Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1939: Seeing the palace

Ye Hao thinks she can get up early in the morning to make breakfast, based on her strong perseverance and her love for her daughter.

Therefore, Murong Cham's face is not very good-looking.

"You don't stink a face. After a while, Ming Yu saw it. I thought you didn't like to see her." Ye Hao pulled the sleeves of ink-filled Zhan, reminding him to keep a gentle smile.

Murong Chan held her hand, "Used breakfast, go back to sleep."

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded hard. "What do you say? I have let Mingxi go to bring Mingyu over. You will smile more at your daughter in a while. You look so good, you can look good when you laugh." You used to be pampered with your daughter, and I am jealous."

“Really?” Murong Chan raised his eyebrows and did not believe she would eat her daughter’s vinegar.

How could Ye Hao really be jealous with her daughter? Instead, she licked her daughter and always sticks to Murong Zhan. "Mingyu is our daughter. You hurt your daughter is right. I won't be really jealous."

"Yeah." Murong Zhan nodded faintly, but he felt that Ye Hao would be jealous with his daughter. Even if he loved his daughter, he should consider her mood.

At this time, the sound of the ring came from outside, it was Mingxi and Mingyu who came.

There are still children who come together.

"Hey, mother." Mingxi entered the door and gave them a salute, and looked back at Mingyu.

Although Ming Yu did not open his mouth, he also performed the same as Ming Xi.

"Come, sit down, today's breakfast is made by me personally, it is your favorite food." Ye Hao saw that Ming Yu is willing to come to eat breakfast with them, I am very happy, as for her Did you call them a mother, she felt that she could wait for it to come later.

Ming Xi took the hand of Ming Yu and sat down. "This doesn't look like I like to eat, but Ming Yu likes it."

“Do you not like to eat?” Mo Rongzhan asked faintly.

"No..." Ming Xi said that he did not pick his mouth and basically ate everything.

The handsome face of Murong Cham looks indifferent. "Then sit down."

"Yes." Ming Xi was so serious that he still had a smile in his eyes and sat down with his nephew's hand.

Ming Yu was held by Ye Hao and sat next to her. She looked at Ming Xi with some surprise and looked at Murong Zhan again. It seemed to be different for four years.

In the past, my brother’s temper was similar to that of his father. When he was young, he was always tight and his face was unspoken. Now he still knows how to laugh, and he always smiles when he speaks.

But such a Ming Xi, but more people can not see what he is thinking.

And the father of the emperor... looks more cold than before.

"Ming Yu, this is a shrimp dumpling." Ye Hao gave Ming Yu a dumpling, "You used to like it."

"Thank you." Ming Yu whispered, bowed and concentrated on eating.

Ye Hao added two to the ink capacity, "Azhan, you also eat."

Ming Yu looked up and observed that it was rare to see a soft smile on the father's face.

She remembered, although the father was indifferent, but before she and her mother, she always smiled very gently, especially after the mother, the whole person seemed to become another.

"Ming Yu, do you want to go back to the palace, or... stay for a few more days?" Ye Hao asked quietly.

"Go back to the palace." Ming Yu whispered, "Go to class."

Ye Hao said, "I will send you back to the palace."

Ming Xi looked up and said that he could send it. He looked at Ye Hao and he lowered his head again. "Hey, eat more."

"Yan Xiaoliu can also send me back." Ming Yu whispered.

"You have something to say to Yan Xiaoliu." Ye Hao found an excuse to open Yan Xiaoliu.

Ink Murray's gray scorpion is not shocked, and there is no emotional change. By default, this temporary excuse is proposed. Anyway, when Yan Xiaoliu wanted to see him last night, he did not agree.

Ming Yu did not refuse any more.



After breakfast, Ye Hao sent Ming Yu back to the palace. In fact, she didn't have to send it herself, but in addition to her want to get along with Ming Yu, there is another thing that needs to go to the palace. Murong Zhan knows she wants What to do, so did not stop her.

In the carriage, Ming Yu was sitting opposite Ye Hao. She kept her head down and didn't look at the leafhopper sitting opposite her.

"Ming Yu, I want you to go to Qi, you... would you like to go with us?" Ye Hao whispered.

"What?" Ming Yu suddenly looked up, where to go?

Ye Hao said, "Qiguo, but it may be a little dangerous. If you don't want to go, I won't force you."

"What are you going to do in Qi?" Ming Yu asked, she remembered that Xiao Wang, they also went to Qi, but they have not returned yet.

"Look for your little uncle." Ye Hao smiled. "I just told you that in a few days we will go to Qi, if you want, you can go with us."

Ming Yu did not promise or refused, but whispered, "Oh."

The mother and the daughter are silent again and have nothing to say.

Qin Wangfu is not far from the Royal Palace. They soon came outside the palace gate and had the token of Mingyu. They went straight into the palace.

"Would you like to go to the father?" Mingyu got out of the carriage and saw that the fragrance and the dew had been kept outside.

The scent and the dew saw the leaf scorpion, and hurriedly bowed down.

Ye Haocai reacted to Ming Yu’s father, Murong.

Sounds... it’s really weird.

"I asked him to say something." Ye Hao whispered. "He should be down at this time."

"He should be in the Qing Dynasty, I will take you there." Ming Yu whispered, straight and small body leading the way.

Ye Xiaozui’s mouth showed a slight smile, so he followed Mingyu to the Qing Palace.

When she was still living in the palace, except for Yongshou Palace, she came to the Qing Dynasty.

"Mother..." Ford, who was outside the door, saw her, went down to salute, and was stopped by Ye Hao, and he hurriedly changed his mouth. "Give Wang Xi's peace."

"Fu Gonggong, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you okay?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Ford's eyelids are red, "Take your blessing, the slaves are good."

"I came to see the emperor, Fu Gonggong, but also trouble you to report." Ye Hao whispered.

"You wait a little while." Ford said, turning around and going to the Qing Palace to look back.

Ming Yu bit his lip. "I will go back first."

Ye Hao looked down at her daughter's delicate and cute face. She resisted and didn't go to kiss, "Okay."

"Let's go." Ming Yu said to the two palace ladies, and did not return to the head.

Ford also came out from the dry palace. "Wang Hao, the emperor invited you to go in."

Ye Hao smiled and thanked him, but looked up and saw two acquaintances coming out from the inside.

It is Song Yu and Fujisawa.

Song Hao gave her a gift. "You are here."

"Song Daren." Ye Hao gently beheaded, feeling that Fujisawa is still full of hostility towards her.

"The emperor is inside, you please." Song Yu said politely, took the vines and took them away.

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