When Modi was dealing with the other three emperors, he was impatient. In addition to his various temptations, he wanted to inquire whether he wanted to be an emperor.

Seeing that Emperor's face was getting worse and worse, Deliang Shenghuang stood up and said goodbye.

"The Lord of Mexico has always been sealed, and I must come to congratulate myself personally." Deliang smiled and said that he was a gift to the Emperor.

"Do not send." Modi said faintly.

Mei Lan gave the Emperor a wink. "If the Mocheng Lord is unfamiliar with this place, he can come to me. I personally introduce it to the Mocheng Lord."

Red Lang sneered, "self-love."

"What do you say?" Mei Hao glared at Red Lang, "I want you to do nothing!"

"Well, it's a holy emperor. It's still not self-love, and it's not afraid of jokes." Red Lang did not put Mei's anger in his eyes, and still spurred her with words.

Mei Lan lost her face in front of Modi, and finally she had a man she could see. She had not been able to remember to be close, but she was angry. "Red Lang, I am not finished with you today."

"Do you think I am afraid of you?" Red Lang is cold.

The two men fought in a word, and immediately flew outside the mountain.

"They are like this, the Lord of Mexico does not mind." Deliang explained with a smile.

The face of Modi Junmei is as calm as water. They have nothing to do with his death and death. What can he mind?

"Then we will go first." Deliang looked at Modi without leaving a trace, and determined that this Modi is definitely not that simple. However, he brought the wife and children who had not yet been sacred, and wanted to become the emperor. It must be small.

Still not his opponent.

After sending away three uninvited guests, Mo Di personally laid down the enchantment and also confessed to the words, "Don't let others come in easily."

"Yes, adults." Yan Jun nodded slightly, he really did not choose the wrong person to follow, under the pressure of the three holy emperors at the same time, Modi can still cope with ease, the other side's spiritual pressure is blocked back, visible ink How high is the cultivation of the emperor.

Modi turned and went to find Ye Hao, but did not see her in the backyard.

“Hey?” Modi frowned slightly, where did he go?

"I am here." Ye Hao appeared in time, she hurriedly walked, gasping and hooking the arm of Modi. "The three holy emperors are gone?"

Modi wiped the sweat from her forehead. "Where is it? How is it sweating?"

"Just... I’ve been wandering around, it’s so big.” Ye Xiao said with a smile, slowly taking a breath, and she looked back at Ange, “Ango San people went with me.”

"Ming Xi?" Modi did not doubt anything else, and put the broken hair of her horns behind her ear. "The enchantment has been laid here, don't go out."

Ye Hao gently nodded. "Well, what happened to the three of them looking for you?"

"Nothing, jump the beam clown." Modi said faintly, holding Ye Hao's hand back to the house.

The layout of the palace is similar to that of Ye Hao, but it is more exquisite and spacious. The only difference is that from the window, there is a cloud, and the spirit is pervasive, and the heart is like a fairyland.

They seem to be similar to the wonderland.

"Azhan, when were you sealed?" asked Ye Hao.

"Tomorrow, I personally went to the Lingwu Mountain to determine where the gap is." Modi whispered, gently licking Ye Hao in his arms. "Let's stay here for two days, don't go anywhere." ”

Ye Haoqiao nodded. "I listen to you, I have nothing to do with alchemy."

"Yeah." Modi daggers, lingering in her lips for a while.



The next day, Modi went out very early and left Ange to protect Ye Hao.

"Hey, Modi didn't see Mingxi for a long time. Didn't he say anything?" Ange asked in a heartful way, but he was worried that he couldn't sleep all night, in case he was told by the Emperor that they concealed Mingxi. Things, when he blames him, he is not jealous.

"Azhan asked," said Ye Hao. "But I told him that Xi is accompanying the nephew. He didn't say much."

Ange looked worried. "We really don't tell him about it."

"I am going to alchemy. In the past two days, Azhan will be very busy and busy. He has to go to the gap to be sealed. It is estimated that there is no time to accompany me. Ange saint, I want alchemy, you are guarding for me. Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." Ange is not hopeful that Ye Hao refines into Xiuyuan Jindan, but in addition to doing so, there seems to be no other better way.

Ye Hao took Dan Ding out and found Dan Fang of Xiu Yuan Jin Dan. Fortunately, the collection in the space was rich enough. Otherwise, she really didn't know what to do. Now she can only rely on luck.

She always felt that her luck was good.

Ye Hao went to the space to pick the medicines needed, as well as Lingquan.

"Ming Xi?" In the space, I was bored and slept, and I saw Ye Hao, and immediately ran over to ask her.

"He...a little thing, can't get in for a while." Ye Hao looked at the mellow and lovely nephew, and he missed Mingyu more and more.

Ming Yu and the nephew are generally the same size, and they should be as tall as they are now.

"Is there anything wrong with Mingxi?" asked the child nervously. "I can feel that he is not here. What happened to him?"

"Can you feel him?" Ye Hao stopped the action of taking the medicine and looked back at the child with amazement.

The nephew licked his mouth. "He saved me. His blood unblocked the seal. I naturally know him. Madam, you told me, what happened to Mingxi?"

"Ming Xi's spirit pet eats other people's Xiu Yuan Jin Dan..." Ye Hao simply explained, "You can rest assured that I will refine Jin Dan to save Ming Xi."

"I will save him." When she said that she would rush out of the space, she was not a fire phoenix. The space was not what she wanted to come and wanted to leave.

Ye Hao pulled her back. "If you go out from here, it will be more troublesome. You can't let people know your existence. Mingxi is my son. I will save him. The Emperor Hou Ze said, as long as Give him ten repairs, and he will put Mingxi."

“Is it difficult to repair Yuan Jindan?” asked the nephew.

"I haven't practiced it, but it will always be successful." Ye Hao said that she had already taken the medicines she wanted to use.

The nephew suddenly turned into a small white dragon, and the small claws pulled off their dragon scales. "This, for you, listen to my grandfather, the dragon scale is alchemy to treasure, you take to save Mingxi."

"You..." Ye Hao looked at the **** dragon scale, looked at her body again, and hurriedly helped her stop the blood. "You silly boy!"

"I don't hurt. In a few days, I will grow a new dragon scale." The child laughed and laughed.

Ye Hao refused to take care of others, and hurriedly used Lingquan to stop her blood. "Do not hurt yourself in the future. You must believe that we will save Mingxi."

The nephew smiled shyly and slept through the body.

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