Yan Xiaoliu’s hand was dragged by Mingyu. He was puzzled. Isn’t he going to see the temple fair? How to get to the halfway, he took him away.

"Ming Yu, what's wrong with you?" Yan Xiaoliu whispered, they had moved away from the noisy crowd, came to a secluded place, surrounded by woods, and could not see the half-personal shadow.

"Yan Xiaoliu, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart." Ming Yu whispered and rushed into the arms of Yan Xiaoliu and cried.

"What happened?" Yan Xiaoliu gently patted the back of Mingyu, and felt very confused in his heart. Since Mingxi came back, the emperor and the empress must also come back. Mingyu should be happy, how? It will be so sad.

Ming Yu cried and said, "I have seen the father and mother, but I hate them. I don't want to see them."

Yan Xiaoliu’s hand was stiff, and he remembered the truth about the hidden jade in the past few years. He hadn’t had time to explain it to her. “You don’t really want them to come back? How can you not want to see them?”

"They didn't want me. They abandoned me four years ago..." Ming Yu cried aloud. Only in front of Yan Xiaoliu, she could unscrupulously release her true feelings. She was really uncomfortable. "They said they just left, they came back when they came back. They never thought about my feelings. I don't want them now."

Yan Xiaoliu held Mingyu in his arms. "Mingyu, this is not the case."

"They only like my brother, I don't like me at all. I don't have a brother who is smart, no brother can do it, my brother can read books, but I hate reading, so they left with their brother, but they never thought about me. "Ming Yu cried a lot. This is the most real thought of her in recent years. She always feels inferior that she can't compare with her brother, so she will be left behind."

Today, it was taken to the sky by Mingxi. He was more certain of this idea. Mingxi was much more powerful than her. No matter who it is, she would like her brother more.

Even she likes her brother.

Yan Xiaoliu supported Mingyu’s shoulders and reached out to wipe her tears. “Have you forgotten? The emperor and the maiden were the ones who loved you the most. You are their jewel in the palm of your hand. Where do you want to go? Others are afraid to be close to the emperor. Only you are closest to the emperor. They will not want you, because... no choice."

"No, you think they are a last resort?" Ming Yu cried.

"Ming Yu, I have never told you what happened at the time." Yan Xiaoliu whispered, "Do you still remember? When I left Mingxi with me, I promised to take you with you, but eventually took you. Stay in the palace."

Ming Yu nodded, that is, after she lost her father and mother, even her brother was gone.

"That time we went to find my father, my father was controlled by a man called a hate, my father killed the entire villa, even my mother was killed by him. At that time, there were many people controlled by the enemy, and the whole rivers and lakes were bloody. How can I and Mingxi let you take risks? Under the Yunyun Mountain, the enemy seized Mingxi, that person...not a person at all, he is too powerful, even if the six kings and the emperor join hands, it is not his The opponent, Ming Xi is in his hands, and later he grabbed the maiden. They disappeared in the mountains for no reason. No one knows where they went..."

Ming Yu looked at Yan Xiaoliu. "Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I can't say it." Yan Xiaoliu said painfully. "What if Mingxiu can't come back again? Everyone feels that you are yelling at you... better."

If she knows the truth, she may be in Yunan Mountain every day for four years, and she cannot live so happily in the palace.

Ming Yu understands the pains of the father, but she still feels uncomfortable.

"Don't you want them to come back?" Yan Xiaoliu asked in a low voice.

"I..." Ming Yu wants to say no, in front of Yan Xiaoliu, she can't deceive herself.

Yan Xiaoliu wiped the tears that she had poured out again. "You are afraid that they will leave again, afraid that they will leave you, so you dare not get close to them, right?"

In the words, Mingyu cried even more.

"Ming Yu, if you are not here, the emperor will not come back." Yan Xiaoliu whispered, "They came back for you."

“Really?” Mingyu’s eyes and eyes are already red, and it looks really like a little rabbit.

Yan Xiaoliu’s heart was a bit pity. In fact, he didn’t know what Mingxi had experienced, but today he saw that there was no chance that even a person would fight even a dozen people, even Fujisawa was not him. The opponents, since they came back safely, proved that the hatred is not a threat. Just by imagination, he feels that he can know how many obstacles they have experienced elsewhere.

He believes that they will insist on going to today and returning to their place.

"The emperor and the maiden are leaving you to save Mingxi. Now they are able to prove everything for you." Yan Xiaoliu nodded.

Ming Yu’s emotions slowly calmed down. “But... I have already said a lot to them. I said that I don’t have a mother, only one father, and I don’t want them to come back.”

Yan Xiaoliu chuckled, as if to see a casually sad girl deliberately say the expression of those words, "Believe me, the goddess they will see, you are guilty."

"I cried after seeing my mother." Ming Yu whispered, "She must be very sad."

"That is the goddess is hurting you." Yan Xiaoliu said, "Tell me tomorrow."

Ming Yu shook his head. "I am afraid I can't do it."

Yan Xiaoliu holds her hand. "Mingyu, no matter what happens, I will be by your side."

"Yan Xiaoliu, or you are the best for me." Ming Yu flat mouth, tears in the bottom of his eyes.

"I will take you to find Mingxi." Yan Xiaoliu said with a smile.

Ming Yu said, "He will only bring the nephew now, even... even her mother likes her. I saw my mother combing my hair today. I used to only comb my hair after my mother."

"Then you asked Ming Xi, who is your child?" Yan Xiaoliu whispered, the little girl was already jealous.

"I don't ask." Ming Yu snorted.

Yan Xiaoliu knows that Mingyu is not a self-willed person. "Don't you like that nephew?"

Ming Yu thought about it carefully, and it didn't seem so annoying. "Alright, do you think she looks good? Does she like her?"

"Mingyu is the best girl in the world." Yan Xiaoliu said seriously.

"I think the best looking person should be Yan Xiaoliu." Ming Yu said with a smile.

"..." Yan Xiaoliu felt that this was not to praise him.

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