Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1902: I don't have a mother.

When they said that they had two hours, Ye Hao thought of the time for Murong Zhan to drink medicine, and he went to the main hall to find him.

Although Murong Cham’s eyes could not be seen, his injuries were already recovering. He had excellent ear strength and the deity was back. In other people’s eyes, he could not see that his eyes were blind.

Leaving Mingxi and Lu Shiming to talk to them, Murong Chan followed Ye Hao back to the room.

Ye Hao personally gave him a decocting, while whispering, "You don't care for yourself, remember to take medicine at the time, don't say your eyes are poisonous, the wounds are not good, even if you Why don't you like to drink medicine and drink it?"

"I didn't like it." Murong said with a blank expression, his shoulders stiff.

"Well, you are afraid of taking medicine." Ye Hao was perfunctory.

Murong Chan frowned and said with dissatisfaction, "Who said I am afraid?"

Ye Yan smiled and gave him a look. "Well, so wait for the sputum to take medicine."

"..." Ink Murray has rounded his eyes, although he can't see it, but it looks like he is holding a leafhopper.

It looks like a little cute! Ye Hao couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Well, the medicine is good." Ye Hao said with a smile, she held the bowl in her hands, and the hot medicine quickly became just as good.

Murong Zhan took the bowl and whispered, "Don't waste the aura."

"Then you are going to drink." Ye Hao looked at him with a smile.

"Yeah." Murong Zhan should be, bowing his head as if looking at the medicine in his hand, just don't drink it.

"Hurry up." Ye Hao urged him, let him quickly drink the medicine.

Murong Chan had a pair of gray eyes on her for a while, and drank the medicine in the bowl.

Ye Hao was satisfied with a smile and was about to praise him. He had already kissed her face and kissed it hard. The bitter taste of the medicine was sent to her mouth through the tip of his tongue. Ye Hao frowned in disgust, it was really bitter!

"Bastard!" Ye Hao gently licked him, "It's so bitter!"

Ink Murray kissed her lips. "No, it's sweet."

Ye took his waist, "Azhan, I am afraid."

"What are you afraid of?" Murong Chan held her tightly and whispered in her ear and said, "Don't be afraid, that is our daughter."

"Yes, Mingyu is our daughter." Ye Hao laughed.

At this time, there was a knock on the outside.

"Come in." Ye Hao gently pushed the ink to pass, let the people outside come in.

"Mother, it is me." Ming Xi pushed the door and came in.

Ye Wei asked, "What's wrong?"

Ming Xi Xia's face was a little hesitant. "Mother, the nephew has not come out. If she is not allowed to come out, she will suddenly appear in the future, will it cause doubt?"

"I almost forgot my son." Ye Hao was shocked. After coming to the mainland, she had forgotten the passing of the gap because of the injury of Murong Cham. Because the nephew is a real dragon, it will cause the gap to be unstable. So stay in her space for a while, "Let her come out now."

"That... how do you explain the existence of your nephew to others?" Mingxi whispered.

Ye Hao thought for a moment. "Will you wait a few more days, have you not come back yet? When you say it, she said that you brought it back."

"Good." Ming Xi felt that this method was very good. "Then I am going to find her."

"Are you not talking to your grandfather?" asked Ye Hao.

Ming Xi said, "The grandfather is talking to An Ge."

Ye Hao gently decapitated, "Then you go to the space first, let the nephew wait for a few more days."

"Okay." Mingxi nodded.

After Murong Zhan took medicine, Ye Hao forced him to lie down and rest, and this sleep was in the evening.

Ye Hao was accompanied by Jin Shanshan and Zhaoyang in the garden. He cried for a long time and was urged to return to the city by Lu Shiming. There was a grandson who was just born a few days ago, and he was relieved.

"Anniling." Ye Hao's former palace lady walked in a hurry and saw Ye Hao's slightly raised eyebrows, she remembered to change her mouth to call her wife, "Mrs., the emperor came with a princess."

Wen Yan, Ye Hao’s heart jumped, “Is Ming Yu coming?”

Nodded, "Yes, ma'am, the princess is waiting for you at the main hall."

"I don't want to go to see my daughter." Jin Shanshan pushed Ye Hao, "I finally hoped."

Ye Hao glanced at them nervously, and for a while, he quickly walked to the main hall.

After a few steps, she remembered Murong Zhan and Ming Xi, and when they went to see Ming Yu, they would also call them together.

She turned and went to find Murong Cham. He was already awake and was about to come to her.

Ye Hao asked Ming Xi to come out of space.

"Ming Yu is here, let's go see Ming Yu." Ye Hao's voice is hard to conceal.

Mingxi’s eyes lit up.

"Well, let's go." Murong Zhan was much calmer than them, and took Ye Hao's hand to the main hall.

It’s not far from the walk to the main hall. I saw that Ye Hao seemed to have gone a long and long way. Why haven’t you arrived yet?

Murong Zhan squeezed her palm gently, she was already nervous and sweated.

"Azhan..." Ye Hao whispered her name.

"Well, it’s over." Murong Cum whispered, and they stood outside the main hall.

Ye Hao looked at the little girl who was facing her. Her daughter had grown so big, she was much taller than three years ago. If she didn’t look too much like her, she almost couldn’t recognize it. It is.

"Ming Yu, my daughter." Ye Hao tears like rain, still can not control her emotions, she loosened the hand of ink to Zhan, strode into it.

She wants to hug Mingyu. However, when she is about to approach Mingyu, Mingyu stepped back and avoided Ye Hao’s touch.

"Ming Yu!" Ye Hao's hands are stiff in the air.

Murong glared at the head of Ming Yu, "Ming Yu, that is your mother."

Ming Yu looked at Ye Hao with no expression, and said softly, "Father, I have no mother."

"Ming Yu, I am your mother, that is your biological life, have you forgotten?" Ye Hao was blinded by the strange eyes of Ming Yu, she wanted to control the tears, but found that she did not control live.

"I don't have a mother, no jealousy, only one father." Ming Yu looked indifferent, watching Ye Hao is like watching a stranger.

Ye Hao bit his lip, "Ming Yu, I am really your mother."

"No." Ming Yu said coldly.

"Mingyu, then...Do you still remember me?" Mingxi walked up. Although he and Mingyu are dragons and babies, they are not very similar. The most loved one is Mingyu. I didn't expect her to Forgot them.

Ming Yu looked at Ming Xi seriously and watched it for a long time.

Ye Xie’s heart sank little by little.

Her daughter really forgot all of them.

Ming Yu gently nodded.

"Ming Yu, do you remember me?" Mingxi approached her in a pleasant surprise. "Then you take a closer look. This is a mother and aunt."

"I don't have a mother." Mingyu's little face did not collapse.

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