Ye Hao and Murong Chong have already lived in the Imperial Capital, and it is too strange to find that the Emperor has almost regular patrols of officers and soldiers every day and even go door to door to check the population.

"A Zhan, those officers and men seem to be looking for someone." Ye Hao will check the officers and men in the future, and then shut down the door and said to Murong Zhan.

"What have you asked?" Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao said, "Where to come from, what to do, how many people in the family, the inquiries are very detailed, always feel weird."

Murong Chan took Ye Hao’s hand and went to the room. The thumb gently rubbed the back of her hand. “Xue Lin, they can’t find Zhao Ning’s news. According to the current situation in Kyoto, Zhao Ning should not be in the hands of Cheng Hao. It’s inside.”

"Where is Zhao Ning going?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, she actually had this suspicion, but Zhao Ning took the child, and she was pregnant. It is certainly not easy to escape from Cheng Hao. “Would anyone be helping Zhao Ning?”

"Maybe." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Zhao Ning is Zhao's daughter, and Zhao's former courtiers may look at her blood to help her."

Ye Hao carefully thought about the people around Zhao Wei at that time. Her most impressive impression was Song Hongyi.

"I heard that Song Hongyi resigned from his post after he became a queen. Now he is just a grandfather at home. Will he help Zhao Ning?" Ye Hao whispered.

"I will go out and ask tomorrow." Murong Zhandao.

Ye Hao said, "I still have to inquire about it. You have to know that some gossip women are more likely to ask."

"Are you sure?" Murong Zhan raised his eyebrows. Although his eyes were still unclear, he still looked down at Ye Hao.

"It's pretty sure." Ye Hao said with a smile, picking up his toes and kissed him.

Murong Zhan gently beheaded, "Okay."

Ye Hao took his hand back to the house. They had just arrived in Qiguo for two days. In order to let the officers and men believe that she also went to see the doctor with Murong Zhan, although she felt that no doctor could cure the eyes of Murong Cham, But there is still a little luck in my heart, just in case?

Therefore, she still gave the drug to the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, no matter how stinky the face of Murong Cham, she was embarrassed and threatened to let him drink.

On the next day, Ye Hao went out early, and there was a market in Dongjie early in the morning. There were a lot of people who came to buy food and go there to chat and talk. The people who came here to go to the market had the people of the major houses. I like to break a few words on the outside and want to know what secrets the emperor has. As long as he is in the market for a long time, he can definitely know a lot of things.

Ye Hao dressed as a peasant woman, went to a place where there were many people, just to hear a few women talking about the secret that is not the secret in the city today.

"Is it heard? It turned out that Anning Hou was with him a long time ago... that person couldn't figure it out."

“It used to be awkward, and there are naturally many opportunities to get along.”

"Have you heard that? Before the emperor wanted to marry another princess to Anning Hou."

"Do not talk about this, you must beheaded..."

Ye Hao listened silently for a while, feeling that there was nothing audible, and he turned and left.

"I have a nephew's neighbor who is in the Cheng family. Do you know why officers and men have been patrolling the city recently?"

Ye Hao, who had already taken a few steps, stopped again and looked up curiously.

"It was someone in Anning Hou who was gone." The man lowered his voice as if he was afraid of being heard.

Ye Hao slightly blinked, who has not seen the family in Cheng Hao to find in Kyoto?

"I heard that the aunt who was raised in the house at Anning Hou did not dare to let the Queen know that he could only find an excuse to find it from house to house."

"Oh, you can't say this, you have to die."

The woman said that she had said something, and hurriedly licked her mouth. "I didn't say anything."

The woman who was still surrounded and said non-stop because of this was scared to spread.

Who is Anning Hou? It is the second emperor of the legendary Qi State. If they say it inadvertently to his ears, they must be married to the Nine.

Ye Hao thoughtfully walked into the crowd.

It seems that as she guessed, Zhao Ning may have left the Cheng family. Cheng Hao is waiting at the city gate, in fact, in order to prevent Zhao Ning from leaving the city.

Nowadays, Qi is almost under the control of Cheng Hao. Who else will risk Zhao Ning with such great danger?

Ye Hao left to think, several suspected objects appeared in her mind, but always felt unlikely.

She still wants to inquire more, but the market has come to an end, she had to go back first.

Ye Haoman’s mind is thinking about the woman’s words. I don’t know if she is telling the truth. If Cheng Hao is really looking for someone, then it’s definitely Zhao Ning. She’s going to figure out this. True and false.


Suddenly, she ran into a wall of meat, and Ye Hao immediately returned to God and bowed his head and apologized. "I'm sorry."

The man was knocked down by her, and Ye Hao hurriedly picked it up for him. It was a few packets of medicine, and a bag had been scattered. "I... I will pay for your medicine."

"No need." The man said faintly, took the other two packs of medicine, and even looked at Ye Hao and went to the carriage next to him.

Ye Hao slightly raised his eyebrows and looked at the person who had already drove away. It was Song Hongyi. How could he personally buy the fetus?

She took the medicine scattered on the ground and smelled it. It really was a fetus.

Back to the courtyard, Ye Hao told Mo Rongzhan about this.

"Is it not because Song Hongzhen hid Zhao Ning? Or how did he buy the fetus?" Ye Hao took the hand of Mo Rongzhan, "Azhan, let us go to the Song family."

"Song Hongyi to buy a fetus does not necessarily hide Zhao Ning, even if Zhao Ning is hiding him, he will not leave her in the Song family." Murong Zhan said, "Let Xue Lin go to see." ”

Ye Hao will tell the ink message to Murong Cham, "...I don't know if Zhao Wei already knows about it. I saw that she had some sisterhood to Zhao Ning, if she is now even a sister. If you don't care, it's too chilling."

Ink Murray's face is faint, men and women are different. If Zhao Wei does not have Cheng Hao behind him, he may not even think about becoming a queen today. Now Qi’s policy is strict, and he insists on implementing Cheng Hao. Soft one, this may be a good thing to align the country, but it is definitely not a good thing for other countries.

"Zhao Wei and Cheng Hao ... will be jealous of each other because of what?" Murong Zhan whispered.

"The trust between women and men is more because of love. If the feelings between them are always deep, I think it is very difficult for Zhao Wei to doubt Cheng Hao." Ye Hao whispered.

Murong Chan's fingers tapped on the table, I don't know what to think.

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