Ye Muzhen wants to follow Mingxi into the palace, and the fire phoenix also volunteers. The three and a half children ride on the horse. The horses of Mingxi and Huohuang are naturally no problem. Ye Mu’s calf is short. He thought it was a horse-drawn carriage. Palace, I did not expect the cousin to ride directly.

"Come up." Fire Phoenix will give Ye Muzhen a slap on his horse.

In the past four years, the soldiers who guarded the palace gate had already changed. Mingxi had not been close to the palace gate, and it had already been stopped.

"Where are you from here, here is not where you play, leave quickly." A soldier recognized Ye Muzhen, knowing that he was the son of General Ye, thinking that they were naughty and ran here to play, and they drove them seriously.

"We are not here to play, can you tell us, we are looking for Mingyu." Ming Xi came down from the horse. He knew that the emperor in the palace is no longer his father, so he is no longer a prince. No identity, anyway, even if he reported his name, no one would know him.

The soldier said, "I want to ask to see the princess, then please come back tomorrow morning. If the color is too late, I will not pass the message long ago."

Ye Muzhen cried anxiously. "Cousin is a princess's brother, how can I not go in."

"Where is the princess, my brother, Ye Ye, don't make a joke." The two gatekeepers sneered out.

This words caused the attention of another general. He slowly walked out, his eyes fixed on Mingxi, as if he had seen the ninety-five lord who once sat in the dragon chair.

"The big prince..." he screamed in surprise. "Are you a big prince?"

Mingxi looked at that person and had never remembered seeing him.

"Adult, are you drinking today? We have only one princess in Jinguo, and where is the emperor." The two soldiers whispered.

"You know what." The man yelled at the two people. He came to Mingxi and bowed down. "His Royal Highness, the little Luwen used to be your bodyguard. You don't remember small, small. Remember you."

Ming Xi slightly raised his eyebrows. His former guards were quite a few, but he had few impressions.

"You please start, I am no longer a prince." Ming Xi said softly, "I just came to my sister."

"He is the prince?" The two soldiers looked at each other. They knew that there was a prince in Jinguo, but was the prince not already dead? If the boy is the former prince, then...Is the former emperor and empress empress? Is it coming back?

"Fast, go tell Song Daren." One of the soldiers whispered.

Mingxi smiled faintly. "I can work hard and pass it. I want to see Mingyu."

"His Royal Highness, you please come in." Lu Wen said, please ask Ming Xi to enter the palace.

Even if Ming Xi’s identity is different from before, he is still special in Jin Guo.

"Cousin, let's go in and wait for Mingyu." Ye Muzhen said.

Ming Xi thought about it carefully. He also wanted to know how Ming Yu’s life in the palace was. He left the horse outside and was ready to go in and find Mingyu.

"There is no pass, who will allow you to enter and exit the palace at will?"

Just as Mingxi was preparing to enter the palace, a voice came from him.

Ming Xi looked up and saw a man in black clothes slowly coming over, a pair of eyes staring at him sharply, with murderous eyes in his eyes.

"Teng Daren." All the soldiers saw him and bowed respectfully.

"Who is this child?" Fujisawa stood in front of Ming Xi and looked at him condescendingly.

Lu Wen whispered, "Teng Daren, he is... is the Royal Highness."

Fujisaka sneered, "There are no emperors in the emperor. Where are the emperors? Don't just take a child as a prince, do you know that this is a death sin?"

"He is the brother of Princess Mingyu. Isn't it a prince?" Ye Muzhen had seen Fujisawa before. He knew that he was a dark guardian. He was gloomy and insidious. It was not a good person at first glance.

"You are..." Fujisaki sneered at Ye Muzhen, "Ye Yinan's son? What the Prince of the Emperor has long since ceased to exist, like you, nonsense, is a death sin, do you know?"

After all, Ye Muzhen was still young, and was scared by Fujisaki, and his face was somewhat white.

Mingxi kept him behind him, and looked at the vines with a cold eye. "The two crimes of death are said from your mouth. How do you feel the power of deterrence? You said that I am not a prince. Am I not a prince? You Who is it, the emperor today? Or is it possible to control the entire court? People who have never heard of someone like you have lost their respect and disrespect."

"Ming Xi, you are too direct to say this, the dog must also look at the owner, his master is your uncle Wang." Huo Huang said with a smile.

Fujisawa's face sank, "What are you talking about?"

"Say you are a dog." Fire Phoenix said with a smile.

"The people who are acquainted with the palace are all guilty of death, and they are all taken down!" Rattan screamed coldly, and several men in the same black dress were behind him.

Fire Phoenix picked up his eyebrows. "It seems to be a dog."

Fujiko's eyes flashed with anger. He had never seen a fire phoenix before. He was not a follower. He dared to say that he was a dog.

"Hey, I just want to find Mingyu." Mingxi sighed softly, and the dark guards came over to him and easily avoided. "I am not fighting."

"He clearly does not want you to go to the palace to see Mingyu, no, it is afraid that the appearance of your prince will cause the turmoil of the court, so I want to take the opportunity to catch you, maybe killing will kill you, then a sentence I don't know who you are." Fire Phoenix said the wind and the wind.

Ming Xi did not fight back to avoid the attacks of the black people. For the analysis of the fire phoenix, he actually felt very reasonable. "Small fire, when did you become so smart?"

"That is, this person's mind is so obvious, of course I can see it." Huo Huang said, do not admit that it is secretly watching the idea of ​​Fujisawa's heart.

"If you don't stop, I will be welcome." Ming Xi warned Fujisawa.

Fujisawa said coldly, "You are good at the palace, I take you, it is the responsibility."

Mingxihehe smiled, that is nothing to say.

"Wow..." Ye Muzhen has completely looked silly. He knows that his cousin should have learned martial arts, but he did not expect it to be so powerful.

Those dark guards are not the cousin's opponents at all, only a few efforts, five or six dark guards have fallen, even the vine has no chance to fight back.

"Your duty is to do things for the emperor, not here, foxes and tigers." Mingxi stepped on the vines under his feet. "I just want to play with me before, but still early."

At this time, Fujisawa felt a sea of ​​turmoil. If he was not trampled on the ground at this time, he couldn't think of a child who was only seven or eight years old and could not fight.

What kind of monster is this Mo Mingxi?

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