a young uncle. Look at it.

Compared to Murong and Murong, this meditation is far worse.

Modi didn't know what he was thinking, and the handsome face looked a bit gloomy.



The things that disappeared in the Dungeon of the Yan area were put down. In the next two days, Ange has been entangled with Modi. He wants to know who his biological parents are. Since it is not Xuantian, it must be On the mainland of the gods, why did they send their brothers to Tianzhu City in the first place? It has been hundreds of years. How have they not appeared?

For the entanglement of An Ge, the Emperor Modi just ignored it.

In the end, it was impossible to prevent the Ange from blocking the outside of the enchantment, and he was so angry that he yelled.

"Azhan." Ye Hao, who was pressed by the Emperor of the Emperor under his body, hooked his neck. "In fact, isn’t your brother?"

Modi looked at her slightly, and at such a critical juncture, she was just like Ange, and she only cares about her life!

"I just asked." Ye Hao smiled and lifted his foot and hooked his waist. "You tell me about it."

"It is not." Modi said faintly, her hands clasped her thin waist and forced her through her body. "You are sure to continue to ask these insignificant questions."

Where did Ye Hao have the heart to ask, and his hands and feet clung to his body, leaving only his thick breath in his ear.

After a few days, Kun Peng slowed down and they went to the mainland.

"Here... is it on the mainland?" Ye Hao looked at the scene in surprise.

The smog is lingering, the peaks are looming, and every scene is like a thick ink to draw the scenery. The light smoke is scattered around, and the sky seems to have a colorful glow, which makes the whole scene more dazzling.

Dan Yaqiong Pavilion is walking fast, and Bihai Xianyu is leaping.

The original fairyland is like this.

It is no wonder that the warriors of the Xuantian continent have tried their best to make a great sanctification to the mainland of God.

Sure enough, it is different.

“Is it very beautiful?” Ange asked around Ye Hao.

"Yeah, it is simply a fairyland." When she went to Yunshan, she felt that Yunshan was very like a fairyland. Now she knows what a real fairyland looks like.

Ange said, "What you see now is just the place where our saints live. If you go to the peak of Modi, you will feel more beautiful."

"Do you still live in different places?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

"The level of God's mainland is very clear. He is at least the level of the Holy Emperor. Of course, he does not live in general." An Ge said sourly.

Ye Hao held Modi’s hand. “Although it is very beautiful, our home is more comfortable.”

Modi chuckled. "There is no better here. Nothing is better than the mainland."

"I mean this." Ye Xiao Lip smiled.

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