Qin Wangfu is a little far from Lujia. When Ye Hao came to Qinwangfu, it was almost late.

Ever since Mr. Murong knew her true identity, he has been arranging for the Qin Wangfu. Even if no one lives, it is cleaned all the year round. It is only a small number of people, and it is particularly quiet.

The next generation of Wangfu was selected by Mo Rongzhan. Since they were all eye-catching, they were not surprised to see Ye Hao returning. She welcomed her to the palace with respect and respect, and told Murong Zhan to be in the study.

Ye Hao came to the study room and was about to knock on the door. The voice of ink-filled Zhan had already been heard.

"Hey, come in."

"I haven't spoken yet. How do you know that it is me, not afraid to admit the wrong person?" Ye Hao smiled and pushed the door open, his bright eyes smiled and looked at the handsome man sitting behind the book.

Murong Chan smiled and waved at her, "Come here."

How could he admit his mistake, her breathing is familiar to him, let alone footsteps.

"There is no change here. I thought it would be ridiculous after so many years." Ye Hao said with a smile, holding his hand up.

Murong Zhan took her to sit on her thigh. "It’s all the people I picked, and it won’t make it ridiculous."

"How come you want to come here?" Ye squinted at his neck and smelled a few times on him. "Are you taking no medicine?"

"Eat." Murong Zhan seriously nodded. "It is uncomfortable to live in someone else's home. This is our home."

Ye Hao had planned to live in Yejia, she had forgotten that after Murong Cham restored the memory of Mo Di, it was cleaner than before, even in the tower, his place would not let others close.

"How do I feel that you didn't take medicine?" Ye Hao wondered, holding his face and looking at his eyes carefully, and checking his broken ribs before, his eyes were still gray, the ribs had healed, the aura of the sea Also recovered.

"Hey, it’s only a few days, so it’s so moving hands... Is it okay?” Murong Zhan held her hand and prevented her from continuing to touch him.

Ye Hao’s cheeks are reddish. “Whoever has a manual foot, you must have no medicine. I will stare at you tomorrow.”

Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows and gently pinched her chin. "I'm not happy? Who aroused you?"

"You can know this?" Ye Hao was surprised, not to mention that she did not show her face, obviously she was very happy.

"Well, I know." Murong Zhan nodded. "What happened?"

Ye Hao said a little, "Su Xiaoxiao should be able to think that I deliberately left the jade, and I misunderstood me."

Murong Chan frowned. "Give you a look?"

"That didn't." Ye Hao smiled. "In fact, I am not so upset. How others misunderstand is someone else's business. If I am not happy for others, it will be too much to live."

She has experienced so many things, after several lives and deaths, if she is still in a bad mood because of a person who is not close, then she has lived for so many years.

Murong Zhan bowed his head and kissed her. "Don't care about others."

"Well, I care about you." Ye Hao said sweetly. "Are you still going to the aunt? What did you hear?"

"After we left, Aunt wanted to go to the military. Murong did not agree. It should be worried that he was in danger. Later, some people in the ancestors wanted to use the name of the aunt to force Rong Rong to surrender the emperor. I have completely ignored the matter of the pilgrimage. Over the years, he has been a little prince who has been arrogant, so this time he went missing in Qi, but he did not attract the attention of others. Even Lu Xiang did not know what happened to him. "Ink said to say faintly."

Ye Yiyi said, "Murong is jealous of him and aunt..."

"There should be no obstacles, but some people want to provoke the interests of the fishermen. They are all smart people, so the aunts become the idle kings." Murong Chong whispered that with his understanding of Murong Yu, he would not Auntie is not an ambitious person.

"Let's hurry up and find Auntie." Ye Hao said that when she heard these words from Murong Cham, she was even more worried about the ink capacity.

Murong Zhan nodded faintly. "Well, when Mingxi comes back, we will leave."

"Tomorrow they should be back." Ye Hao said with a smile, "The time is almost up, I am going to cook for you."

"..." Inkor’s mouth twitched. "Drink for so many days, don't drink."

Ye Xiao said with a smile, "No, wait until your eyes are good before you can drink. Before you go to sleep, you should use Lingquan to apply your eyes."

"Oh..." Murong Chan reluctantly smiled.

"Hip." Ye Hao kissed his chin.

At this moment, a knocking sound came from outside, and a respectful voice came in outside. "Wang Ye, Wang Hao, dinner is ready."

Wang Ye Wang? Ye Hao raised his eyebrows and looked at the ink to the Cinder.

The ink-filled gray eyes are shallow and smiling. "Since living in the Qin Wangfu, we are the most suitable for Wang Ye."

"Well, this is good." It’s better than seeing her call the Queen’s Empress.

"Let's go." In the morning, Ye Rongzhan left the study with Ye Hao's hand. With their cultivation, even if they don't eat for a few days, it has no effect. However, since they have returned to the mainland, they will naturally be like normal mortals. life.

Although the Qin Wangfu did not have a bright light, but the first time there was a smog, it still caught the attention of the city's dark guards, and soon informed Murong.

Murong Yu was accompanying Ming Yu for dinner. He heard that Fujisawa said this. He just nodded. "Hey, I know."

"Emperor!" Fujisaki looked at him with a frown. "Don't you...do you prevent it?"

"What do you think should be guarded against?" Murong asked coldly.

Do you want to say it clearly? Mo Rongzhan was the emperor of the former Jin State. Although he gave the emperor to Murong Yu when he left, he suddenly came back inexplicably. Who knows if he is going to take back the throne.

It’s hard to stabilize Jiangshan. Do you want to let it go?

"Mo Rong Zhan is the brother of the scorpion. This is the emperor of the Jin State. If he wants to go back to the palace, he must give up the position, and the vines, can you understand enough?" Murong asked coldly.

what? Fujisaki stunned, "The emperor, you are now the emperor of the kingdom of the kingdom, how can you let it go, that ... will make Jin Guo in chaos."

Murong is cold and cold, "I have your own ideas, let's go on."

If Murong Zhan really wants him to let it out, he has already offered it with his hands. It is not that guy who simply does not want to go back to the palace.

Fujisaki looked at Murong Yu and remembered that he was still cold to himself in the past few years. "Yes, the emperor, the minister retired."

Although Murong will not guard against ink-filled Zhan, he will definitely stare at it!

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