After Ye Hao and Ye Yiqing finished speaking, Jin Shanshan knew that she was at home and came to her.

"Yu Hui knows that you saved their mother and daughter that day and wants to thank you personally." Jin Shanshan said that she had just come from the Lujia side and went to see Yu Hui. After eating Ye Hao's medicine, she benefited. The body was well restored, and she was aware of the sinister nature of that day. She always wanted to be grateful to Ye Hao.

"What happened to her these two days?" Ye Hao had already forgotten the benefits. When she returned to Kyoto on the first day, she went to Lujia first. Only a few days ago, she almost forgot about the day. "Wang later Is there any trouble?"

Jin Shanshan turned a blind eye. "I know that Hui Huisheng is a daughter. She and Lu Shixun have already let people talk, saying that they will not admit that the children of Yan Huisheng are their Lujia. In the future, the daughter of Hui Hui is at most an illegitimate daughter."

Wen Yan, Ye Hao frowned, and Lu Shixun and his wife did this too much.

“How do you say Lu Hao?” Ye Hao asked faintly. She could see that Lu’s feelings for Hui Hui should not allow her parents to hurt her.

"I don't know, but there are Lu Daren who are helping him. In the end, there will be no problem. Lu Jia is now a big man who has the final say, can not remember that the genealogy has little to do with Lu Shixun and his wife." Jin Shanshan said.

Ye Hao smiled. "That's good. When I have time, I will go see it."

"Well, I am going with you. I promised to participate in the washing of her daughter. It will be the third day tomorrow." Jin Shanshan said.

"Okay." Ye Dagger.

When the two aunts were talking, they saw Ye Xiaonan rushing back from the outside.

"Big brother, what's wrong?" Ye Hao asked.

Ye Xiaonan saw Ye Hao here, striding over, "Hey, I just heard that Xie was killing people outside."

"?" Ye Hao looked stunned, Ming Xi killed people? how is this possible! She knows her son, he is not embarrassed, and very intelligent and calm, he is very clear about the consequences of killing people in the world.

Jin Shanshan shouted, "How is it possible! Mingxi is still a child."

"I heard about it on the way back. I came back to the palace with a change of clothes. I heard that Xi has been summoned into the palace." Ye Yinan said, "The person who killed him is the scorpion of Fujisawa."

"Is that vine flying?" Jin Shanshan frowned in disgust. "It turned out to be a mixed king. If Mingxi really killed him, it would really kill the people."

Ye Hao looked at Jin Shanshan, "Is the vine's nephew so bad?"

"Looking at the vines is the commander of the Guardian, and bullying others everywhere. Because the vines are the confidants of the emperor, they are afraid to impeach them. The people are even more miserable. I want your brother to tell the emperor. He does not say anything." Jin Shanshan looked at Ye Xiaonan.

"Jin Guo has only recently returned to calm. Before the emperor, there was time to pay attention to a child." Ye Xiaonan coughed a little, he did not put the vine in his eyes, and felt that the reputation of the vine was no longer Ok, that’s just a child, and the only thing that will hurt is the vine.

Ye Hao said, "Big brother, you don't have to enter the palace, and Mingxi can handle it."

She believes that Mingxi will not arbitrarily kill people. If she really kills the vines, it must be something that vines can't forgive.

"I really don't have to go to the palace to see?" Ye Xiaonan frowned and asked, he didn't like Fujisawa very much. It was a must-see person. If Ming Xi really killed his nephew, Fujisaki would definitely not let go. Hee.

"No, Mingxi can handle it." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Don't underestimate your nephew."

Ye Lannan said that Ye Hao said that he had to dispel the thought of going to the palace. "I heard about going to the military camp today. Mingxi had beaten the vines yesterday morning and came back with a sigh of relief. This kid is really good."

"I didn't listen to him." It was only last night that they said that she had a leak, "Ming Xi is a person into the palace, what about the children and the fire?"

"This... I have not heard of it, maybe it is still on the street." Ye Yinan said.

Oops! Ye Hao felt a headache, and let the children and the fire phoenix outside, these two people really do not know what trouble will arise.

"I will go to them first." Ye Hao said quickly. "They are not familiar with Kyoto. I am afraid I will get lost."

Ye Yinan knows the origins of nephews and fire children is not simple, understand what Ye Hao is worried about, "I will go with you."

Both the nephew and the fire phoenix are now enjoying themselves on the street.

They are not worried about the dangers that Mingxi will be brought into the palace. What is going on here is the mainland, not many people can hurt Mingxi, and then, Mingxi did not kill that person, obviously That person is too weak.

Haven't seen it scared to death by a name.

Fire Phoenix took the children to the restaurant and made a big table of signature dishes. The two happily ate a meal.

"Let's go and see if Mingxi is back." The child was full of food and drink, and finally remembered Mingxi.

"Two small passengers, you have not yet settled, a total of twenty-two silver." The shopkeeper smiled and stopped the nephew and the fire phoenix ready to leave.

"..." He looked at the fire phoenix with a blank face. "What is silver?"

The fire phoenix touched the body. "I didn't bring silver, and the silver was on Mingxi."

The smile on the face of the shopkeeper’s face froze, and Pi Xiaowen asked without a smile. “The original two are coming to eat the king’s meal?”

“What is the King’s meal?” asked the child. “We don’t have any money now, can you send it to you later?”

"There is no silver to eat a big table, I see you are the people who don't know where to come from, deliberately come to eat and drink, where is the clothes from the stolen? If you don't give back twenty-two Now, I will send you to the government." The treasurer gestured, the small building of the restaurant was blocked at the door, not letting the fire phoenix and the scorpion go.

The child shouted, "Why don't you let us go, don't we not give you money?"

"Then take out the silver!" cried the shopkeeper. "Look at your skinny and tender meat. Selling you is worth a few dollars."

"Or else you go to the Qin Wangfu to get the silver?" Fire Phoenix remembers that Ye Hao confessed to them, try not to hurt these mortals, so he said with a smile.

The shopkeeper snorted. "You have to compile and make a decent point. Actually, you say that Qin Wangfu, take them down, and leave them to work."

The fire phoenix took the children to avoid the buddies, and they couldn't beat them, and they didn't want to be caught. They had to keep jumping up and down to hide. After a while, the whole restaurant had been messed up.

"Stop, stop!" The shopkeeper was completely dumbfounded, just grabbed two children, how come... smashed his restaurant?

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