The recovery of the spirit of Murong has no excitement before, he whispered what happened after Qi.

"Zhao Yu has several letters to go to Qiguo, saying that she misses her sister very much. Ninger hesitated for a long time, thinking that the child is still young and doesn't want to go far, I think it is always uneasy in Kyoto, the sixth brother's People suspect that I secretly planned to be a squatter. The former minister wanted me to join them. I wanted to leave with Ninger. I went to Qiguo. Everything was fine. Zhao Wei arranged for us to live in the Princess House. It turned out to be Zhao Wei and Cheng Hao lived in the mansion. I accidentally saw the words of Shui Yi and Cheng Wei in the study. Now I want to come. It may be that Cheng Hao deliberately found out for me. Apart from the names of two people, I have the content inside. Do not understand……"

"Cheng Wei used this to put us under house arrest. Zhao Wei came to Ning Er to persuade us to obey and say what would not hurt us." Murong said that his eyes were red. "I refused to agree with Cheng Hao’s request. They took Ning's mother and son away. I spent two months in the Princess House before I compromised. Cheng Hao gave me a donkey, took all the money from me, and let me go back to the country. He threatened me. If I can't do what he wants, in the future, their mother and son will live in Qi State like me..."

Inkor’s eyes were raised, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were desperate and painful. “Cheng Wei and Zhao Wei are all in a hurry. They will not be kind to Ning’s mother and child. Ninger still has pregnancy...”

"Auntie!" Ye Hao held his shoulder. "Zhao Ning is Zhao's sister. Why is it the princess of Qi State? What about Cheng Hao? No, what will happen to her at this time, you can rest assured that we Will save their mother and son."

Ink 眸 眸 眸 冷凝 condensed, sitting in the side of Ye Hao without a word.

"I am too useless, even my wife and children are not protected." Murong screamed.

"Little Wang, you are not right to say this, let Cheng Hao take his wife and children to try our country, we can make him even worse." Mingxi outside the door reveals a small head, a serious face Said to Murong,

Ye Hao glanced at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Mother, I happened to pass." Mingxi said with a smile, and when he came in, "Xiao Wangshu, you are not prepared for the defense of Qiguo. Cheng Hao clearly means that you should enter the country. If he dares to come to Jinguo alone, he It’s not always possible to go back. It’s better to go back than it’s.”

"..." Murong looked at his nephew slyly.

Ye Hao whispered, "You give me out, don't add chaos." Then he smiled and said to Murong, "Auntie, Mingxi is actually quite right, Cheng Hao is a villain, we are revengeful. It’s not too late.”

Mingxi, who just walked to the door, turned back. "Without ten years, I will be able to take revenge when I see him next time."

Inkor sneered with a chuckle. "I understand what you said, but now Ning's mother and son have no news at all, and I am very upset."

"Then think of ways to save them." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Since you are already awake, go to Mingxi with Mingxi, what to do, Mingxi Road will tell you."

"What?" Murong stunned.

Mingxi’s eyes lit up and came out from the door. “Hey, then I am going to the city with my little uncle now?”

"Take your little uncle to eat first." Ye Hao said, and took out another remedy from his arms. "First eat this."

"Xunzi, I am not sick, I don't have to take medicine." Murong stunned his face, and liked Murong Chong, he did not like to take medicine.

Ye Hao said, "This is not a medicine, it is to let your body recover as soon as possible."

"Okay." Murong smashed the past and swallowed the medicinal herbs with his eyes closed. There was no bitterness in his imagination. A scent of fragrant scent opened in the mouth, and the entrance of the medicinal herbs became instant. He felt a warm current in the limbs. The hundred miles rogue, the body seems to be full of power all at once, and he looks at Ye Hao with amazement. "Xunzi, what is this, so amazing."

"Of course, the **** doctor, of course, things are all magical." Ye Hao said bluntly.

Ming Xi urged Murong, "Little Wang Shu, let's go."

Inkor looked at Ye Hao, "I went to Yucheng, and I would rather have them..."

"We go to Qiguo." Ye Hao said.

When they heard Ye Hao, they were going to Qi, and Murong was relieved. There were emperors and nephews. He felt that he would be able to rescue Zhao Ning.

Ming Xi and Murong Yi left the inn first and they left in the other direction.

At this time, Murong Yu in the palace already knew that Murong had disappeared.

"The emperor, do you want to go to the young princes?" Song whispered in a low voice, the little lord must have been taken away by Murong Chan, I don't know what they mean.

"No," Murong said faintly. "I ordered Tang to return to Beijing and let him know that he wanted to hand over his military power."

Song is different, "Imperial?"

At this time, it is necessary for Tang to hand over the military power. This will make many people think about it. There are also several generals guarding the border at the border. They are the old departments of Murong Cham. If you know that Murong Chan is back, it will be difficult to shake. Military heart...

"According to what you said," Murong said in a deep voice.

Song Yu bowed his promise.

After a while, Ye Yinan went into the palace to see.

"The emperor." Ye Yannan took a gift.

Murong Yan glanced at him. "Do you know everything about Auntie?"

"Yes." Ye Xiaonan nodded gently.

"There is another thing." Murong Yu said in a deep voice, telling Ye Junnan about the plan of Murong Cham.

Ye Lannan listened in silence. "Is the emperor wishing that I should be outside with Tang Yuli and pretend to be a betrayal?"

"You and Tang Yan's rebellion is just for the sake of the road and the water, but other people..." Murong Yu looked heavy, he did not want to deal with Cheng Hao, Jin Guo began civil strife.

"You can rest assured that they are not impulsive people," said Ye Nannan.

Murong Yan looked at Ye Xiaonan for a while and nodded faintly. "Well, then you should know how to do it."

"Chen understand." Ye Xiaonan gently decapitated, he knows that they will not be impulsive, but other people are not necessarily, so he will secretly ventilate with those people, otherwise he will give Cheng Hao and water a chance to create a chance. .

"I heard that Ye Daren has left Kyoto?" Murong asked.

Ye Yinan said, "My father has already set off for China."

"Ming Xi's master An Ge went along with it?" Murong asked.

"Yes." Ye Xiaonan replied.

Murong Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, but he did not say anything more. Perhaps, soon after, Murong Cham and Ye Hao will also go to China.

He knew that they would not stay in Kyoto for a long time.

"After this incident..." Murong’s voice was very low. "Restor the draft."

Ye Xiaonan's eyes flashed a bit of surprise.

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