Listening to this voice, you know that it is an uninvited guest. Not everyone can come up to the Holy Emperor. Those who are under the Holy Emperor need to be notified before they can visit. It is very likely that there are several other emperors.

The look of Modi was a little cold.

Yan Jun and An Ge have not come back yet, but they have not had time to explain. They also have three figures behind them.

"Adult, have not had time to start the enchantment." Yan Jun whispered to explain to the Emperor.

Modi has not been sealed yet, and he has just returned. The enchantment of the Holy Emperor’s House has not yet started, so that others will be shaken in.

There are three people, all of whom are brocade suits. There are two young men and one sly woman. The three waists are decorated with golden tokens, which read the words of the Holy Emperor.

Ange walked behind Modi and whispered, "They are the other three emperors, the white clothes are called Deliang, the red clothes are called Honglang, and that is the only female emperor, called Mei Lan. The person is not good."

"Little sage, also with our name?" The woman who wore the dress wore a purple tight-fitting robe sleeve top, a hooded smoked silk skirt, and a soft silky cord with a large bow on her chest. The fullness of the desire is coming out.

Ange is only a saint, and he is so reviled by Mei Lan. Naturally, he dare not say more.

"Mucheng master, long-awaited name." said a man dressed in a white uniform.

“What's the difference?” Modi asked faintly, and kept Ye Hao behind him without leaving any traces.

The young man in red clothes stood a step forward and his face was cold. "Look at the holy emperor who left without being sealed. What is different from us."

"Several saints, it is better to sit down at the main hall and have a cup of tea and say it well." The singer did not humble and greet.

"That is to see the Mocheng Lord is willing to entertain us." Deliang said with a smile, among the three, only he seems to be the most gentle and harmless.

Modi had wanted to refuse, and Ye Hao grabbed his arm with force. When he first came, he still didn't offend others. If the other person was rejected, he would not be in the heart. If he was a villain, he might decide how to retaliate in the future.

"Please." Modi knew the meaning of Ye Hao, and then he did not want to, but also invited them to the front hall.

Mei Lan carefully found the interaction between Ye Hao and Mo Di. She was looking at Ye Hao, and her eyes flashed a cold light. She thought that no woman in Shangshang could grow better than her. I didn’t expect Mo Di to bring it back. This woman is actually quite three points than her.

"You haven't been sacred yet?" Mei Lan took his eyes and squinted at Ye Hao, his voice was very proud.

"Not yet." Ye Hao whispered back, she knew that the repair is not comparable to these holy emperors, so do not want to have too much contact with them.

Mei Lan smiled faintly. "There is only one person who can bring such a warrior who has not yet surpassed the sacred to the gods."

"Oh, the Lord of Mexico is not an ordinary person." Deliang said with a smile.

Mei Lan proudly smiled, I don’t know the tall and thick boy, I will know it sooner or later.

"Please." Moody's handsome face condensed, and they were not welcome to the three uninvited guests, but they still resisted not driving them away.

The three men glanced at each other, as the Emperor went to the front hall.

Ange patted his chest after they left. "Fortunately, it didn't make a difference."

"Are they very powerful?" Ye Hao whispered.

"The Holy Emperor!" Ange gnashed his teeth. "They have been on the mainland for hundreds of years. How can I not use it? If they really fight with Modi, do you think Modi can be an enemy?" Even if it can be an enemy three, how much trouble can it make, can the emperor easily bypass the Modi? When you don't say that you can safely leave the world, it is hard to say whether you can live."

Ye Hao actually had such concerns, so that the Emperor did not offend them.

"What do they want to do?" Ye Hao whispered. According to the truth, Modi was not in the mainland for a few days, and they would not be so enemies.

"Let's test the strength of the Emperor." Ange looked sad. "In short, it won't be a good thing. I heard that there was an emperor degraded ten years ago. Before the Emperor Modi came, the four emperors were retreating. Cultivation, want to become an emperor earlier, now the Emperor of the nine emperors directly become the Holy Emperor, they may feel a sense of crisis."

Ye Hao frowned. "Are they not gods? Why are you still fighting for me?"

"Where there are intrigues, you think that there is really no love for the gods." Ange said with no anger.

"What should we do?" Ye Hao asked.

"I don't know, let's watch it change." An Ge puts his hand and sees if the Emperor can hold the few people.

Ye Hao looked back and said, "Ming Xi, they don't know where to go, let's go and get them back."

Mingxi has no extraordinary sanctification, and it is not good if it is discovered.

"He should not leave the Holy Emperor." Ange was shocked. For the apprentice of Mingxi, he did not have any confidence to be safe.

After Mingxi’s eating of Qingbidan, the spiritual power of Qihai was no longer suppressed. Immediately like the monkeys who had been sung, there were five samurai mountains. Their one is the highest and the largest, but because there has been no The Holy Emperor stayed and seemed lonely.

"Small fire, my spirit pet egg is going to start eating, we look for something spiritual grass medicine." Ming Xi said, Ange gave him the spirit pet egg suddenly eaten his jade this morning, But if there is something spiritual, as long as it is placed next to the spoiled egg, it will not be long before it is eaten. He does not dare to put the spoiled egg into the ring space, and it will definitely eat the things in his space. .

"There are more elixir on this mountain." Fire Phoenix said, "However, you see the opposite mountain, there is a glow, there may be treasures."

"Look at the past." Mingxi called.

Huo Huang shook his head in a vigilant manner. "Don't, here is the mountain of the Holy Emperor. One side is the place where the other emperors live. We don't seem to be good in the past."

"The mountain is bare, even the palace is not, it must be no one to live." Ming Xi said, "Let's go and see."

"Ming Xi..." Fire Phoenix wanted to persuade him, but he saw that Mingxi had already flew out.

The fire phoenix had to follow up, the closer he came to the mountain, the smell of clear air in the air, "Ming Xi, Ming Xi, we are going."

"Why do you want to go?" Mingxi asked, and he felt that the spirit of the pet was in the air, and it seemed to smell delicious.

"That is the scent of medicinal herbs. Some people are here to make alchemy. Let's go quickly." Fire Phoenix called.

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