Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1904: I am a blind man

Ming Xi came out from the main hall and rushed to catch up with Murong Yu.

"Six uncle, I want to say a few words with Ming Yu." Ming Xi said, eyes looking at the jade in the arms of Murong.

Ming Yu explored his small head and stared at Mingxi.

Murong whispered, "Ming Yu, and my brother said a few words, okay?"

"Yeah." Mingyu hesitated, and nodded.

"Then I am waiting for you in front." Murong gave a smile and put Mingyu down. At least Mingyu is not exclusive to Mingxi. If you can make a happy knot through Mingxi, it is also a good thing.

Ming Yu stood in front of Ming Xi, she lowered her head slightly, and her hands were tightly intertwined.

If it was before, Ming Yu had already rushed to his arm.

"Ming Yu, this is for you." Ming Xi took out a pair of lifelike white rabbit scorpions.

"Little white rabbit..." Ming Yu whispered, "Give me?"

Mingxi walked a few steps before putting two scorpions on her hair. "It really suits you, it looks so good."

"How come this?" Ming Yu whispered.

Mingxi smiled and said, "I have brought you a lot of things, which we don't have here."

"Have you gone to a very fun place?" Ming Yu asked, bright eyes dimmed, and the tone had grievances that she did not notice.

"Not fun." Ming Xi gently shook his head. "My mother and I were forcibly taken away. In another place, my father... I said that he also forgot us. We finally saw each other, how many The time was almost killed, and the people there were very powerful."

Ming Yu listened, not quite understand what Mingxi said.

Another place? Where is that?

"Want to know what happened to us?" Mingxi asked quietly.

"No interest." Ming Yu’s voice is firm. "I have to go back."

Ming Xi sighed in his heart. "Well, I will introduce you to a young lady in a few days. You will like her."

"Do you go to the palace to find me later?" Ming Yu asked.

"If you agree, I will go to you, what you want in the future, my brother will promise you." Mingxi said.

Ming Yu said, "What do I want, my father will give it to me."

"The father and the brother are not the same." Ming Xi said with a smile, after a while I remembered that the father of Ming Yu was not their father, but the six kings.

"I have to go back first." Ming Yu said.

Mingxi knows that it is impossible to let Mingyu solve the happy knot immediately. "It is very late. I am at the Villa tonight. I will tell you a story tomorrow."

Mingyu hesitated for a moment, looked up at Mingxi, and then nodded reluctantly. "Well, I am going to find my father."

"It’s dark, I will take you there.” Ming Xi naturally took Ming Yu’s hand and walked forward.

"No..." Ming Yu's body was stiff and wanted to break free. She looked at Ming Xi's back and was eventually led by him.

Murong Yu was in front of the octagonal pavilion. When he was waiting for Ming Yu, Murong Chan came to him.

"Is your eyes really invisible?" Seeing that Murong Chong came alone, the speed was not fast, but I really couldn't see where it was invisible.

"Can't see." Murong Zhan said affirmatively.

Murong snorted coldly. "I really can't see it. It's so safe to walk at night. It's okay to come to the DPRK to handle the political affairs."

"For the blind, there is no difference between day and night." Murong Zhan said faintly.

"..." Murong Yu was stunned. "Ming Yu talks with Ming Xi over there."

Murong Zhan gently beheaded, "I know."

When he came, he heard the voices of the two children.

Murong looked at him and said, "Hey, okay?"

"She is thinking of Ming Yu, how can I accept it." Murong Zhan said quietly.

"Ming Yu did not forget you," Murong said. "I don't know that her heart has become so serious."

Murong Zhan said, "She will slowly get happy."

"What are you looking for?" Murong whispered.

"Auntie?" Murong Zhan asked, he and Ye Hao came back, and have not seen ink tony.

Murong Yu was silent. "Six months ago, he took Zhao Ning to Qi, and he has not returned yet. I suspect that he was under house arrest."

"What does Qi mean?" Murong Zhan asked coldly.

"There is no news at all. I sent people to the Qi State to inquire about the news. I didn't find the aunt. I don't know where I was hiding." Murong said, "Since Zhao has been enthroned, the relationship between the two countries is not very good. At the end of last year, The border between Qi State and the North Ming Kingdom has begun to be turbulent. According to the truth, Cheng Hao should not provoke Jin Guo."

Murong Cham frowns and contemplates that although he has left for three years, the relationship between several countries here will not change much. He feels that Cheng Hao is definitely not trying to attract Jin Guo.

"Cheng Wei is afraid of your danger." Murong Zhan whispered.

"I was thinking about it." Murong said coldly, he just wanted to lay a peaceful world for Mingyu. The existence of Qi is too threatening, but now nothing can be done.

Murong Zhan thought for a moment, "Auntie handed it to me."

"What?" Murong stunned.

"I believe that everyone thinks that I am dying, and Cheng Hao and Zhao Wei can't think we will go to Qi." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Murong whispered, "What about Na Mingyu?"

"If she wants, I want to go with her." Murong Zhan said, "She can get along with her more to get a happy knot."

"Azhan, I am very sorry that I used the worst way to get Mingyu out. She will misunderstand you. It is my fault." Murong thought of Mingyu's lovely smile, he did not regret doing it at the beginning, just I feel very sorry.

The face of Mo Rong Zhan Qingjun showed a faint smile. "I understand, you can't blame you. You take care of Mingyu very well."

"Hey...has she been suffering from there?" Murong’s eyes were complicated. In the past three years, he has been able to bury that emotion in the depths of his heart, but at the moment he saw it, his The heart was moving, and the feeling made him unprepared and unable to resist.

He loves you so much, even if he is trying to forget.

"She is very good." Murong Cham said, "You should be kind to yourself."

Murong sighed and said, "If you change it, what do you do?"

Murong Zhan was silent, and said after a while, "Two children have come, I will leave first, and then I will leave for Qi in a few days."

"Are you sure?" Murong frowned. "You are still a blind man."

"So it will not cause doubts." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Murong whispered, "Tomorrow, I will let Shen Ying come to you. He knows the situation of Qi."

"Yeah." Murong Zhan gently daggers, turned and disappeared into the night.

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